Saturday, December 20, 2014

Plant your own Seed

Text: Gen. 8:22
More Lessons: Zech. 10: 1
Bible Reading in one Year: Jeremiah 33-36

It pleases Jehovah that we plant today what we want to harvest this year. We want to plant seeds of promotion, increase, appointment, jubilation, federal jobs, scholarship, fellowship, award, contract, breakforths and breakthroughs. How are we going by it? Just one way, we will announce it. Our seed planting is by announcement, by speaking, by prophetic declaration. Everyone will harvest what he or she has planted. Psa 81:10 (GNB) says …Open your mouth, and I will feed you: Pro 18:21 says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. That means every man reaps a harvest of the fruit with which he is fed, by the words of his mouth.

The passage we read says, while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, … shall not cease. The earth remains and as a result seedtime shall not cease. If you don't sow, harvest is not expected. Seedtime implies that there is a time that sowing is done; there is a time to sow maize, that is the seedtime for maize and this also goes for other crops. A research on the topic: “Corn Planting and Harvest Seasons”, says that corn crops around the world have their unique production cycles of planting and harvest time frames. In the United States, corn crops are planted between April and June, and harvested between October and November. In China corn is planted mid- March through early June and harvested mid- August through October. And in Brazil, corn crops are planted early August through November and harvested February through May. This shows that each region has its own time for planting.

The seedtime is the set time and like the Psalmist said in Psa. 102:13 ... the set time is come. It means if Zion should miss that set time, they will have to wait for the cycle to return before they can be favoured. Also, in Zech. 10: 1, the Bible says, Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain. This further proves that there is a time that God has set aside for men to do things and if they are not aware of that time, they remain in their state of delusion. Jesus wept over Jerusalem and declared woe unto them because they didn't know the hour of their visitation.

There is a time for planting and I announce to you that today is your planting time. This is the time to plant, so open your mouth and begin to plant all the seeds you want to harvest this year.

Prayer / Action
* Raise a song of praise to God for being the God of harvest and thank Him for the opportunity to declare a Word.
Take a Scripture promise that is relevant to your request before God and confess it all through the day. Here are some: Isa. 45:1-3, Psa. 91:1-10, Psa. 121:1-8, 3Jn.2

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Prayer Pillars

Text: Acts 4:23-31
More Lessons: Jam.5:17-18
Bible Reading in One Year: Jeremiah 30-32

A pillar is a load carrier in a building or structure. Without strong pillars, a great house or structure cannot stand. A pillar, therefore, is the main strength of a structure. A pillar is called by whatever material it is made of, hence you have concrete pillar, pillar of cloud, pillar of prayer, wooden pillar, etc.
Like any strong building, the Church of Jesus needs strong pillars, one of which is prayer pillar. The prayer pillar in any church is the intercessor, individual or group. The New Testament Church did not survive without it and no church of God today can survive without it. A church is strong to the extent of its intercessors or individuals lifting the church or its pastors up in prayer because the work of God moves on the wings of intercession. Therefore, where there is no intercessor the work drags and suffers great setback no matter what else is done.

The glory of the New Testament Church is her prayer pillar. The early Church prayed:
1. in every watch hour (Acts 3:1).
2. as an apostolic band (Acts 4:23-31).
3. and the building shook (Acts 4:31).
4. and the earth quaked (Acts 16:25-26).
5. and the prison doors opened (Acts 12:1-11).
6. a without ceasing (Acts 6:4).
7. until something happened (Acts12:5).
8. and changed the world (Acts 17:6).

The greatest need of the Church today is that of men and women who will raise prayers up to Heaven for the Church and her pastors. Are you one of them? The recruitment exercise is still on; join those who lift Moses’ hands up and not those who criticise everything that is done in church. Whatever we do for the church or in a church building has eternal reward.

Prayer / Action
* Pray that God will use you as an intercessor to make a difference in your church and in the world.
* Pray that God will raise faithful intercessors to pray for your church, world evangelism and for your spiritual leaders.
* Make a covenant never to close your church service, family altar or personal prayer time without a prayer for your spiritual leader.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

War with your Word of Promise

Text: Isa. 62:4-7
More Lessons: Mk. 4:11-20, 1 Tim 1:18
Bible Reading in one Year: Jeremiah 27-29

Yesterday, we began to see that God is pleased to call us His wife, not in the natural perspective, but in the sense of taking responsibility over our lives and destiny the same way a husband would for his wife. But there is an issue, and that is the fact that this is a promise and promises must go through a process for them to be fulfilled. On your walls, Jerusalem, I have placed sentries; They must never be silent day or night. They must remind the LORD of his promises and never let him forget them. (Isa. 62:6 (GNB).

