Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All things work for Good

TEXT: Rom. 8:28, 
MORE LESSONS: Job 42:1-13

Job lost all that he had in one day - his children, business and his friends - but he never called God wicked. Whatever happens to you, keep giving God thanks, praise and glory. Never question Him, complain or refuse to serve Him anymore. Job was one of the greatest men that ever lived because of the way he handled his difficult time. The strength of a man is known in the time of crisis not when everything is sweet. How do you handle challenging times?
An ungodly king had a servant who always told the king, ‘God is perfect, He doesn't make mistakes. So whatever happens is for a purpose and it's working for good’. One day the king and his servant went hunting and were attacked by an animal; the king lost one finger and became angry. He said, ‘How could God allow me to go through the hurt of losing a finger’. The servant replied, ‘I believe God is good and knows why this happened. Everything He does is for a purpose’. The king got angry the more and ordered the servant to be locked up in jail for insisting that God is good even after what happened to him.
After sometime, the king went out hunting alone and in the forest some savages kidnapped him for rituals. As they were about to sacrifice him, the priest noticed that he had lost a finger and said, ‘Our god only takes a complete and unblemished human for a sacrifice. This man is not fit for the sacrifice’. They released him because his missing finger disqualified him from being sacrificed. As soon as he got home, he ordered the release of the servant. He agree that God is good and everything He does is for a good purpose. He realized that if the animal had not removed one of his fingers he would have been used for sacrifice by the savages. He then asked the servant what good was in punishing him (the servant) for saying the truth. The servant replied, ‘Oh king, thank you for locking me up so that I missed your last hunting trip. It was for a very good purpose’.
All things work together for good (Rom. 8:28) so be positive about all that happens to you. Look forward to the joy that will come out of all situations. Never blame God for anything and when good happens, give thanks to God. So whatever betides, also give Him glory and praise. Give God thanks, not because of negative situations but because of the good that will come out of them.

* Receive grace to thank God for whatever you are going through now.
* Ask for grace to see His purpose in whatsoever you are going through.
* Rebuke the enemy and refuse him from taking advantage of your situation.
* Take a step of faith; go give a testimony over your situation.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

From Shame to Glory

TEXT: Matt. 5:1-5, 
MORE LESSONS: I Tim 1:12-15

Sometimes we wonder if God could ever use people like us. With all our flaws, shortcomings, and sins, it seems unlikely, if not impossible. But one look at the genealogy of Jesus Christ shows that indeed, there is hope. Jesus' genealogy features many unsavoury characters; all whom demonstrated God's grace and were not flawless men and women. For example, David, though a great king, was guilty of adultery and murder; Abraham, rightly called the father of faith, suffered a number of lapses such as the habit of deception. Yet God included both David and Abraham in the messianic line.
Matthew’s record of the genealogy also calls for attention, especially the list of women. With the exception of Mary, the other four were of questionable reputations; they were sinful women, not known for their virtue or godliness. They weren't even Jewish, yet God included them in the messianic lineage. First, we read of Tamar (Matt. 1:3) whose story is that of deception and sordid account of prostitution (Gen. 38) – certainly she was not a godly woman. By the grace of God, she was included in the Messiah’s genealogy. Rahab (Matt. 1:5) was a prostitute in Jericho when she met two Jewish spies sent ahead to check out the city prior to the conquest of Jericho. Rahab’s took role in saving these men from death secured for her a place among the Israelites when the city fell. God in His grace did not only spare her, but brought her into the messianic lineage as the wife of Salmon, the mother of the godly Boaz, who was David's great grandfather. Ruth (Matt. 1:5) was a Moabitess and her people are the product of the incestuous act between Lot and his daughters. One of the children born of that ungodly union was a man named Moab. Moabites were all idols worshippers! Ruth left her people, returned with her mother-in-law Naomi to Israel where she met and married Boaz. Ruth became the grandmother of Israel's greatest king, David and thus was included in the messianic lineage. The list also includes Bathsheba (Matt. 1:6), the woman with whom David had an adulterous relationship, yet she was included in the messianic lineage.
All these prove that when we sometimes ask: Is there any hope for me? Can God forgive me? Can He use me? The answer is yes! If God could use all these people for such a critical role of bringing the Saviour, Jesus to the world, He will forgive and use, for His glory, all who come to Him.

