Tuesday, February 28, 2017

War against Witchcraft

Tuesday 28 February
READ: Deut. 18: 10
MORE LESSON: Exo. 22: 18

The Lord warned the children of Israel, When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer: Deut. 18:9-10 (NKJV). Witchcraft and sorcery are part of the abominations of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan that made the cup of their iniquity to be full before the Lord.
It is because of these abominations that God chased them out of the land. The Scripture listed some of the things they were doing that God is against. The first is that they were making their sons and daughters to pass through the fire; that talks about human sacrifice. God is at war against human sacrifice; it is the height of wickedness and abomination. Every wicked man that uses other people for rituals must be destroyed. We declare the judgment of God against all perpetrators of human ritual in our land and nation, in the mighty name of Jesus
God also declared His hatred for soothsaying and interpreting omens. All the herbalists and palm readers that men consult to tell the future are agents of abomination; the judgment of the Lord is on the heads of the perpetrators and the patronisers. All the zodiac signs that men read and prediction of the future by any means are not of God. This involves false prophets and 'soothsayers in collar' that have filled the television and internets. You must be careful not to open your spirit to them by staying under their ministration. The anger and judgment of the Lord is already on them and they will transfer the wrong spirit that they are operating with and the judgment that they are incurring on all the people that follow them. We pray that all false prophets, soothsayers and diviners will run out of business by the judgment of God, in Jesus’ mighty name.
God is against witchcraft and sorcery. In fact in Exo. 22: 18, He says that the witch should not be permitted to live. This is not gender sensitive; both male and female can be a witch or wizard and they both are equally under the judgment of God. Today, it is judgment against all witchcraft working against your life and destiny. However, it is with your mouth that you will wage the war against them. Every manipulation and influence of witchcraft over your life is destroyed, in Jesus’ name.

* I terminate the activities of witchcraft in my life by the Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name.
* Let witchcraft cease in the Body of Christ, in Jesus’ name.

Father, it is with gratitude and praise to Your name that I declare the month of February closed and my destiny continues, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Unfailing God

Monday 27 February
READ: Gen 21: 1
MORE LESSON: Deut. 31: 8

God cannot fail; Whatever God speaks, He will perform. God promised Abraham and Sarah a child, years passed and it looked like the child was not forth coming. Gen. 21: 1 reads, God visited Sarah has He had said and did to Sarah as He has spoken. God did it for her at exactly the time that He said He was going to do it. He had said to Abraham, I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son Gen 18: 10. God keeps promises. As you hold to God's promises, be sure that He will deliver on them. It is only those who do not have a good knowledge of God that still go crying around even when God has given a promise. If God promises you anything, He will do it.
The Lord has promised in His Word, There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil: Exo. 23:26. God is truly unfailing; He keeps His Word. When we look through all scriptures, no daughter of God was ever barren. No matter the number of years; they all eventually gave birth. The only woman who was barren till death in the Bible was Michal and that was because she despised the servant of God and spoke against David when he was obeying God and praising Him (2 Sam. 6:20 – 23).
When God made the trees and the animals, He spoke to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth Gen. 1:22. The word that He spoke to these creatures have not failed. There is no grass that needs medical doctors to make it bear seed and give birth. The grasses and trees grow even in the dry season and when you cut them they still grow back. Animals do not need midwives and they give birth. All these are so because the Lord commanded them to be fruitful and God's command cannot fail.
Gen. 1:28, reads, Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. This means that in your case God first blessed you and commanded you to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue all things all the earth and have dominion over everything. These blessings commanded upon you are too numerous and too powerful for you to be unfruitful or barren of any good thing in life. Therefore, in your business, career and marriage, you will definitely be fruitful. God's Word didn't fail the trees and grasses; it cannot fail you who are the very image of God. This year stand on God’s promises; don't doubt and God will come up for you.

* My life will no longer be conducive for failure, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Lord, make my life evidence of Your unfailing Word, in the mighty name of Jesus.

By the power of the Holy Ghost, I proclaim my daybreak shall not be shortchanged, it shall be complete, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

You shall Not Die but Live

Sunday 26 February
READ: 1 Sam 2: 6
MORE LESSON: Psa 118: 17

The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up: 1 Sam 2:6. Today, be it known to you that the land of your sojourn will not swallow you; this land will not receive your dead body. As children of God, we are confident that we cannot be victims of untimely death. This confidence is hinged on the text of today; it is our God who determines who lives and who dies. Your Father is the one who has the power to kill and make alive; and He won't use His power against you. It is not death that kills, it is merely an instrument to make dying happen. Just like it is not the pencil that draws; it is the artist. The pencil is merely an instrument; it cannot use itself to draw if the artist doesn't hold it. Satan cannot kill you; death cannot kill you; co-incidence cannot cause your death; your Father has the power of life and death.
Jesus said in Rev 1:18, I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. For every door, there is a key. He who holds the keys determines who enters and who doesn't enter. Unscriptural preaching and folklore have made many think that it is the devil that holds the keys of death. But that is a big lie; the devil always likes to make you think that he has the power that he doesn't have so that he can look big even when he knows that he is small. Jesus has the keys of life, death and even hell. It is Jesus who determines what happens and who goes where.
You shall not die this year. You came into the year to live and make the dead live; you didn't come to die. You are a life giving spirit; you are not a prisoner of death. All attempts on your life, either by men or demons, are efforts in futility. It is those that rise against you that will fall for your sake. Those that try to kill you will die for your sake. This land is the land of your glory, not your grave. You will shine forth and evil will bow before you.
The Lord kills and makes alive; this year He has decided to make live. However, the enemies of the Church should better repent and change this year because the Lord has declared death for all sworn agents of wickedness. But as for you, peace is upon you as you go out and come in, now and forever more.

* Every date and covenant with death over me is cancelled, in Jesus’ name.
* My life shall not be lived in pain, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I declare today that for the rest of my life I shall be an agent and tool of the gospel light and I shall never be less, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Brook of Cherith

