TEXT: I Cor. 9:27, MORE LESSONS: Gal. 5:9-25.
Self-control is the ability to control one's behaviour, especially in terms of reactions and impulses. It's self restraint in the face of temptation or sinful desires.
What does the Bible say about self control? It is the ability to prove what is the will of God in every situation (Rom. 12:2-3); ability to avoid offence in words, thereby controlling the whole body. (Jam. 3:2); ability to embrace God's total divine counsel, even when it hurts (Matt. 5:29-30); being able to control our anger (Prov. 16:32); ability to put to death any form of worldliness in us (Col. 3:5) and ability to have rule/control over one's spirit (Prov. 25:28).
Biblical examples of self-control
1. Joseph (Gen. 39:9): he refused to fornicate with Portifer's wife thereby excising control over sexual provocation.
2. The Rechabites (Jer. 35:1-6): they refused to drink wine at the instance/persuasion of prophet Jeremiah, because it was contrary to their father's commandment.
3. Job (Job. 31:1, 30): he refused to lust with his eyes nor curse with his mouth.
4. Daniel (Dan. 1:8): he purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the idolatrous delicacy of the Babylonian king.
While we celebrate these ones and set them as heroes and models of true Christian living, we have others who could not exercise self-control and consequently became bad example of how not to live. Some of them recognized their wrongs and weaknesses, cried to God for mercy and made their ways right while some like Judas died by committing suicide (Acts 1:l7-19). Esau could not control his appetite and hunger, he lost his birth-right forever (Gen. 25:32-38). Most painful of all is Moses who after labouring so much could not enter Canaan because he lacked self-control over his anger (Num. 20:7-12). But thank God he made Heaven.
How far will you allow lack of control over your flesh take you? If you desire to win over this monster, begin to spend more time reading and living by the Word of God, give yourself to fasting and prayer, avoid evil company and bring you flesh under subjection to God's will. The power of the Holy Spirit is available to help you if you will ask Him for help. I know you will win!
* Pray that no sin will have dominion over you.
* Ask God for a fresh release of the grace of God for daily living.
* Rebuke the spirit of falling and rising, and receive grace for a consistent life.
* Pray all the fruit of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23 into your life.
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