Thursday, October 24, 2013

Power Capsule

Text: Heb 4:12
More Lessons: IISam 22:14-22.

Those who believe and receive the Word of God will experience an endless supply of the power of God every single day of their lives. Today's world is too wicked not to have power. There are too many devils out there ready to trample our lives underfoot. But if we tap into God's power, we can live above and subdue these devices of the devil. It is God's desire that we live in dominion and power perpetually but His power cannot manifest in our lives more than we take hold of His word and insist on our dominion mandate in Christ.

The third operation of the Word of God in us is that it comes to sharpen us up and it is sharper than any two-edged sword, releasing matchless penetrating power into our lives. It corrects and fine tunes rough edges in our lives. It is the desire of the enemy, Satan, that old serpent and accuser of the brethren to leave our lives rough and not good enough for God's use; this is why God sends us sharp capsules in His Word. As we live and confess the Word of God, we discover that our capacity to resolve hard riddles and bring sharp solutions to the world's situation becomes everyday reality. The human tendency to be confused and blunt is taken away, leaving us sharp and able to sharpen things around us. Every bluntness in our lives, every rough edge is polished by the Word of God. We come out brighter and more elegant as we live by God's Word. The sharp capsules in the Word of God is also sharp enough to reaching into the deepest parts of our souls and spirits, bringing healing and restoration to deep wounds, hurts and even physical diseases, …piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow…: Heb. 4:12b. No matter is too hidden or deep for the Word of God to penetrate and transform.

Absolutely nothing is out of reach for the laser of God's Word. In Matt. 8:8 we see a man who knew the power of God's sharp capsule …The centurion answered and said… but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. Do not fight that battle with the sword of your connection or influence, but by the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God, for it is sharp enough to bring down any stronghold or foe. When we on the word, we become lords of our circumstances. By the Word of God, we reign; we rule and live victoriously in Christ. Every man or woman of God is a man or woman of the Word of God.

Receive the threefold power of the word today, Take God at his Word.

Prayer/ Action
* Ask that the power of God’s Word will not cease but continue to flow I your life.
* Pray that the power in God’s Word will liberate your destiny from every work of darkness and sin.
* Pray that by the power of God’s Word, you will reign, rule and be victorious in life.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Power Packed

Text: Heb 4:12
More Lessons: Acts 19:11-20

The writer of Hebrews has given us fresh revelation on the mystery and efficacy of the Word of God at work in us. In today’s passage, three major things are evident about the power of the Word of God. Firstly, it is quick, which means that when you receive the Word of God, it quickens you. The reason why the Word of God is given to us as a 'quick' capsule is because the enemy wants to poison us until he can slow our lives down completely. Satan and his cohorts are out to stop every good thing that God is doing in and through our lives. They start out by slowing down our faith in God for that miracle and breakthrough, slowing down our zeal for the things of God and our desire to be in the assembly of the saints of God, slowing down our ability to tarry with God in prayer and deep communion. And as soon as communion with God is withdrawn, we lose direction and divine guidance, and then the spirit of fear sets in, followed by all manners of sin and lawlessness. But the Living Book declares in II Cor. 2:11, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Then comes the ministry of the word in us; it quickens, revives, awakens and activates us unto the things of God. This is why we must continue to live by the Living Book, which provides quick capsules that insulate us from the poison of the enemy that can slow us down completely, and make us inactive and unresponsive to the things of God.

The next major assignment of the Word of God in us is to release immense power. Indeed, the Word of the Lord is powerful enough to save us from anything and everything that stands in our way. This is so, because the enemy’s device is not only to slow us down but also to leave us disarmed and weak. If you have ever noticed any area in your life that is weak and maybe a part of your body that is sickly, apply the power capsule in the Word of God and see the anointing of God's Spirit restore and re-invigorate you with the fullness of life. I dare to say that a wordless life is a powerless life. As you stand firm on the Word of God today, every slow and blunt area of your life is being quickened and empowered right now by the living Word of God, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thank God for the Living Book. Thank Him for the Word of God.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray that God’s Word will quicken, revive and awaken you to who God is.
* Ask that the power of God’s Word will strengthen you in all areas of life.
* Release the power in the Word to re-invigorate your destiny in God.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

All about Jesus

Text: John 5:39
More Lessons: Jn. 1:1-4

In our above text, we see Jesus in strong dialogue with the Pharisees and teachers of the law, where He makes it emphatically clear that the study of the scriptures without Christ as the focus is a study in futility. These Pharisees, doctors and teachers of the law were a sect of devotees of the Law of Moses. They memorized the Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy) by heart; they had portions written on their long and flowing garments, door posts, and even their ceilings and rooftops. But they did not seem to fathom what Jesus was talking about when He said…they which testify of me.