Saturday 25 February
READ: 1 Kings 17: 1 – 16
MORE LESSON: Isa. 33: 16

Elijah the Tishbite pronounced a drought upon the land of Israel because they had forsaken God. One would wonder whether he forgot that he was also resident in the nation when he was commanding the heavens closed over the land. The truth is that Elijah knew that even though he was in the land, he could not be affected by the famine because he served the God who provides for His own irrespective of famine or drought in the land. Our God promises His own that they shall not be ashamed in the evil time, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied (Psa.37:19).
When the drought became so gruesome in the land, God led Elijah to Brook Cherith. There are some things worthy of note about Elijah's adventure at Cherith. The first is that it was a place of security and refuge for him. Elijah had declared drought so the king and all the army were on the lookout for him. They travelled from nation to nation with weapons, searching for Elijah but God had provided a hiding place for him at Cherith. God told him, Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan: 1 Kings 17:3. Cherith is a hidden place; this shows that no matter the evil in the land, there is a hiding place for you. God will keep you in the cleft of His rock and the evil in the land will not touch you.
A man could be kept in a place of refuge and he dies of hunger and thirst in that place. This is why God also makes Cherith a place of divine provision. There was no food and water in the land but God commanded food to be brought to Elijah by the ravens. The ravens are very small birds and they are normally too small to carry food for a man but the strength to carry the food for Elijah came upon them. Ravens are flesh eaters but they carried Elijah's food without eating it. This is because God had commanded Elijah's provision.
So Cherith is a place of divine protection and commanded provision. It is amazing that in a time of a nation-wide famine and drought, God secluded a place for Elijah and made it such that no one could compete with him for it. It is logical to infer that since there was no water in Israel and Cherith had water, the people would naturally flock there to go fetch water. However, the Bible points out that they looked for Elijah all over and couldn't locate him; this means that no one came to Cherith. God will take you to your own brook of Cherith where you will enjoy protection and provision without any man contending with you for it.

* I receive the protection and provision of Cherith for my life and family, in Jesus’ name.
* Every contention for my portion in destiny shall fail, in the name of Jesus.

The sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night, pestilence and famine shall be far from me throughout the year, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Becoming Mighty III

Friday 24 February
READ: Judg. 6:11-16
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 50:14-15

The encounter between Gideon and God's angel in our main text remains one of the strength building passages in the Bible. Among other things, that angelic visitation tells us how deeply God is interested in getting us out of our trouble zones. Israel was under constant raid by the Medianites and just when it looked like God had forgotten about them, He showed up. In the midst of your troubles, don't ever think that God has forgotten you. The Bible says that He is close to the broken hearted.
On your own part, remain conversant with the Word. In verse 13 of our main text, Gideon asked a great question,… did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt but now the Lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of Medianites. Here Gideon was exhibiting spiritual capabilities based on his understanding of spiritual things. An understanding of spiritual things makes a man mighty. He was invariably saying that if God was with Israel in those years that their fathers told them about, why did God abandon them to the dictates of the Medianites?
He was sure of what relationship Israel had with God before and what God did compared to what was happening in his days. Out of that understanding arose in Gideon the burden for a change.
A lot of people want to be mighty but they lack spiritual understanding as to
what to do. The problem of finance in the church for instance, is not about money but rather it is about people who lack the understanding of what God wants to use money for in His vineyard. Mighty men are men who have spiritual understanding of how things work. Gideon had an understanding of how things work in the spiritual. In verse 14 the Lord looked upon him and said, Go in this thy might. The angel said to him when he finished his submission, you are correct and loaded with enough information as source of strength, so go in that might and perform the dictates of God. The same way as the angel listened to Gideon, God is always eager to listen to your prayers. The angel gave Gideon instructions to go and act and with that Gideon stopped the argument and began to obey the angel.
One of the secrets of mighty people is that they are teachable. A man that cannot be taught can never be mighty. Be teachable; don't confront your teacher, or whoever is leading you. Spiritual mentors are to be obeyed in all godly instructions. Because Gideon was teachable, at the end of his life he was a mighty man. May you be teachable and be mighty in the vineyard of the Lord.

* Ask God to give you a teachable heart, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to continue to endow your spiritual mentors with grace and counsel all the time, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive the Spirit of might, in Jesus’ name.

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, make me the envy of my generation beginning from my family to the uttermost parts of the world to Your glory, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Becoming Mighty II

Thursday 23 February
READ: Judg. 6:11-16
MORE LESSONS: Josh. 1:1-9

Becoming a mighty man goes with a lot of responsibilities. The Bible personalities who were mighty did not become so by sleeping all the days of their lives. They had an intimate relationship with God and they also kept the commandments and instructions of God and of God's prophets. They studied the Word of God and applied it to their situations.
When I hear people say that the grace of God is upon them, I ask how much of the Bible they have read. I do not have respect for church titles without evidence. I do not celebrate people who are church leaders but refuse to master the assignment in their hands even from the point of knowledge. If as an ordained minister you cannot sit down to learn under others, you won't last. The ordination would become a reproach because the man who is too proud to learn will fall suddenly.
There is no way a man can come to church only on Sundays and be a strong man in God. This way, you may be mighty in other areas but definitely not in the things of God. Break from everything that limits your knowledge of God because it reduces your strength daily. Sit down with the things of God like Bible studies, quiet time with God, fellowship attendance, evangelism and the likes. Every Bible Study fellowship you miss in 52 weeks of the year reduces the strength
of your destiny. Every time you refuse to sit down and do quiet time, you grow less in strength and risk the danger that the day brings your way. Gideon said, “God cannot be with me and this thing will happen”. In other words, when God is with a man, he is a winner.
In verse 13, Gideon made an observation about what Israel was going through and wondered where all the miracles were, about which their fathers told them. Gideon was making reference to events in the past that made Israel great and wished such could be repeated so that Israelites would triumph over the Medianites and regain their might. Gideon knew God's Word when he said their fathers told them about the miracles in Egypt on to Canaan. Because Gideon had the right and correct knowledge, the angel marked him down as the man needed for the assignment at hand. Gideon knew what God did before, which He could do again.
How much of God's Word have you stored in your spirit? Joshua was advised to hold onto the Word of God day and night and thereafter, he would experience good success. You should do same.

* Father, let me not carry a church title without evidence of God's grace upon me, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God, by His Spirit, to prompt you always to study/read His Word, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, I acknowledge Your greatness in my life and I give You praise, ride on my back to do Your pleasure, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Becoming Mighty I

Wednesday 22 February
READ: Judges 6:11-16
MORE LESSONS: Gen.26:12-16

It is a wonderful thing to be called a mighty man. To be mighty is to be endowed with an extra ability beyond the normal. Might is a function of strength. When you talk about might you talk about being able, by an extra ability, to do what is not ordinary. God produced many mighty men in the Scripture and I pray for you today that you will go beyond the ordinary, in the name of Jesus. The strength of a man determines the extent of what he can carry. When people run away from challenges, the truth of the matter is that they lack the strength. There is nothing that God does that fails. That's why we call Him the Almighty God; the God that has strength in every area. That strength is deposited in man because man is created in God’s image; God has endowed men with divine capability.
One of such men is Gideon who God raised to counter the oppression Israel suffered at that time in the hands of the Medianites who exercised might over the weak Israelites. One day, an angel of God called Gideon a mighty man of valour; Gideon’s argument was irrelevant to the angel. If the Almighty God says you are a mighty man, you are, indeed! If a man is experiencing defeat but is called a mighty man by God, what is God saying? When a man who cannot beat his chest in the
presence of his enemies is referred to as a mighty man by the Almighty God who cannot lie, then there is something inside that man that makes God say so. It simply means that God Himself is with the man. Once God is with a man, that man cannot be defeated by his enemies and that is why he is a mighty man. He may not know it, but that is who he is.
Regardless of what your experiences are today, as long as a conviction exists inside you that with God on your side all things are possible, you are already a mighty man. Your strength begins from knowledge because your ability to know is the beginning of your strength. So work harder on what you know if you want to be a mighty man; get to know more. If you want to know more, read more, ask questions from them that know more; acquire knowledge because it is the beginning of might. Gideon eventually realised that when God is with a man the man cannot be defeated. So Gideon led Israel into victory over the Medianites. God is with you, you cannot be defeated.

