Saturday, January 10, 2015

Go Ye!

Text: Matt. 28:19-20
MORE LESSON: Acts 2:38-47

Advance a nation by advancing the Gospel”. This is a statement of fact. Any nation that has experienced growth and advancement did so because it accepted and embraced the Gospel. ...but the people that do know their God shall do exploit Dan. 11:32b. Name one nation that has advanced both in technology and otherwise and I will confidently tell you that nation opened its doors to the Gospel. America and China are what they are today because the received the Gospel. In our text, Jesus gave one command, one instruction, one assignment: Go ye into the nations teach all people. Today we are not only asked to go but as a matter of urgency, we must run. Why? There is no more time; the world is perishing and we need to carry this Gospel to millions of perishing souls. It is a clarion call today, echoing the voice of Jesus 2400 years ago, calling. Who shall go for us? Who shall we send? Did I hear you say, ‘yes, here am I?’ Then hear what Isaiah says about you, How beautiful upon the Mountains are thy feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reighneth Isaiah 52:7. Friends, the Gospel is good tidings; the Gospel is peace; it is salvation unto the nations.

You can fulfill this call in various ways: 1. Through one on one (personal) evangelism; 2. Via crusades; 3. Via church on the air (TV/Radio). We can write books, publish tracts and even send text messages.

The song writer says if you cannot go, your money can go for you. Make up your mind today to be a part of this great work by supporting, sponsoring the Gospel or going yourself. Contact any ministry that is involved in mission work and sow your seed there. Who knows? At the gate of heaven you may receive a thank you by someone whom your money sent the Gospel to. Besides, you will also receive a grand welcome by Jesus Himself.

Don't procrastinate this call today; talk to someone. Those unbelieving parents, brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues and neighbours: don let them perish. Don't let Jesus demand their blood from you. When I say unto the wicked thou shall surely die and thou neither givest him not warning nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood shall I require at thine hand Ezekiel 3:18. God will not demand the blood of the wicked from your hand, in Jesus’ name. Speak to them, preach to them today. Send a text: JESUS LOVES YOU.

* I receive boldness to declare the Word of God today to whoever comes my way.
* I pledge my allegiance to Jesus to preach the Gospel this year.
* I will tell someone today about Jesus.

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Friday, January 9, 2015

The God that Answers by Fire

Text: 1 Kings 18:36 - 39
MORE LESSON: 2 Kings 1:9-12

In the epic of Mount Carmel, the factor of answer by fire was what proved who God is; God of Elijah or Baal. Fire was chosen as the proof of the true God because when you consider the attributes of fire, you will realize that only the Living God can answer by fire.

Some attributes of fire are:

1. Fire is unexplainable; no one has been able to explain the dynamics of fire. No one knows what constitutes fire or how it consumes. Ancient philosophers categorized fire as one of the basic elements of the universe. Fire is a miracle. The God that answers by fire, answers by miracles.

2. Fire starts small and grows big: a small spark and it becomes an inferno. This means that every small door that opens to you as you pray this year will grow to become a great breakthrough, in Jesus’ name.

3. Fire is unstoppable: when fire starts to move, nothing can stand on its way; it devours everything that opposes it. When God answers you by fire, anything that tries to oppose your answer is consumed by the force with which the answer comes. Your answers will come forcefully and unstoppably this year, in Jesus’ name.

4. Fire moves speedily: fire spreads with such speed that a small fire that starts in a corner can move across a nation in a short while if unchecked. This year, your answers are coming with alarming speed like wild fire, in Jesus’ name.
However, we have to note that Elijah did some things before the fire fell.

1. He repaired the altar (verse 30). This stands for repentance from sin. Make the altar of your heart right with God and you will see answers by fire this year.

2. He set up twelve stones to remind God of His covenant with Israel (verse 31). This is the year you must stand firmly on the covenant of the Blood of Jesus in every prayer you offer.

3. He built an altar (verse 32): altars are places of sacrifice. Do not run away from making sacrifices to God this year. Sacrifice commands fire to come.

4. He added water to the sacrifice (verse 33): water stands for the word of God (Eph. 5:26). Don't pray aimlessly, get filled with God's Word.

