Monday 20 February
READ: 2 Kings 6: 7 - 22
MORE LESSON: Exo. 15: 3
Jehovah is a man of war and He does not lose battles. Life is a battle field as believers confront principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12). The battle also includes the fight against human agents of wickedness that have committed themselves to making sure that children of God are brought down by all means. Being alive is going to war, every man is in battle, whether one is aware of it or not. Even living day-to-day, trying to make impact and move forward, already involves a lot of spiritual warfare. This is because the person has to contend with the forces of retrogression, poverty, limitation, disadvantaged background and resistance of nature to his progress. Saving souls and expanding the Kingdom also puts the child of God in constant battle with the forces of hell for the souls of men. Life is full of battle but the good news is that, as a child of God, Jesus has won the victory for you and you are fighting from the standpoint of victory and not defeat.
God has many weapons with which He fights for His children in the battles of life. In addition to those listed yesterday. A weapon and strategy that God uses in fighting for His children is putting their enemies to shame. In the text, when the enemies of Israel surrounded Elisha and wanted to arrest and disgrace him, the man of God prayed and the Lord struck the enemies with blindness. After being blinded, the enemies walked to Samaria in the midst of the Israeli garrison. They became blind and they made a huge mistake. It is a mistake for an army to walk by themselves into the enemy’s stronghold and be surrounded with no hope of escape. The Syrians were blind so they committed a military blunder. In the same way, Jehovah will fight for you by making your enemies to commit blunders that will make them nail themselves, in Jesus' name.
The Lord is a man of war and He chooses to fight and win battles any way He likes. It is important however to know that one of the most powerful strategies and weapons that Jehovah uses in battle is love. Jehovah fights battles by love. Love is a potent weapon that disarms enemies. In the text, after the Syrians committed a blunder and walked into the midst of the Israeli garrison, the king of Israel immediately wanted to kill the Syrians. However, the prophet told him to feed them, take care of them and release them. It was this show of love that disarmed the enemies and thereafter they stopped raiding Israel (2 Kings 6: 23). From today, your enemies will submit and stay away forever, in Jesus' name.
* Father, reveal to me through Your Word the right weapon to fight my enemies, in Jesus’ name.
* In the name of Jesus, I command blindness upon all my enemies monitoring my progress.
There is hope for my destiny even in the midst of adversity, I shall thrive and shine, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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