* Lord, I declare that I am who You say I am, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the in depth knowledge of myself in the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall do mighty things in the name of Jesus.

In the name of Jesus, the light of the gospel of salvation shall not be limited to me alone in my generation and family, it shall spread to all, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Man of War

Tuesday 21 February
READ: Psa. 24: 7 -10
MORE LESSON: Exo. 15: 3 - 11

A warrior is a fighter that is known for his prowess in battle. There are professional warriors who do nothing but fight. There are also mercenary fighters that can be hired to fight on your behalf when the battle gets tough. No matter how skilled and powerful a fighter is, there is no warrior or warring nation that has never lost a battle before. The most respected warring nation in the world today is perhaps the United States of America. As militarily powerful as America is, she will not dare to fight many nations at the same time. It takes exceptional prowess for a warrior to fight more than one battle at a time. Only Jehovah Sabaoth can fight in different places at the same time without standing from His seat. Only the Lord of Hosts has never and will never lose a battle.
God is a warrior; He is an expert at fighting and winning battles. Throughout the Scripture, there are accounts of the mighty battles that the Lord fought and won. In Exo. 14, when the Israelites were at the Red Sea, the sea was in front, the host of Egypt was behind them and the desert was to their sides. It looked like they were in the midst of a lost battle. The Lord who is mighty in battle showed up for them, and threw the forces of the enemy into confusion and dealt with the battle coming from the rear and the one in the front. The Lord fought against the Egyptians and destroyed them with the wind that He blew from His nostrils. After the children of Israel were delivered from the battle, they sang praises to the Lord, saying, The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name: Exo. 15:3. The greatest warrior of all times is the Lord God Almighty.
David was talking about Jesus in Psa. 24: 7 – 10 where he introduced Him as the ...King of glory....The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.... This scripture is about the resurrection of the Lord where Jesus faced all the hosts of hell, defeated them all and rose victorious from the dead. He introduced Himself as the Lord who is strong and mighty in battle. The Lord is the undefeatable man of war. He defeated death; all the forces of hell could not defeat Him.
Whatever battle you are facing today, I want you to invite the Lord of Hosts. Engage Jehovah the Man of War to intervene on your behalf and all your enemies will drown like the armies of Pharaoh. You will win every battle of life, in Jesus’ name.

* Let the God of war arise in battle for me today, in Jesus’ name.
* Jehovah sabaoth, teach my hand to battle, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today I spread the force of light over my entire family, both nuclear and extended and I command the glory of the light to shine upon us, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 20, 2017

God's Weapon of War II

Monday 20 February
READ: 2 Kings 6: 7 - 22
MORE LESSON: Exo. 15: 3

Jehovah is a man of war and He does not lose battles. Life is a battle field as believers confront principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12). The battle also includes the fight against human agents of wickedness that have committed themselves to making sure that children of God are brought down by all means. Being alive is going to war, every man is in battle, whether one is aware of it or not. Even living day-to-day, trying to make impact and move forward, already involves a lot of spiritual warfare. This is because the person has to contend with the forces of retrogression, poverty, limitation, disadvantaged background and resistance of nature to his progress. Saving souls and expanding the Kingdom also puts the child of God in constant battle with the forces of hell for the souls of men. Life is full of battle but the good news is that, as a child of God, Jesus has won the victory for you and you are fighting from the standpoint of victory and not defeat.
God has many weapons with which He fights for His children in the battles of life. In addition to those listed yesterday. A weapon and strategy that God uses in fighting for His children is putting their enemies to shame. In the text, when the enemies of Israel surrounded Elisha and wanted to arrest and disgrace him, the man of God prayed and the Lord struck the enemies with blindness. After being blinded, the enemies walked to Samaria in the midst of the Israeli garrison. They became blind and they made a huge mistake. It is a mistake for an army to walk by themselves into the enemy’s stronghold and be surrounded with no hope of escape. The Syrians were blind so they committed a military blunder. In the same way, Jehovah will fight for you by making your enemies to commit blunders that will make them nail themselves, in Jesus' name.
The Lord is a man of war and He chooses to fight and win battles any way He likes. It is important however to know that one of the most powerful strategies and weapons that Jehovah uses in battle is love. Jehovah fights battles by love. Love is a potent weapon that disarms enemies. In the text, after the Syrians committed a blunder and walked into the midst of the Israeli garrison, the king of Israel immediately wanted to kill the Syrians. However, the prophet told him to feed them, take care of them and release them. It was this show of love that disarmed the enemies and thereafter they stopped raiding Israel (2 Kings 6: 23). From today, your enemies will submit and stay away forever, in Jesus' name.

* Father, reveal to me through Your Word the right weapon to fight my enemies, in Jesus’ name.
* In the name of Jesus, I command blindness upon all my enemies monitoring my progress.

There is hope for my destiny even in the midst of adversity, I shall thrive and shine, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

God's Weapon of War I

Sunday 19 February
READ: 2 Kings 6:10-22
MORE LESSON: Psa. 24: 8

A really great warrior thrives both on might and strategy. For anyone to be mighty in battle, he must have power to subdue his enemies. A great warrior must also have wisdom, which has to do with strategies and tactics with which the warrior out-wits and defeats his enemies. Every proven warrior has 'the-how' of his art; and his victories are always imbedded in his strategies. Jehovah is a man of war; He is strong and mighty in battle. Not only is He mighty, He is also all-wise and has infinite strategies and tactics with which He fights battles. The Mighty One does not struggle to defeat enemies because He has different ways and strategies with which He can finish them.
In 2 Kings 6: 8, the king of Syria wanted to war against Israel and the Lord fought for Israel by revealing every plan and strategy of the enemy to Israel. When all an enemy is planning and how he hopes to achieve them has been known to you, then they are helpless at fighting you. God fights your enemies by giving information about them to you. One of the challenges that our nation has faced in fighting terrorism is the challenge of information. If all the information about the terrorists is known, then it becomes easy to defeat them. God frustrated the Syrians by giving Israel divine information. Divine revelation is one of the time tested strategies of Jehovah. The Holy Ghost is God's agent of revelation and information. He can always give you high class information about your enemies that will enable you to finish them off. The information that you need to fight accurately might seem to be hidden from you but it is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit as you pray in tongues. God will expose your enemies by the Spirit of revelation, in Jesus’ name.
Another strategy that God uses in war is giving instruction. In the text, the prophet sent instructions to the king of Israel on where to camp and where not to go. As long as the king obeyed the prophetic instructions, he won the battle. Prophetic instructions are not to be received as advice; they are commands that are to be obeyed promptly. Your prophet is not your adviser; he is your instructor. This is why you must make sure you do not submit your life under a fake prophet. When a genuine prophet that God has set over you gives you an instruction, your victory in the battle of life is hinged on that instruction. From today, every instruction that you need to win all battles of life will come your way. You will always be a victor and never a victim for the rest of your life, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* By divine instruction Lord reveal the plan of the enemy to me today, in Jesus’ name.
* When I go to the right or left, let me hear a voice of instruction, in Jesus’ name.

