Friday, February 10, 2017

The Force of Comfort

Friday10 February
READ: John 14: 16 – 20
MORE LESSON: John 14: 26 -27

There are things that are not natural and need a higher force to make them happen. If you see water flowing uphill, then you should know that it cannot be a natural flow. There must be a force, like a pump, that makes the water to flow up. In the same way the natural inclination of man is more to pity-party and grief than to celebration. Men are more prone to worry and mourning than joy, especially with prevalent situations in the world. If you want to live in continuous joy and celebration in these times, you need a force to propel your joy.
When Jesus was leaving the earth, He spoke to His disciples. I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you: John 14:16-18. Jesus knew that the times will be demanding and the natural inclination of men will be to despair so He gave the Holy Spirit to comfort His people by a supernatural force that is beyond situations and circumstances. It is by the force of the Spirit that a man moves from mourning to joy. It takes the Holy Spirit to move from a memory of pain to joy.
The first reference that Jesus made to the Holy Spirit was to call Him the Comforter. This means that the first ministry of the Holy Ghost to the believer is to comfort. The Lord is concerned about your pain and He has an antidote for it. The number one medicine for pain is the Holy Ghost. So, when a thing that causes you pain happens, just engage the antidote to pain; instead of getting angry with God or saying 'why me?', just start praying in the Holy Ghost. On the hospital bed, don't complain; speak in tongue. Maybe, you prayed but still you were involved in an accident, don't turn back on God, start praying in the Holy Ghost even in the midst of the pain. He is the Spirit of comfort. As a woman in labour, the pain is definitely much, but don't abuse your husband or start shouting your mother and father's names. Respond to the pain by bouts of speaking in tongues. When you do that the child will respond well. When you are writing exam and you are stuck, just speak in tongues under your breath.
There are always challenges in life but the answer is not mourning, complaining or pretending as if you have all your acts together. The answer is in the force of the Holy Ghost giving you comfort.

* Speak words of comfort to everyone who mourns in zion.
* Let the power of the Comforter swallow up the spirit of grief, mourning and sorrow, in Jesus’ name.

Every force and spirit of confusion, restlessness and fear, I banish you from my year, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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