In fact, they considered it a blasphemy against the Holy Scripture for a young man to get up on afternoon at the synagogue arena and declare that all of the words they inherited from their fathers and fore fathers sum up to him. They could not see that the Law of Moses is only a pointer to the grace of God which is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ: John 1:17. The reason God gave us the law was to reveal to us the total depravity of man, and his need for a Saviour, a comforter, a healer and a grace giver.

As soon as it was established that man cannot fulfill God's law on his own accord or obey the scriptures unassisted, even with the blood of bulls and rams, then Jesus showed up on the scene to give us the power to walk in obedience. That act of Love is called grace. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son…: Gal. 4:4. Grace is the expression of Love but it is only available to those who will find Jesus in the law or the scriptures as they read it. The entire Law of Moses was a reflection of the coming of Jesus Christ who brought grace and truth. The furniture in the tabernacle to the ceremonial feasts observed by the Jewish people, all speak in shadows and typology of the Messiah. Now, it is too late to be a Pharisee because all of the law is fulfilled in Christ. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill: Matt. 5:17.When Jesus said the scriptures testify of Him, He was really saying that the Bible you read is actually a revelation of Him. Find Jesus in every page and you'll find Grace to live a holy life, live above sickness, poverty, sinful lust, and become an ever flowing stream of life to all around you.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray that you will not just be a reader of the Word, but that you will find Jesus in the Word.
* Pray for divine revelation each time you read the Word.
* Pray that your spirit will not confront or argue with but conform with the Word.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Godly Heritage

Text: II Tim. 1:5
More Lessons: Pro. 4:1-8

One of the greatest legacies any father or mother can pass on to their children is the legacy of the Word of God. There is something unique about getting a hold of the Word of God early in life. After carefully studying people who God arrested mid-way in their lives and are now great men and women of God around the world, I have come to realize that one of the biggest regrets many of them have is that they wish they had met with the Word of God earlier in life. Timothy was a good example of someone who encountered God early in life. In fact, he had a rich heritage in the Word of God as his mother and grandmother were women of unfeigned faith. No wonder he became the Bishop of Crete. He didn't have to be chased by God and to suffer much like Paul because as a little child he had someone to teach, educate and impart unto him the mystery of the Word of God.

There is no limit to which our children and grand children will soar if only we will make the sacrifice of parenting them intentionally in the Word of God. Most of the juvenile issues/problems that have bedeviled our country and made it difficult to live in today emanate because many parents do not go the extra mile to transfer a heritage in the Word of God to the kids. For it is difficult for a child that has had the seed of God's Word planted on the inside to deviate from God. Our children are our future, so nurturing them in the fear and Word of God is the security for our future and homes. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it: Pro 22:6. The minds of little children are as blank sheets waiting to be filled up with concepts, ideas, habits and beliefs. The truth is that if we do not ensure that their hearts are full of God's word, then the devil will make sure that they are occupied with evil thoughts and deeds because nature abhors a vacuum.

Lois and Eunice were not training up Timothy to be a bishop, but were only training him to know and hold on to the Word of God. Little wonder when an honorable position such as Bishop of the Cretan church was vacant, he was chosen by God and men alike. I imagine Lois and Eunice as they were filled with joy to know that their labour in the word over Timothy was not in vain. If we teach our kids God's Word, we will see honour and joy as fruits in the end. Let us give our kids the best; let us teach them the Word of God.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray for parents to receive God’s help to train their children the same way they are giving them secular education.
* Pray that our children will not refuse God’s Word but will delight in it.
* Pray for the revival of parents so that they can have enough to impact their children.

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