I release the ravens to bring my provision in 2017, and I command that my river cherith shall not run dry, rain or no rain, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Personal Decision to Praise

Saturday 18 February
READ: Psa. 89: 1 - 2
MORE LESSON: Psa. 101: 1

In the text, we see David, the beloved of God, speak to himself. He said, I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens. The first thing to note about this scripture is that it shows personal decision. Before the actual praising and singing, the first thing that David did was to say, ‘I will . . .’ He further said, 'with my mouth will I . . .' and 'for I have said . . . .' These statements show a strong personal decision. It can be inferred from this scripture, therefore, that praising God is a personal choice after all.
Thanking Jesus is foremost an individual decision before a corporate decision. If you have not made a personal decision for thanksgiving even if the church organises a praise service, you will be present but you will not give God praise from your heart. A person who has not made the personal decision to praise God could be in the house or in church where everyone is standing and praising and he stands with them in appearance but actually he is seated in his heart. He might even be singing with them but his heart is not praising God. Acceptable praise is when the praise you give actually flows directly from your heart. This starts with the choice to praise. Dancing is good and singing is important but the foremost thing is the decision to praise God
David made the choice and you also have to make this choice. He didn't only make the choice to praise God, he also chose to make known the faithfulness of God to all generations. You also have to make the decision to make God's faithfulness known to all your generation. Parents should learn to gather their children and tell them what God has done for them in times past. When these children grow up they should tell their children what God did for them and also relay to their own children what their parents told them that God did for them. By so doing we can have generational testimonies of God's faithfulness. At family altar, time for sharing testimonies should be allowed so that we can be aware of family testimonies to pass down our generations.
A life of thanksgiving and testimonies starts with a personal decision to praise God and tell of His faithfulness to all your generations. Personal decision is about you as nobody can use another person's mouth to sing or testify. So, make that decision for yourself today and then go ahead and give Him praise.

* Lord, no situation will take away my personal decision to always praise You for all things, in the name of Jesus.
* Father, thank You for creating me for Your praise, I shall not live less than that purpose, in Jesus’ name.

I activate the covenant of peace and wellbeing to begin to function in my destiny unhindered from today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Keeping the Word in Heart

Friday 17 February
READ: Rom. 10: 8 - 13
MORE LESSON: Prov. 4: 20 - 23

Psa. 119:11 says, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Keeping God's Word in one's heart is very vital to a successful Christian living. The heart is the core when it comes to profiting by the Word of God. It is good to know memory verses and it is also good to quote the Scripture fluently. Making confessions of the Word is important to your success in destiny. However, before all these, it is the Word in your heart that determines how well all these will profit you. Until the Word mixes with faith in your heart, it will not be of any good, For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it: Heb 4:2 (NKJV). If you are born again today, it is because the Word that was preached the day you gave your life to Christ mixed with faith in your heart. You must retain all the Word of God that comes into your heart and let it mix with faith.
How does a man keep the Word of God in his heart? It starts by hearing and hearing the Word until faith comes. Faith comes by hearing the Word of the Lord (Rom 10: 17). You must keep hearing the Word until it becomes a strong conviction in your heart. Get the Word during your quiet time, hearing it at the family altar is essential, come to prayer meeting and hear it, come to Bible study and hear it again. Hear it in church on Sunday, hear it during special programmes, buy the CD and listen to it again and again. Just keep hearing the Word and before you know it, the Word becomes part of you and a reality in your life.
Take in the Word of God anyhow. When it comes to the Word, there is no danger of overdose. So look at it, read it, memorise it, meditate upon it and do it. As you commit yourself to the Word, it becomes ingrained in your heart and it begins to show in your health, finances, spiritual growth, success in your career, peace in your home, happiness in your marriage. There are lots of rewards that are yours from the Word but first you have to keep the Word in your heart and from there it will find expression in your life.

* Father, let Your Word be life to me and bring healing for my body, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, I receive grace to keep Your Word in my heart and to meditate on it day and night, in Jesus’ name.

I shall be fruitful in every way and barrenness shall not be mentioned anymore in my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Good Soil

Thursday 16 February
READ: Luke 8: 5 - 15
MORE LESSON: Prov. 3: 1- 8

Almost everything in life is a seed. Your time is a seed; when you sow it by investing it in right things and people, you reap a harvest. Your words are seeds, when you sow the right words, you will reap the right harvest. Your money is a seed, when you sow it into God's kingdom and into building lives, you have a reward. Jesus came as a seed; so when He was sown by dying on the cross, He brought many sons as fruit to God. You are a seed, you must bring forth fruit unto the Sower. God's Word that comes to you is also a seed.
It is a matter of fact that good seed is at the mercy of good soil. If the soil is bad; it makes the seed to be non-potent. This is the reason farmers cultivate and fertilise the soil they plant on in order to have a good harvest. In addition to a good seed, you also need to have a good soil. The text shows us that the good soil is an honest and good heart. It is the heart that determines your success in the Christian life. Prov. 4: 23 says, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. A preacher can preach but if your heart is not good and well cultivated, everything can amount to a waste. You can give your time or money to do God's work, but if the motive of your heart is wrong, it will not bring eternal fruit. On the other hand, when the soil is good, even if the wind mistakenly blows a seed its way, it will germinate and bear fruit. This is how some people with a pure heart and good motive benefit from a Word from God that is intended for someone else; they just receive it and it profits them.
Prov. 4:4 says, He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live. A good heart is one that retains the Word of the Lord. Such heart will always produce a harvest whenever the seed comes upon it. Retaining God's commandment in our hearts and keeping His Word fixed on the tablets of our heart is what helps us to live a successful Christian life.
Today, you should search your heart and commit it afresh to God. Let Him cleanse your motives and fill your heart with His Word. As you do so, you will bear your fruit in its season. Your leaves will not wither, your flower will not fall off and every seed of your life will bring forth and become a mighty forest for God's kingdom, in the name of Jesus.

* Father, make me pure in heart and let my heart be receptive to Your Word, in Jesus’ name.
* In the name of Jesus, the Word of God will always mix with faith in my heart.

