Sunday, September 15, 2013

Heaven is Real

TEXT: Rev. 21:1-2,
 MORE LESSONS: Jn.14:1-3

Heaven is real, as real as this present earth. Jesus spoke about it several times in scriptures; the apostles referred to it, and even the prophets of old had clear messages about it. There is hardly any religion that denies the existence of heaven. The only usual dispute is on the subject of how to get there. Both in the times of old and even in contemporary times, several people have also had a rare privilege of being taken to heaven. A few of such men like me are still alive today, testifying of their experience.
Heaven is the abode of God, from where He answers prayers (I Kg. 8:31-32). It is the Headquarters of the Godhead, where God's throne is positioned, and from there He oversees the affairs of the universe. (Is. 66:1, Matt. 23.22, Acts 7:49). It is the place where the will of God is being joyfully done and where there is no sin, or rebellion to His will (Matt. 6:9-10. Lk. 11:2). It is the place Jesus Christ ascended to after His death and glorious resurrection (Acts 1:9-11). It was from there God sent the Holy Spirit upon His Church after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:1-4). and where He will return to rule the earth. It was from heaven that Lucifer fell and was cast out to the earth (Isa. 14:12, Lk.10:18, Rev. 12:7-12). It is the abode of innumerable companies of angels (Rev. 4:11) and of the redeemed after death (II Cor. 5:1-4). It is the place where Jesus is preparing for all who believe in Him (Jn. 14:1-3); the land of joy unspeakable, a land of light, (no darkness at all) and of indescribable beauty and glory. It is a land of absolute purity, where no sin of any shape or form can enter; the home of the saints of God, (Rev. 21). That is where Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Isaiah, David, Paul, Peter, Mary, etc are right now.
The qualification for entering is believing in Christ who died and shed His blood for you (Jn. 3:1-7). However, to qualify for a special position, thrones, mansions and treasures there, you have to serve the Lord faithfully here on earth and give sacrificially for His work, ...But lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, Matt. 6:20. Nobody makes Heaven by accident, you have to prepare for it and meet the qualification of accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. You must not procrastinate; start the preparation now!

* Pray that you will never have a reason to doubt the reality of heaven.
* Pray that the earth and its sinful pleasures will not take heaven from you.
*Pray that Heaven will ever remain guaranteed for you.
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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Home Sweet Home

TEXT: Jn. 14:1-2, 

I am looking forward to the day I will get home, home sweet home, where there will be no more darkness, And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: Rev 22:5. Yes, home in heaven where there will be no more fear. It seems as though society is becoming increasingly dangerous and more violent. But in heaven we won't need burglar proofs for our windows and doors or even have to lock our doors; all will be free of violence and fear of being terrorized.
Yes, home sweet Heaven, where all my questions will be answered. For example, I don't understand why some people are using contraceptive to stop making babies and still get pregnant, while some are labouring to be seen to be pregnant even if for one day. I don't understand why prostitutes are getting pregnant and aborting, while sound heaven-bound believers, even pastors have fasted in vain for years. I don't know why all requirements fulfilled, spiritual and physical, the beautiful sisters are left waiting very long for marriage partners. I don't understand why healthy children die and the children of the mad woman on the street survive. There are many things I don't understand and can’t explain.
I have come to understand that God is sovereign. He knows what He's doing; He is in control. I'm confident that when I see Him face to face, my questions will be answered. What a joy and a reason to look forward to going home! What a home, where all tears shall be wiped away (Rev. 21:4), there shall be no more curse (Rev. 22:3) and where we shall spend all of eternity in peace, and joy.
After all the troubles of this world, the persecutions, denials, pains, hurts etc, heaven will be a place of rest. Paul says, If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable (I Cor. 15:19). Our lives here on the earth, therefore, should be lived like father Abraham (Heb. 11:10). We must look forward to our heavenly home, and not see this earth as all in all. Always remember the following about this earth:
1. The earth is a temporary place.
2. We brought nothing here, and we shall not take anything away.
3. The earth is a transit place, only heaven is home. Therefore, if you have a hope of heaven, then do all things with heaven in view! Whatever will take heaven from you, avoid like a plague.
Remember, Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you”.