* Ask God to help you put your past behind you and receive grace to do exploits.
* Ask the Lord to shine His light upon your destiny.
* Receive forgiveness for your past and new strength to move forward in destiny.
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Monday, September 9, 2013

The Church

TEXT: Matt. 16:18-19, 
MORE LESSONS: Acts 5:12-20

There is more reference to church building today as the Church than to the people of the God. When Jesus said He will build His church, He was not referring to a building, cathedral or a hut; rather, He was referring to a people. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them: Matt 18:20. That is the definition of church, the gathering together of God's people and in His name. Church buildings are important; they make positive statements. They tell our location; they describe our architecture, denomination and set up, but the Church is beyond all these. It is the most powerful institution on the earth with the capability to affect even the heavens from the earth: ...Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven: Matt. 18:18. It is so powerful that Jesus said it cannot be defeated (Matt. 16:18).
Many church buildings have been burnt, demolished, stopped and relocated, yet the Church remains standing. The Church of Jesus, being a gathering of God's people can never die! From the early Church in the book of Acts of the Apostles, to this present day, the Church remains the most persecuted institution on the earth, yet the fastest growing and strongest. There are few things that believers must know and take advantage of.
1. Jesus is the founder and builder of the church universal. No man has the certificate of occupancy of the Church on the earth and no man should lay claim to her ownership. There is, therefore, nothing like “my church”.
2. Whatever anybody does for or against the Church is done to Jesus.
3. The foundation of the Church is laid on the “Rock”, therefore the Church cannot collapse.
4. There is a prophecy ahead of the Church on why the Church cannot fail no matter what happens to it (Matt. 16:18c).
5. The Church holds the key of the Kingdom of Heaven and therefore takes the final decision over all things pertaining to the Kingdom.
The people of the Church may be weak through their ignorance of what the Church, which they are, ought to be. But the Church is an empowered institution of God on the earth, it cannot fail, and by implication you cannot fail. Are you persecuted, denied or tormented on the account of being a child of God? Cheer up and take up your God-ordained authority.

* Pray that the people of God will begin to discover the enormous power at our disposal and use it.
* Pray that the prophecy of prevailing, which has gone ahead of the Church will continue to be active.
* Pray that wherever the Church is being persecuted today, God will avail for them.
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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Divine Recipe for Long Life

TEXT: Ex. 20:12-14, 
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 91:14-16

Going through a write-up recently, it struck me more than ever before that I have a role to play in living my life to the full. It was as if a veil was removed from my face so I took some vital decisions to share some tips here for the benefit of readers of this devotional. God has already given us a promise, …with long life will I satisfy him…: (Psa. 91:6) and He has fulfilled this in the lives of many of our spiritual forefathers. Abraham is an example, …And Abraham was old and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things: Gen. 24:1.
This is the type of testimony we all should aim at if Jesus tarries. However, it is clear that this has not been the case with many Christians. While many of us attribute untimely death to witches and wizards, sicknesses and diseases, and several satanic vices, recent studies have it that more of God's people are being killed by ignorance, disobedience and carelessness. One of such disobedience is the flagrant violation of the law of Sabbath. The law of Sabbath is the law of one day rest out of seven. God gave the law of the Sabbath for our benefit; not only for us to worship Him but to abstain from work and rest our body, mind, soul and in order to avoid untimely death occasioned by overwork and unbridled desire for success.
To live an healthy long life therefore, the following things have been found to be very vital. 1. You must eat healthy, wholesome food, not junk food;
2. live in clean, decent environment;
3. exercise regularly;
4. live a stress-free life and do not worry about anything;
5. take regular time to rest – good sleep daily and one day of rest out of seven as well as a regular break from your work to have a prolonged season of relaxation.
When men violate God's physical laws, refuse to rest, they do not live long and often die suddenly regardless of the promises of God. In the name of Jesus, you will live long; you will not die untimely. You brought nothing to this world and you will take nothing out of it. If you drop dead today, life will go on without you. Pause and take some time off. It is time to follow God's provision for long life.

* Ask God to forgive all your acts of disobedience to the law of God, especially the law of Sabbath.
* Ask God to remove every sickness that has resulted from your disobedience.
* Ask God to fulfil His promise of long life over your life.
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