Father, I prophesy, no curse shall have power to perform any more in my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Raising Generations III

Wednesday 15 February
READ: Est. 2: 5 – 7
MORE LESSON: Est. 10: 2 - 3

Mordecai was a Jew in exile in the Medo-Persian Kingdom. He had humble means as he was a gateman at the palace in Shushan. Mordecai took Esther, an orphan, under his care and began to take care of her among his own children. Esther was Mordecai’s niece. There would have been no hope or future for Esther if not for Mordecai who became a father to her and made her a part of his nuclear family.
A time came when King Ahasuerus wanted a queen, he ordered all the young girls in the kingdom to be paraded before him, perhaps he would find one that suited him to be his queen. Mordecai told Esther to go for the pageant and helped her to prepare. Mordecai not only provided for Esther's need as a parent but also opened her to opportunities that would take her high in destiny. Mordecai probably had other daughters that were his biological children. But as the father, he knew all of them, and knew that it was Esther that had what it took to win the pageant and become queen, so he supported Esther. The favour of God was with Esther and she became the queen over the realm of over 127 provinces and cities that Ahasuerus ruled; spanning India in Asia to Ethiopia in Africa. The orphan girl of yesterday that Mordecai
raised had become the wife of the most powerful man in the world.
In raising Esther, Mordecai probably didn't know that he was raising and preserving the whole generation of Israel. When Haman wanted to eliminate the Israeli race from the world, it was because Esther had been raised that the life of Mordecai and every other Jew was preserved. That wasn't all. When Esther finally disclosed her identity and lineage as a Jew, Mordecai had to be recognised as the father of the queen and so was given a pride of place in the kingdom. Through Esther, Mordecai advanced till he became the second in command to the king. For Mordecai was great in the king's house, and his fame went throughout all the provinces, ...for this man Mordecai waxed greater and greater: Est. 9:4.
The best you can do with your life and resources is to invest in people. Invest in your children and invest in other people's children. Let your life be a ladder that raises men irrespective of their tribe, family, gender or race. Just go out of your way and look for people to raise, you may not know the full implication of what you are doing now but the future will tell. God will give you grace to raise generations of people, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that the opportunity you need to be raised and raise others will not elude you, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that your seed shall be greater than you, in the name of Jesus.

Father, I banish every spirit of sympathy visit this year, in the name of Jesus that is above all names.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Raising Generations II

Tuesday 14 February
READ: Est. 2: 5 - 7
MORE LESSON: Acts 9: 36-39

In 1994, I was on a 14-hour-flight to one extreme end of the world in Asia. We landed at the airport, then someone greeted me and said, 'Daddy, what are you doing here?' I actually wasn't expecting to meet anybody I knew. I was surprised and wondering whether it was a dream. He explained that he was a member of our church as a student in Zaria, after being impacted and he graduated, he became a missionary and he was posted to that part of the world. I had never been happier seeing someone who knew me because while other travellers were struggling to find their way around, the man took me anywhere I wanted to go. I have noticed, to God's glory, that there is no part of the world that I go and there is nobody to receive me. Virtually everywhere I go, I always find someone whom I have been a blessing to, who welcomes me.
Life is all about raising people; it is one of the most important things you can do in life. Impacting and affecting the lives of people positively is the reason you exist and are blessed by God. The picture of our future will only be beautified by the people we have raised. As children of God, we should go out of our way to stretch hands of love to people. It is beyond occasional acts of charity; it is about finding someone who you will assume responsibility to make sure that they will become something in life and get to where they are going because you exist. It is not about sowing so that you can glean a harvest; it is about looking for someone who can't even pay you back and raising those who look helpless today.
The people you raise may be your glory tomorrow. When your hands are feeble and weak, they could be the strength that stands up to defend you. The Bible talks about children being arrows in your quiver who will answer the enemies at the gate (Psa. 127: 43– 5). This is not just about giving birth to many children; that scripture refers to people you raise that God will use to stand for you in the future. This is why I passionately believe in taking people who others call 'those who sprang up from the rock' and re-planting them around me to refresh them with the streams of water in my life.
We have to raise people around us; across culture, race and gender. The people we raise will be our memorial, not the cars we have, the houses we build or the certificates we acquire. There are people whose children are grown up and gone to be on their own. I see the man and woman eating alone with plenty of rooms in their big house and I wonder what they are using them for. Why not invest into other people's lives by raising responsible children.

* Give God thanks for everyone He has used to raise you, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that God will help you to also raise someone as you have been raised, in the name of Jesus.

Today, I am blessed and highly favoured, no bad news shall distract my day, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Raising Generations I

Monday 13 February
READ: Isa 61: 1- 4
MORE LESSON: Psa. 145: 4

A dear brother in Christ went to be with the Lord and I was at his wake-keep, where the preacher asked his immediate family to come out for prayer; his wife and son and another young man came out. The young man was a Hausa boy from the Northern part of Nigeria while the man that died was an Easterner, so the preacher re-iterated, 'I want only the immediate family of the man; the wife and the children'. The wife and the son knelt and the young man knelt closely besides them. When the preacher noticed that nobody said anything contrary and the wife and the biological child seemed to agree that the other boy is as much part of the family as they are, he continued the prayer. I was excited by that singular incident and it showed that the departed undoubtedly lived an impactful life. I quickly remembered that when I went to see him in the hospital before he died, it was the young boy that I met with him, taking care of him.
We are called by God to raise generations. This is not just about giving birth and raising biological children. Those that raise generations and repair the desolations do not just live for themselves and their biological children. They are people who take others in and raise them. The man actually went to a village and took a boy that by the reason of the generation he came from wouldn't have had hope in life, and he repaired the desolation of the boy's generation by making the boy to become one of his own children. The only proof that we passed through the earth will eventually be the impact that we make in the lives of men.
Our only excitement in the future will be the memory of the people we have impacted today. Go out of your way to look for human beings to impact. The Bible says, You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven: Matt. 5:14-16 (NKJV). Until you do something in someone's life that makes the person to thank God that a person like you exists, you are not yet light. Being light is about making impact in other people's destinies and giving them hope in life. If you are in a place, and you are not doing anything to raise fellow human beings, you're not light.
Today, raise generations by impacting someone that your existence will make all the difference in their life, destiny and generation forever.

* Father, as You helped David to serve his generation, help me to live an impactful life in my generation, in the name of Jesus.
* Father, beginning from my home, raise generations of great people through my life, in Jesus’ name.