*Pray that nothing on this earth will distract your dream of heaven.
*Ask God to take from you anything that will rob you of Heaven.
*Tell God to do anything but never take your name out of the Book of Life.
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Friday, September 13, 2013

Building a Happy Home

TEXT: Gen. 2:15-25, 
MORE LESSONS: Col. 3:18-21

God has a plan for each of His children's home, present or future. As the initiator of the institution of marriage, His desire is that no home fails. It is important for us as God's children, who want to be part of His heavenly desire in the place of marriage, to know God's original purpose for this institution and there are three major ones.
One, marriage was ordained for the mutual societal help and comfort which husband and wife ought to provide for each other, both in prosperity and adversity. Two, it was ordained in order that the natural instinct and affection implanted by God should be allowed and directed aright, that is pure sexual life without fornication. Finally, it was ordained for procreation, that godly seeds may be raised on the earth.
Of all these, God's topmost priority from the beginning is not procreation, which unfortunately today is our number one purpose for marriage. His priority actually is for help, in prosperity and in adversity, And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him: v18. And God repeated this same thing in verse 20 …but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. Every other reason for marriage is God's plan but being an help is His priority. The question now is, how helpful are you to your spouse or do you intend to be when you get married? Until you are a helper to your spouse in all things: spiritual, physical, material, economic, health, etc, you are not yet building a happy home.
There are a few things and principles that God has set aside as standards and roles which if we apply can make a happy home.
1. Husbands must love their wives unconditionally (Eph. 5:25).
2. Wives must submit to their own husbands without reservation (Eph. 5:22).
3. In honour they must prefer one another.
4. They must endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit.
5. They both must leave to cleave. (Eph 5:31).
6. Finally, God hates divorce and husbands and wives must recognize and agree that according to God's
Word, divorce is never an option (Mal. 2:16).

* Pray for homes that are under satanic attacks and marriage crisis.
* Ask God to defend and restore peace to the marriage institution.
* Pray that all unmarried brethren will find God's favour in marriage choice.
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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy Home

TEXT: Eph. 5:21-23, 
MORE LESSONS: I Pet. 3:8-12

A good and happy home is a product of a happy marriage. A problematic marriage cannot produce a sweet home because, like a tree and its fruit, marriage is the tree that produces the home – the fruit. It is only when you make a tree good that the fruit will be good. If you desire a happy peaceful home, build a happy marriage. Marriage is the union of two people of the opposite sex, and the home is the dwelling place/habitation of a family.
A home must be built to be what is desired. A happy home begins first with the individuals’ dreams and desires. You need to have a desire about what you want your home to be like under God and begin to work at it. It does not just happen by desiring and wishing it. Ask yourself, what can I do to achieve my dream home? The first thing you must do to a vision/dream/desire is to rescue it from being forgotten by writing it down. Make your desires very clear and clearly state the how that you know today. Don't be afraid or too rigid to improve or change any of the things you have written down at any stage because visions grow and change. Changes should not, however, become a daily affair or else nobody will take you serious and you may become more confused in the process. Be sure of what you want before you begin writing. Writing your vision over any area of life is good, helpful for planning and execution, and it is scriptural (Hab. 2:2). It is never too early to start working at it too.
To work for a successful future, especially in such a crucial area as marriage, begin first with you as an individual, whether the partner is already there or not; work on your mind, spirit and body. Marriage is about sharing your whole lifetime with someone, so it should be prepared for and worked on. The lack of knowledge and understanding of what marriage is beyond making babies is one major cause of divorce and marriage crisis today. Whatever you can do, formal and informal, to prepare for a home cannot be too much.
One final thing for you to achieve a good home is purposefulness. Nothing comes well without a purpose, that is the why and the what of whatever you are doing. Have you ever asked yourself why are you married or want to be married? When you do not have an aim or intention for a thing, there is no way you can do that thing right. What is your aim for being married or for wanting to be married?

* Ask God for a good home and understanding of why He wants you to be married.
* Pray that God will restore peace and goodness to every Christian home.
* Rebuke every satanic work on Christian homes.
* What do you intend to do or are doing with being married beyond giving birth or being called Mr/Mrs?
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