Read: Heb. 10:19-25
More Lessons: I Cor.12:28
Bible Reading in One Year: Ruth1-4
The Body of believers; which are the called-out ones is generally referred to as the bride of Christ or the Church. The name Church which is given in relation to Christ are people who have been purchased by the blood of the lamb, saved by grace, sanctified and cleansed by the word of God and subject to Christ in everything (Eph.5:25-29, Acts 20:28, Eph.5:26, Rom.7:6). The word, Church has different meanings to different people. But the true Church; the church of the Lord Jesus can be defined as:
1) A body of believers in Christ Jesus.
2) A general assembly representing believers from many local assemblies. (Acts 15:22)
3) A local company of Christians who regularly meet for spiritual services and to transact necessary business for the proper functioning of the local or general Christian work (Matt.18:17).
4) The general assembly of Christians in heaven (Heb.2:12).
The Church of Christ is a living entity of believers where members have an obligation to take part in Church life; that is taking up responsibilities for the effective growth and advancement of the local assembly. Where members fail to play their parts in the running and the growth of the church, there is grave consequences.
Other vital functions of the church include World evangelism, (Matt. 28:18-20), edifying the saints (Eph. 4:11-15), guarding the truth (II Tim.2:1-2) and to discipline the unruly (II Cor.13:1-10). Our text today urges us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Ps.100:4 makes us to understand how God should be approached when believers gather. Attendance of every meeting organized by the church is vitally important. God's word commands it, are you obeying Him?
* I confess that as a Church of Christ, I will service the body.
* My seat and service in the Church will not be vacant.
* The Church of Christ is matching on and the gates of hell will not prevail forever, in Jesus’ name.
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