Father of light and glory, I ask you to fast-forward my miracles this year and cause me to be satisfied early, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Strongest Point in prayer

Sunday12 February
READ: Matt. 6: 9
MORE LESSON: Psa. 65: 1 - 2

Jesus gave us a prototype of prayer that is acceptable to Heaven. In Matt. 6: 9, Jesus taught the disciples to pray by addressing the Father who is in Heaven. The very first statement He taught them to say to the Father is, ...Hallowed be thy name. If in all the long lines of the prayer, the very first thing that the Lord taught them to do was to praise God's name, then praise and thanksgiving must be the most important part of prayer. In ranking of things, the highest is always put first. When you say a thing is number one, it means that it is the most important and the best.
Even in writing exams, it is good to give your strongest points first. You should first attempt the question you know best because when the examiner marks your first point and he is already impressed, it will motivate him to make sense out of the rest of your points as he already has a good impression of you. Who knows, some examiners might even be too impatient to read carefully through your work, they just scan through your initial points and judge your entire work based on your initial points. This is why your strongest point should always come first.
In prayer, your strongest point should come first. However, contrary to what many think, the strongest point is not praying about the most pressing problem. Your strongest point is simply to say 'thank You Jesus.' Jesus taught the disciples to pray by giving the strongest point first and the strongest point was Hallowed be thy name. That is the equivalent of saying, “Thank You Father.” Giving thanks is the highest point of prayer. It doesn't matter how pressing the problem is; whether you are sad or happy; come what may, the first and strongest point in prayer is to thank Jesus. Thanking God in prayer should not be a religious prelude that one routinely skims through so that one can get into the 'real prayer'. Thanking God is not the introductory part of prayer as many use it today; thanking God is the real prayer.
Jesus showed us this in the prayer that He taught and the prayers He prayed. When Jesus was faced with a situation of feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread and fish, He simply blessed God and the food multiplied (Matt 14: 19). When Jesus was at the tomb of Lazarus, He simply said, “Thank You Father,” and he who was dead for four days came back to life (John 11: 41). Thanksgiving is the heart and height of prayer. This is why saying “Thank You Jesus” should be a part of your daily life. Start your day by saying it and end your day saying it. Say it both formally and informally, say it consciously and unconsciously. Thanksgiving is the most important prayer and it is the strongest point in prayer.

* Give God thanks for the gift of a new day, in the name of Jesus.
* Thank the Lord for the things you believe He will do for you today, in Jesus’ name.

Father, in the year of shining light, my life shall not be barren of glory, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Five Fingers of the Word

Saturday 11 February
READ: Rom. 4: 17-22
MORE LESSON: Matt. 7: 24 - 27

There is no faith outside of the Word of God. Real faith is based upon what God has said. A man can be optimistic and believe that things will turn out well but that is not faith. Faith is when that conviction that things will work well is based on a revelation from the Word of God, spoken or written, that you have received.
This is why you need to keep on hearing the Word. The more of the Word in you, the more faith you have. The more faith you have, the more the quality of your life. There are five things you must do with the Word of God for it to benefit you. They are like the five fingers that work together for a good grasp of anything in the hand. The five fingers are hearing the Word, reading the Word, memorising the Word, meditating upon the Word and doing the Word. You need to do all these five with the Word: hear, read, memorize, meditate and do the Word. When you do all these, your profiting will appear to all, as written in 1 Tim 4:15-16, Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.
It starts by hearing the Word but if you merely hear and don't meditate on what you hear, you will soon lose it. Meditation is creating time after hearing the Word to think and ponder upon it. Reading the Word is also important, you can hear someone preach to you, however when you read the Word, God gives you revelations that are very personal to you. A great Word-life is not built on just hearing what others read and preach to you, you also need to personally read and thereby get personal revelation which will benefit you, and you can even share with others. Memorising the Word is storing up scriptures in your mind, making the Word available in the soft copy of your thinking so that it can be available for use at all times. The last finger which, many times, is missing in people's life is doing the Word. No matter how much you hear, read, meditate or memorise, until you do the Word, there will be no change in your situation.
The Word of God is the sword of the spirit (Eph 6: 17). To be able to use it to defend yourself and attack the devil, you need a firm hold on it. The five fingers of the hand are needed to firmly hold a sword in battle. The five fingers are needed for the Word of God to build strong faith in your spirit. This will make you to be mighty in battle and a conqueror in every area of your life. The sword of the spirit will not fall from your hand, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that the Word of God will have its full course in your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray for grace to be a doer of the Word, in the name of Jesus.

Shepherd of my soul, I give You full control of my destiny; rule and reign in my life unhindered, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Force of Comfort

Friday10 February
READ: John 14: 16 – 20
MORE LESSON: John 14: 26 -27

There are things that are not natural and need a higher force to make them happen. If you see water flowing uphill, then you should know that it cannot be a natural flow. There must be a force, like a pump, that makes the water to flow up. In the same way the natural inclination of man is more to pity-party and grief than to celebration. Men are more prone to worry and mourning than joy, especially with prevalent situations in the world. If you want to live in continuous joy and celebration in these times, you need a force to propel your joy.
When Jesus was leaving the earth, He spoke to His disciples. I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you: John 14:16-18. Jesus knew that the times will be demanding and the natural inclination of men will be to despair so He gave the Holy Spirit to comfort His people by a supernatural force that is beyond situations and circumstances. It is by the force of the Spirit that a man moves from mourning to joy. It takes the Holy Spirit to move from a memory of pain to joy.
The first reference that Jesus made to the Holy Spirit was to call Him the Comforter. This means that the first ministry of the Holy Ghost to the believer is to comfort. The Lord is concerned about your pain and He has an antidote for it. The number one medicine for pain is the Holy Ghost. So, when a thing that causes you pain happens, just engage the antidote to pain; instead of getting angry with God or saying 'why me?', just start praying in the Holy Ghost. On the hospital bed, don't complain; speak in tongue. Maybe, you prayed but still you were involved in an accident, don't turn back on God, start praying in the Holy Ghost even in the midst of the pain. He is the Spirit of comfort. As a woman in labour, the pain is definitely much, but don't abuse your husband or start shouting your mother and father's names. Respond to the pain by bouts of speaking in tongues. When you do that the child will respond well. When you are writing exam and you are stuck, just speak in tongues under your breath.
There are always challenges in life but the answer is not mourning, complaining or pretending as if you have all your acts together. The answer is in the force of the Holy Ghost giving you comfort.

* Speak words of comfort to everyone who mourns in zion.
* Let the power of the Comforter swallow up the spirit of grief, mourning and sorrow, in Jesus’ name.

