Friday, December 13, 2013

Becoming Mighty I

Text: Judges 6:11-16 
More Lessons: Gen.26:12-16

It is a wonderful thing to be called a mighty man. To be mighty is to be endowed with an extra ability beyond the normal. Might is a function of strength. When you talk about might you talk about being able, by an extra ability, to do what is not ordinary. God produced many mighty men in the Scripture and I pray for you today that you will go beyond the ordinary, in the name of Jesus. The strength of a man determines the extent of what he can carry. When people run away from challenges, the truth of the matter is that they lack the strength. There is nothing that God does that He fails. That's why we call Him the Almighty God; the God that has strength in every area. That strength is deposited in man because man is created in God’s image. God has endowed men with divine capability.

One of such men is Gideon who God raised to counter the oppression Israel suffered at that time in the hands of the Medianites who exercised might over the weak Israelites. One day an angel of God called Gideon a mighty man of valour. The argument of Gideon was irrelevant to the angel. If the Almighty God says you are a mighty man, you are, indeed. If a man is experiencing defeat but is called a mighty man by God, what is God saying? When a man who cannot beat his chest in the presence of his enemies is referred to as a mighty man by the Almighty God who cannot lie, then there is something inside that man that makes God say so. It simply means that God Himself is with the man. Once God is with a man, that man cannot be defeated by his enemies and that is why he  is a mighty man. He may not know it, but that is who he is.
Regardless of what your experiences are today, as long as a conviction exists inside you that with God on your side all things are possible, you are already a mighty man. Your strength begins from knowledge because your ability to know is the beginning of your strength. So work harder on what you know if you want to be a mighty man. Get to know more. If you want to know more, read more, ask questions from them that know more; acquire knowledge because it is the beginning of might. Gideon eventually realised that when God is with a man the man cannot be defeated. So Gideon led Israel into victory over the Medianites. God is with you, you cannot be defeated.

* Pray for divine strength to do God's work more than ever before.
* Pray that you will be strengthened by the Word of God in all situations.
* Tell the Lord you are taking your place in strength and you are dropping every weak man’s mentality
Believe what God says about you that you are a mighty man and live like one.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cure for Troubled Heart

Text: Jn.14:1 
More Lessons: Psa.12:1-3

Life is filled with troubles, beginning from the day a man is born. There are health, financial, family and career troubles and lots more. Life assails us with a million kinds of trouble. If we were to choose one word to sum up our times, ‘trouble’ would be a good pick.

We live in the time of great anxiety, fear and insecurity within and without. The reports are not different because we hear of wars, rumours of war, pestilence, hunger, natural disasters of unimaginable dimensions. Many times one wonders whether God is aware of the events happening around. In Jesus’ days, both Jesus and His disciples were troubled when Jesus prepared to go. He was agitated as He was about to identify the one who would betray Him, He was troubled as He was about to predict that Peter would deny Him three times and He was stirred up and ready to tell the disciples for the final time that He was about to leave them.

As He got to Gethsemane, He announced to His disciples, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me Matt. 26:38. As for the disciples, they had reasons to be troubled because their bread winner was leaving, the One who paid their taxes when they had no money, fed them when they were hungry, healed their household when they were sick, delivered them from the scourge of the Pharisees and now He announced that He was going. What was Jesus’ cure for this trouble? Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me Jn.14:1.

The cure for a troubled heart is to believe in God and take Him at His Word. It was the cure for His disciples and it is the cure for us today. Believing God and His Christ is all, every other thing rests on this. It is when you believe God that you can believe His Word, trust what He says, and take up His promises in prayer. Jesus demonstrated this when, in great agony, He went into intensive prayer to the Father because He believed the Father had the answer to the trouble (Matt.26:38-39). Child of God, stay believing God, no matter how dark the night looks, God is in control and all things will work together for your good (Rom.8:28).

* Command every doubt, worry and anxiety to disappear from your life.
* Ask God to increase your faith in Him.
* Ask Jesus to help you stay trusting in Him in all situations.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dealing with Enemies Within

Text: Psa.18:16-19 
More Lessons: Psa.27:1-8

How do you deal with an enemy from within? The following are what you need in order to deal with enemies within.
1. Wisdom – wisdom is the knowledge of how to do a thing. It is wisdom that people emphasise when they say if your yam grows big, you should use your hands to cover it. What they are trying to say is apply wisdom. If you don't have money to buy fuel and you are planning to buy a motorcycle, buy a bicycle, which does not need fuel; you only need to pump air.

