Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Way to Follow

Text: Matt. 4:18-22
More Lessons: Lk.5:11
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 & 3 John, Jude

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jn. 14:6. Showing people the way and providing the way is one of Jesus’ missions on earth. Because this world is made by the Lord, He is the best person to choose for us the direction to follow in it.

There is no one in Christ who should be confused; Jesus has been made the way, the truth and the light for all believers. Not knowing how to do what we should do was dealt with on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to empower man. There are so many ways provided by God for us through which we can find direction, mentorship and example. Some of these ways are: the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, spiritual leaders, prayers etc. However, in our daily living many people prefer to seek other means. It is easier for young people to choose ideals or idols after which they pattern their lives. Rock singers, movie stars , television performers are followed today even by Christians because of their glamorous lives. Youths sometimes think that following this type of life will result in real happiness, but fun and games are not all there is to life.

In fact, you become what you follow. When Jesus called His disciples, He promised to make them what He is. He made no promises of either prosperity or fun. Instead, He called them to join Him in His work of soul wining. And how did the men react to His call? The Scripture tells us that Peter, Andrew, James and John left all to follow Him. Here is a list of things to pursue as we follow the Lord in the narrow way.
a. Love – I Cor. 14:1
b. All that is good – I Thes. 5:15
c. Righteousness and Godliness – I Tim. 6:11
d. Faith – IITim. 2:22
e. Patience – I Tim 6:11
f. Meekness – I Tim. 6:111
g. Peace – Heb. 12:14
h. Holiness – Heb. 12:14
i. Soul winning

Beloved, Jesus is still in need of ardent followers. As His call comes to you, will you follow Him in His prescribed ways?

* Ask the Lord for strength to follow Jesus even when it is painful and unpopular to do so.
* Declare today that you are walking in love, patience, meekness, righteousness and peace.

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Monday, December 1, 2014

What Kind of Fruit?

Text: Matt. 7:15-20
More Lessons: Luke 3:9
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 John 3-5

Jesus, in John 15:1 said; I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. He clarified this statement by comparing people to trees, vines and plants. Fruits are products of life. Many people may not be able to identify an orange tree unless they see an orange fruit growing on it or an apple tree unless they see an apple growing on it. As trees are identified by their fruits, so do people identify Christians by the fruits they produce.

Literal fruit bearing depends on the type of soil, the amount of rainfall in the year, the season and cultivation. In the same way, bearing fruit spiritually depends upon some factors:
1. Death to self: a Christian remains unfruitful unless he/she dies to self and the world. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit: Jn. 12:24. When as Christians, we love what the people of the world love and do what they do, we become unfruitful. But when we become new creatures in Christ Jesus we can bear good fruits, (Rom.7:4).
2. Abiding in Christ: living in Christ entails living a life that is pleasing unto God by consistent obedience to the word and the dictates of the Holy Spirit. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. Jn. 15:4 Jesus is the vine while the believers are the branches; our faithfulness depends on our relationship with Jesus. It is as we yield to God on a daily basis and live a life of constantly abiding in Him that we can bear expected fruits (II Pet. 1:5-8).

The Bible makes us to understand that God wants us to produce the fruits of righteousness (Phil.1:11). God is honoured by fruitfulness. As true believers, you should see that your life, attitude, behaviour and influence are different because what people see in you is your fruit. What kind and how much fruit do others see in your life?

* Ask the Holy Spirit to destroy every seed, tree or fruit growing inside you that the Father has not planted.
* Declare that you receive grace today to bear fruits of righteousness every day of your life.
* Ask for the Spirit of obedience to flood your life.

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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Receiving your Healing

Text: Mk. 2:3-12.
More Lessons: Mk. 11:22-3
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 John 1-2

All the miracles of Jesus have lessons for us and make our situations easier to respond to His healing power. In our text today, Jesus encountered a terrible case in Capernaum, which was like His operational headquarters. Expectedly, much crowd followed Him, looking for one miracle or the other. The case of the paralysed man and his faithful helpers brought tremendous lessons in trusting God for a near impossible healing. 1) The helpers were not discouraged by the barrier (the crowd). Don't quit. Trust God for what next. 2) They removed the roof in order to have a way. Where there is a will, there is a way. Be determined that God the healer will make a way for your healing. 3) They broke the ceiling and let down the man in front of Jesus. Break your hindrances and take a step of faith to come to God's presence. No one who is determined to receive anything while in the presence of God ever gets disappointed.
4) Jesus saw their faith. God must see your faith; when you trust Him, He is excited to prove His ability and power on your behalf.
5) Jesus forgave the sick man's sins. Christ cleanses totally so that satan will not have any reason to return affliction to a person that receives healing. 6) The man received his healing despite the unbelieving Pharisees around.

God is depending on your faith in Him for your healing, And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all.… Mk.2:12. You too will go forth today with your miracles no matter the hindrances and difficulties, in Jesus' mighty name. You will win over whatever has kept you down.

And you will not lack faithful and committed friends at the hour of need. The absence of friends who can go an extra mile like the friends of this sick man is responsible for the untimely death and affliction of many today. As you believe God for such helpers, pray also that God will use you to be a dependable hand for somebody needing help to come out of an affliction. Be a healing hand today, heal and be healed! Whoever carries whatever you need for a healing, you will not miss him/her. And whatever obstacle you need to overcome to reach your miracle you will overcome. I prophesy, today is a healing day!

* Rebuke every force of paralysis, physical, financial and otherwise.
* Refuse to be helpless in life.
* Renounce and destroy the power of sin that could be responsible for your affliction and receive forgiveness and healing.
Anoint yourself and everyone around you for healing.
Give thanks for answered prayer. Take a step of faith and do what you couldn’t do before. I see healing of any sickness. Receive it, it's a healing day!

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Operating the Supernatural

Text: Deut.18:9-14.
More Lessons: Rom.8:14-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Songs of Solomon 7-8

The supernatural is about unusual happening that beats the imagination of every human being. It has to do with anything that is beyond the comprehension of human senses, something that is not explainable by natural laws. The supernatural refers to activities in the spirit realm which are made manifest in the natural. The supernatural therefore is a realm where spirits operate.

Humans are special specie of spirit. We are spirits housed in a flesh. We are made so by the Creator who has created all things for His own purpose. As spirits living in flesh, there is a measure of limitation to how much and how far our spirits can operate. In order to operate in the supernatural however, you need to be aided by another spirit who is not bounded by the flesh. When you enter into an accord with such a spirit, he potentiates and leverages you into the spirit realm and you can accomplish supernatural works. This is a spiritual ordinance, i.e. an order that has been set, just as the physical ordinance of the sun and moon.

The authentic Spirit approved by God for humans to leverage into the spirit realm is the Holy Spirit. The way to enter into a relationship with the Holy Spirit is through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). When you confess Jesus as your LORD and Saviour and surrender your life to him, the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus comes into your life to reside. By Him, you can operate in the supernatural. There are those who seek to operate in the supernatural by the help of satanic spirits. The witchcraft, div1ination, necromancy, use of charms, familiar spirits, belonging to cults and occultic groups are demonic means by which some people seek to enter into and operate the supernatural. Such media is wrong, deceitful and lead to eternal death. That is why God strongly warns men against such in our Bible reading today. If you find yourself in any of these, your way out is Jesus Christ. Repent now and go to a Pastor and seek for deliverance. After which, desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and by He, you can operate in the supernatural and eternal life which God has also guaranteed.

* Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit by which you can operate in the supernatural.
* Ask the Lord for the infilling/fresh filling of the Holy Spirit today.

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