Every force and spirit of confusion, restlessness and fear, I banish you from my year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Bless the Lord II

Thursday 9 February
READ: Psa. 103: 1 - 5
MORE LESSON: Psa. 115: 16 - 18

The psalmist shows us that if we must be able to bless the Lord at all times, we must make a habit of remembering His benefits. It is only those who have mastered the art of not forgetting the benefits of the Lord that will be able to bless God whatever happens. In order for us to easily remember the benefits of the Lord, the Bible lists some of them for us. The first benefit listed in the text is the forgiveness of sins. The salvation of your soul is enough reason for you to be eternally grateful to God. How much can a man ever pay for salvation and forgiveness of his sins? The only way to repay God for forgiving us is to praise Him in word and action.
The next item listed by the psalmist is that it is the Lord who heals all your diseases. Jesus paid for your healing by His blood. When a child of God is in health, he doesn't really appreciate how much the Lord has done for him. The world is full of diverse kinds of sickness, diseases and calamities that have taken the joy from the lives of many; but the Lord healed your diseases. Even if you are sick, it is not because He has not healed you; it is because you have not received it. The price has been paid for your healing. In the name of Jesus, I declare your healing to speedily appear (Isa. 58: 8).
Psa. 103: 4 says, Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies. Destruction, death and accidents are flying all over the nations. It is because of the Lord's mercies and loving kindness that you are alive. The fact that you are alive today is enough testimony of the faithfulness of God and enough reason for you to bless Him.
Another reason to bless the Lord is because He satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle. God doesn't just give you good things; He satisfies you with good things. There are many complaints because of the prevalent economic situation. However, if you are very thoughtful, you will realise that you have enough reasons to thank God. He has not allowed famine, hunger and dearth to kill you. He has taken care of you; like a shepherd He has fed you. You may not have everything you wish for but you have enough to be grateful for. This is the reason you must bless the Lord with all your heart and must never forget His benefits. Lift up your hand and say, “Thank You Jesus!”

* Lord, thank You for taking away my debt of sin and giving me a new life of hope, in Jesus’ name.
* Daddy, thank You for daily benefits that I enjoy from You, in the name of Jesus.

Father, I redeem my times and seasons in the month of February from wickedness and the power of darkness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bless the Lord I

Wednesday 8 February
READ: Psa. 103: 1 – 4
MORE LESSON: Psa. 135: 19 - 21

The psalmist told his soul to bless the Lord. Sometimes you might have to talk to yourself in life. Humans have a tendency to complain than to thank. We must therefore compel our souls to bless God. The way to cultivate a culture of always blessing the Lord is by learning not to forget His benefits. It is more natural for men to forget good things and remember bad things. A person receives a blessing and by the next day, he has forgotten it and in the face of one single challenge, he behaves as if nothing good has ever happened to him. The same person, if something bad happened to him, would keep it in memory and complain about it for years. Why accumulate the garbage of many years in your heart and carry it around? Throw away the bad and keep the good. The way of blessedness is to always remember the blessings and benefits of God in your life while you choose to forget the disappointments and failures of yesterday that want to haunt you today.
Whenever you are agitated and it looks like it is difficult to praise, look very well at the things that God has done for you in the past and let them be a reason for you to start blessing His name. This is why the psalmist reminded his soul to bless the Lord. Today you need to bless the Lord even if it will entail you telling your soul to consciously start counting the reasons to give God praise. The hymn writer says, 'Count your blessings; name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.' It sometimes takes a deliberate effort to thank God.
If the devil deceives anyone by convincing him that God has never done anything for him in the past, such a person still has a reason to bless the Lord. He can bless the Lord for what God has done for others. If you claim that God has never done anything for you, then bless the Lord for me because He has done a lot for me. You can also bless the Lord for your neighbour who He has equally done something for. However, the plain truth is that there is no one that God has not done a lot for in the past and even in the present. This is why the culture of thanking God is very important, Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Count your many benefits today, including that you are alive and reading this piece now! Tell God “thank you”.

* Lord, my soul magnifies You for the gift of life, in the name of Jesus.
* Thank You Lord for good health, security and blessedness that I enjoy day by day, in Jesus’ name.

I have been empowered to shine in 2017, and I shall shine, no dull moment, it's from glory to glory, in Jesus' glorious name.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Testimony of Enoch II

Tuesday 7 February
READ: Gen. 5:24
MORE LESSON: Heb. 11:5–6

Enoch was a lover of God, who valued his relationship with God above earthly things. He had the things that other men of his generation had, however his priority was to walk with God. He became so intimate with God that God couldn’t stay in Heaven and leave him on the earth anymore. They had become intimate friends so much that where one was, the other had to be. This meant that it was either God leaves His throne to come stay physically on earth with Enoch leaves the earth and go stay with God in Heaven. However, Heaven is a far better place than the earth, so it was in mutual benefit that God decided that Enoch should be translated from the earth and taken to Heaven. If the earth was better than Heaven; God would allow Enoch to stay on earth and probably moved in to stay with him but Heaven is far more glorious than the best place on earth. So, God decided that Enoch needed to relocate from where he was, so that he could come to where He stays. When lovers are at the peak of love, one of their greatest desires is to always be together. Enoch and God were lovers. Your aspiration should be to become God’s close friend, to become a deep lover of God; to walk with Him.
Enoch lived on earth shorter than the men of his generation but his life was not short. On the other hand, his mortality was clothed with immorality so that he could live forever in a better place. A close relationship with God has great rewards. It was because God was interested in keeping Enoch to Himself that He translated him to Heaven. When you walk closely with God, the reward is a better place. Even on the earth, there is a better place than where you are right now. You can get to a place even in this life, the price still remains a close walk with God. Getting to a better place in destiny is not by pursuing things; it is a privilege reserved for lovers of God that walk closely with Him. As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him: I Cor. 2:9. God has prepared a better place for you in destiny if you will walk with Him.
In conclusion, the best place you can ever get to is to make it to Heaven. Heaven, where God lives, is where you will have pleasures forever more. The best of this world is not comparable to the dust of Heaven. The only way to get to Heaven is to walk with God. God’s invitation today is, ‘Come walk with Me.’

* Pray that your love for God and relationship with God will take the priority of your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that your desire for God’s presence will not die, in Jesus’ name.

Pray and speak a word of prophecy to Bishop David Bakare as he marks 13th year of his consecration as a bishop. Ask God to give him grave and glory, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Testimony of Enoch I

Monday 6 February
READ: Gen. 5:21–24
MORE LESSON: Heb. 11:5–6

In the book of Genesis 5, the Bible gives an account of the lineage of several men starting from the first man – Adam. These men lived very long with several of them living above 900years. It was recorded that these men gave birth to sons and daughters and then each of them died. The only achievement recorded for many of them was that they added to the population of the earth. This trend continued till a man gave birth to a son called Enoch.
Enoch had a different testimony. The Bible records, And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: Gen. 5:22. Enoch gave birth like all his progenitors; he gave birth to Methuselah his first son at the age of 65. What distinguished him, and earned him a choice place in history and eternity was for the next 300 years of his life, he walked with God. Enoch walked so intimately with God that he was translated and never tasted death. Enoch walked in close fellowship with God till one day, God took him to Heaven in his physical body. The man simply disappeared from the earth as the earth was no longer worthy of him; he went to a better place. The greatest act that a man can do on earth is to walk with God so much so that Heaven notices him. Walking with God simply means a close relationship and fellowship with God.
Enoch didn’t live as old as all the men listed in the genealogy of Adam (Gen. 5:3-32). He only stayed on the earth for 365 years. His son Methuselah was the oldest man that ever lived on earth as he loved to be 969 years. Jared, his father, lived to be 962 years. Jared was 527 year when Enoch was taken by God and still lived 442 years after his son had gone. We always pray that our children will stay longer on the earth than us. Enoch was a man who left the earth far before his father and he entered into the annals of the heroes of faith on account of that (Heb. 11:5). The joy and uniqueness of his case was that he didn’t die and leave his father on earth; he was taken by God to taste the glory of Heaven.
There is a great reward for all those who walk closely with God. It is my desire to walk intimately with God; this should be your heart desire also every day of your life. There is a song in Yoruba that I love to sing; it translates, ‘Help me to walk with You that way I ought to. Help me to walk with You perfectly and in the right order.’