They must give Him no rest until He restores Jerusalem and makes it a city the whole world praises. Verse 6 says we must keep watch over the promise in prayers until it is fulfilled. As beautiful as the promise is, we must have an understanding that there is what we are to do- remind the Lord and never let Him forget His promises. Is God forgetful? No, how can he!

So why remind Him? We remind Him because that is how the realm of promises has been designed. Paul speaks about warring with prophecies in 1 Tim 1:18 (GNB) saying, Timothy , my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well. God's promises are weapons with which we fight a good fight. If you relax because God has spoken, you are ignorant of the demographics of the workings of words in the realm of the spirit.

The Word will always come as a seed, that is the first point you must understand and every seed that is planted will require cultivation. For a good farmer , the day you break the bush is not the beginning; you don't count harvest day until the seed enters the ground. God is the sower, but you are to cultivate and nurture what is planted. The way you cultivate your land will determine how much yield you get, which is the reason some people in Jesus’ example had thirtyfold while others had sixty and hundred folds. Remind God of what He has said by nurturing the seed He has planted and defending the land where it is planted; that is, your heart. You must guard your heart with all diligence for that is the target of the enemy.
Secondly, I want you to take note of the word, Satan cometh immediately…: this is a serious matter. Realize that Satan is always looking for ways to disrupt God's programme, which is the reason Jesus called him Satan, meaning adversary. There is an adversary that must be placed where he belongs, so Paul says we should war with the words that we have received. And in Isa. 62, the Bible says to give God no rest, which implies persistence and consistence in following up the Word that the Lord has spoken. What you do with the Word determines what becomes of you eventually.

Prayer /Action
* Ask God to help you persist in prayer until the Word is performed in your life.
* Pray that the Word of God in your mouth will not miss its target.
* Pray that the heavens will not rest until the promise becomes a reality .


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

God's Wife not Forsaken

Text: Isa. 62: 4
More Lessons: Isa. 43:1-4
Bible Reading in one Year: Jeremiah 24-26

When God takes delight in you, it means that you become the King's favourite and whatever belongs to the King is available to you. When the Lord delights in a man therefore, he cannot be forsaken or forgotten. So, for you to be called the Lord's delight is higher than any other precious name. This year, the Lord shall delight in you and your land shall be married.

I don't know if you've ever given attention to that word- “...and thy land shall be married”? It means that whatever looks like you are being delayed or abandoned, God is ready to turn around. “Your land shall not be forsaken” can only mean that your life will receive divine attention. Every area of your life where you are experiencing loneliness and emptiness shall receive a filling from God. Your testimony is about to change because God's promise to you is valid and nothing can stop it . The Goodnews Bible Translation renders the verse this way: Your land will be called "Happily Married," Because the LORD is pleased with you And will be like a husband to your land. This further points to the fact that God is taking responsibility over your life like a husband that is happily married to his wife. So you can be assured that God is with you at all times; you cannot but be confident. Can you imagine your being “God's wife”? The wife of a president is held in high esteem as is her husband. How much more you that God has called His wife; you cannot be less than what God has made you to be- “happily married”.

A land that is married is fruitful and productive. If God says He delights in you, it means for instance that if you are supposed to have had three children by now and you are yet to have even one, He can give you four at once. It is not too much for Jehovah because He says, …and thy land shall be married. I have not stopped believing God for what He can do. You will be disappointed in me if you expect that one day I will announce that I have waited and I am tired. God forbid! Until I see Him face to face, I will keep believing Him that good days are here.

You are stepping into a miracle that the enemy cannot reverse. No demonic eraser can touch it, in Jesus’ name. We are stepping into a dangerous dimension of fruitfulness in every area of our lives that the enemy cannot stop. I want you to know that there is a seed of greatness that God has planted in us and no devil can uproot it. Rejoice, wife of God, for your land is happily married and not forsaken. Face today with this confidence that you are “married” to God and He is with you all of the time.

Prayer / Action
* Give God praise for being the Hope of the hopeless, the Peace of the restless, and the Assurance of the downcast.
* T ell God that you have absolute confidence in His promises for your future and will never give up on God no matter the negativity around.

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