2. Discipline – an enemy from within can be dealt with by discipline. What type of discipline? Restraint. Learn to be restrained, look before you leap, before you announce the next car that you want to buy be sure that it is safe.

3. Prayer – pray some dangerous prayers, for instance use Psalm 18, verse17 says, He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. That's what to do with an enemy either within or without. Hand them over to God, the God that Hannah spoke about. Don't go about arguing, or asking someone to beg them because they want to kill you. No, deliver them to Him who can kill without using a knife or gun. With prayers you will win, The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up 1 Sam. 2: 6-7. Hand them over to the Lord that kills.

Sometimes you should take your Bible and pick a scripture like the one above, at 12 midnight, stand up and say, Father, the Bible says “the Lord killeth”, I hand over so and so to you, do with him as you are known for doing. The Lord maketh poor: Lord this man has used his wealth to afflict me, let him become poor, let him put his hand in his pocket and find nothing anymore until he acknowledges that there is a God in Heaven. One man sank a million copies of the Bible in the sea because he was wealthy. For several years, God did not act. The day God would act the man ascended to the throne, God allowed him but he never sat upon the throne; at the peak of his popularity, he was a dead man. One arrow from hell and he was gone. The Lord killeth, the Lord maketh alive. Instead of crying around, pray.

* Say, Oh Lord my God, deliver me from my strong enemies and save me from those that hate me without a cause.
* Say, Oh Thou God of Heaven from whom nothing is hidden, expose all the agents of affliction who fight me from within.
* Say Lord, I hand over to You those who hate to see my good.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Handing over to the Almighty

Text: 1Sam.2:3-9
More Lessons: Dan.4:28-37

There is a God who could make a king like Nebuchadnezzar in all his glory to become an animal. Nebuchadnezzar walked out of his bedroom as an animal. From the throne where he was bragging, he just noticed that he was going down, on four and walked into the bush, he grew claws like an animal. The counsel of God was negatively fulfilled over him instantly. Yet God put disability in the subjects so that they saw but could not harm the “animal” or rebel against him when he came back to the throne. The Almighty God is greater than the greatest. I am talking about handing over the enemy from within and outside, to the One who is capable of dealing with them.

The Bible says that the day Nebuchadnezzar was restored, he came and nobody challenged him to say, “This animal, why do you want to rule us?”For seven years God kept the throne and he ruled over his kingdom again. Today, you are going to say “Father, do to every enemy within and without what you did to your enemies in the days of old”. He took Nebuchadnezzar and made him an animal, He sank pharaoh in the Red Sea after killing all the first born of Egypt, disgraced and humiliated Goliath before his death. That is what God does to His enemy.

You are going to pray, “Father, every enemy that has insisted that my glory will not arrive, every enemy that dreams to remove my coat of many colours, do to them what you are known for doing to your enemies. When you finish, Oh God, let the glory fall upon me contrary to their desire.” Because Joseph eventually realised his destiny, you too will get there. One day his brothers went to buy food in Egypt and they had to bow down to Joseph.

I want to guarantee you that by the time you finish this prayer the angels will have been dispatched. I bless you in Jesus’ name. Whatever the enemy took from you I restore back to you; I deny the enemy access to any information they are using to destroy you, in the name of Jesus Christ. The information they have about you, I delete it, I destroy it! And I give you the right of way, go and achieve your goals. Receive flying colours today. I command that your glory cannot be covered, in the name of Jesus. You will not walk small in glory; you will walk in glory that cannot be covered. Before the end of this month you shall see your colours fly, you shall not be denied, in the name of Jesus. Today you will be located for the next level.

* Oh Lord!, be an enemy to my enemies and be ruthless with them in your wrath.
*Ask the Lord to turn every enemy of your life to animals until they repent.
* Say, “In the name of Jesus, Oh enemy, hear the sound of Heaven and melt, in Jesus’ name”. Say this three times and begin to worship the Lord because it is done.

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