* Father, help me to make a difference in my generation, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, help me to have a consistent walk with You, in Jesus’ name.

He that keeps Israel is my keeper, therefore in the month of February I shall be secure from all evil, in the name of Jesus,

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob II

Sunday 5 February
READ: Gen. 12:1–3
MORE LESSON: Gal. 3:29

One of the benefits of spiritual sonship is that the grace of God in the life of the father will begin to speak in the lives of all the children that are truly connected to his loins. When the Pharisees claimed to be children of Abraham, Jesus told them that if they were Abraham’s children, they would do the works of Abraham (John 8:39). As a child of Abraham, the blessings of Abraham should happen in your life as your covenant birthright.
One of the blessings of Abraham is greatness; greatness begets more greatness. Abraham was not just a rich man but a great man. He was honourable, influential and had a great, respected name. His children were also people of influence and high position. Imagine a man whose children are presidents, governors and ambassadors, in the society such a man can never be counted as a mean man. This is what God did for Abraham, according to Gen. 17:4 – 6, As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.
Isaac was a great man. Gen. 26:13 records, …the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great. Also, his children were not mean people; they were great. As a matter of fact, when Isaac’s wife was pregnant, God told her that two nations, not mere children, were in her womb (Gen. 25:23). After that God located Jacob and said to him: I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings hall come from your body: Gen. 35:11. Every child that comes from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob become great nations. Abraham was great, Isaac waxed greater, and Jacob became a great nation. As the lineage progressed, the greater they became. It is like a graph of greatness that is going higher and higher from the father to the children. When you extrapolate this graph from Abraham and let it keep going till it reaches you, you will see the height Jehovah expects you to be placed now.
As a child of Abraham, greatness is your portion. Every child, both spiritual and physical, that comes out of your loins is destined for greatness. Jehovah’s expectation for you is that whenever you are located, you should climb the ladder of the covenant to get the highest position. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of greatness and abundance. He is also your God and what He has done in their lives, He will do in yours.

* Today I connect to the grace of my spiritual father (name) for exploits, in Jesus’ name.
* By reason of the connection to the God of greatness, I shall be great, in Jesus’ name.

Father, this day light my candle, don’t let darkness prevail over my destiny, in the name of Jesus,

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I

Saturday 4 February
READ: Exo. 3:15
MORE LESSON: Mk. 12:26–27

God has identified Himself to men both in the Old and New Testaments as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of the fathers is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). This means that what He did in the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He can also replicate in your life. There are many ways God revealed Himself in the lives of these patriarchs but specific note is the fact that He revealed Himself through them as the wealthy God. When you study the lives of these fathers of the faith, you will realize that the covenant of wealth was mightily at work in their lives. Whatever these men did prospered so much so that they all became an economic force among the nations that surrounded them. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not a God of the poor; He is the God of the rich. This is the reason it is your turn to be rich by same covenant of blessing that God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Bible records, …Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold: Gen. 13:2. In Isaac’s case, Gen. 29:13-16 says that the man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had flocks of servants that the Philistines envied him, … Abimelech said to Isaac, “Move away from us; you have become too powerful for us’: Gen. 26:16 (NIV). When it was Jacob’s turn, it was written concerning him that the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks, female and male servants, and camels and donkeys (Gen. 30:43). The blessing was passed to Jacob ahead of his brother Esau, and so Jacob was a wealthy man. However, even Esau, who only got crumbs out of the blessing of Abraham, was not a poor man. Gen. 36:6-7 says that Esau took all his abundant substance and went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob. For their riches were more than what the land could support.
You can’t be less than what God has done for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You are a child of Abraham by faith in Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:14) and the works of Abraham must be seen in your life (John 8:39). The God of the fathers is your God, so what He did for Abraham, continued in the life of Isaac and accomplished in the life of Jacob will be perfected in your life. It is time for you to prosper by the covenant of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in Jesus’ name.

* I key into the covenant of the blessing by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
* Because I serve the God that owns Heaven and earth, I reject poverty, in Jesus’ name.

Father, the sound of rejoicing is my portion this month, there shall be no evil gathering around me, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 3, 2017

No More Darkness

Friday 3 February
READ: Job 28:1 – 11; 1 Jn. 2:8
MORE LESSON: Gen. 1:1 – 5

In the beginning, God called light to existence and God saw that he light was good. He therefore, separated the light from the darkness. He also created the sun to rule the day and the moon and stars to rule at night (Gen. 1:1-5). No matter how dark the night that compasses you is, there is still light that can rule it. Light gives authority, and dictates to the darkness how far it can go. Job 28:3a says, …man put an end to the darkness (NIV). This means that no man should be in darkness for any reason. He has the ability to drive out darkness.
When things are not happening the way you desire; when there is sickness, unemployment, lack of opportunities etc, one feels that he is in the dark. But you can bring light into your world and bring an end to darkness by making an effort to shine. God searches and brings hidden things to light.
By understanding you can change things, believing God, make a move and dispel the darkness around you. The Bible says, But there is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding: Job 32:8. Allow God to direct you to the instrument He has set aside to conquer your darkness and let His life shine forth there and end the darkness. The Word of faith, the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, righteous living and the power of prayer and fasting are all instruments of terminating darkness over your destiny. Take hold of these items today and end darkness around you.
Several spiritual generals who have gone ahead of us conquered Satan using these same tools and their testimonies are there for us today. They have not only left us an example, they exhort us to follow suit. Paul the apostle is a good example here. After announcing that the he had taught the good faith (2Tim. 4:7), he went ahead to ask us to do same – Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou are also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses: 1 Tim. 6:12.

* By the light of God’s Word, I declare that I have illumination in all areas of my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* I banish darkness from my life, family and business, in Jesus’ name.

Poverty, failure and unfruitfulness shall be ended this month and I shall prosper and flourish like the palm tree by the riverside, in the mighty name of Jesus.