5. He did everything as God commanded (verse 36): obedience commands fire. Obey every instruction from God and His servant this year. The fire of God fell and the people glorified God (verse 39). The answers you seek must be for the glory of God and not just for selfish ends. This year, God will answer you by fire in every way, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that God will answer you by fire this year, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the fire of God will consume every hindrance to your prayer this year.
* Ask the consuming fire to consume all the plans of your enemies.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

No Evil

Text: Prov. 19:21
MORE LESSON: Psa. 91:3-12

The counsel of the Lord refers to the will of God. It is the plan and desire of God. When we talk about the counsel of the Lord, we are talking about the mind and purpose of God. Above all, the counsel of the Lord is the Word of God, and His counsels are faithfulness and truth (Isa. 25:1). Apart from the counsel of God, there are also the counsels of the enemy. In Ex. 15:9, we see the counsel of the enemy over Israel, but in spite of the counsel of the enemy, the counsel of the Lord prevailed. In Luke 22:31, we also see the counsel of the enemy over Peter.

Jesus gave the contrast between the counsel of God and the counsel of the enemy in John 10:10. While the counsel of God is for you to have life in 2015, the counsel of the devil is to steal, kill and to destroy you. But according to our topic today and in line with the Bible texts, only the counsel of the Lord is permitted to manifest over your life in 2015. This means that you have the right to insist that nothing short of the counsel of God shall be your portion in 2015. No day must pass without you declaring that the counsel of God over your life this year will come to pass. Remember that only the counsel of God shall stand over your matter, in Jesus’ name. In like manner, no day must pass in 2015 without you rejecting and cancelling the counsel of the enemy over your life. Jesus prayed for Peter; He did not only cancel the counsel and plan of the enemy over his life, He declared that the counsel of God be fulfilled over Peter's life. No wonder, despite all the challenges that Peter passed through, his ministry was most successful.

I pray for you today that over every matter of your life and destiny in 2015, only the counsel of the Lord shall prevail over you, in Jesus’ name. You will have great success this year, in Jesus’ name. You will prosper and be in perfect health, in Jesus’ name and you will not be a victim of evil this year, in Jesus’ name. Above all, the help of God shall be available for you every day of 2015.

* Declare that no evil shall come near your dwelling place.
* Insist on God’s counsel over your life in all areas.
* Declare the plans of the enemy over your life null and void.

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I reject every temptation to bow to any satanic push, or to sin against God in anyway in 2015, in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Behold the Bridegroom Cometh

Text: 1 Cor. 7: 29 – 31
MORE LESSON: Matt 25:1 – 13

The story of the ten virgins as recorded in Matt. 25:1–13 is quite educating and revealing, especially to Christians in this generation. The Bible records in Matt 25: 5 that while the Bridegroom tarried.... To tarry means to wait, to delay or fail to come after a long time. The first result of the delay was that the virgins slept, the second was that the oil in all their lamps finished and the third was that their lamps burnt out. Like the bridegroom in the story , it has been over two thousand years ago that the Master, the Bridegroom of the Church went to heaven with the promise that He is coming back for the Bride (The Church) for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. For over two thousand years, the Church has been waiting and like the virgins, several have slept off, so much oil has been used up and several lamps burnt out.

One question is very relevant at this hour, and that question is; ‘Child of God, are you still waiting?’ Another way of asking this question is this; ‘Child of God, are you ready to meet Him? Remember that God is faithful to His promises. He promised Abraham that He would visit His children in Egypt, deliver them and take them to the Promised Land. He did exactly that after 430 years (Ex. 14:28–31). He also promised Jeremiah that He would end the captivity of Zion in Babylon after 70 years and He did exactly that to the amazement of Israel (Ps 126:1). In the same manner, at midnight, the bridegroom terminated his delay and fulfilled His promise to the virgins. Matt. 25:6 says, ...Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Are you ready to meet Him? It is my sincere prayer that all of us shall be ready throughout 2015, in Jesus’ name. The spirit of slumber and the spirit that drains and wastes spiritual strength will not prevail against you this year, in Jesus’ name. I pray for you that your love for God and for the things of God shall not wax cold in 2015, in Jesus’ name.

Lastly, note the counsels of Jesus our Master in Mk. 13:33: Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is: Mark 13:33 (NKJV) and of Apostle Paul in Rom. 13:11–14, And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. These words are very relevant throughout this year. Receive the strength to live everyday like Jesus is coming that day.

* Ask the Lord for grace not to slumber and sleep in destiny.
* Pray that your light will keep on shining till the end, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive grace to tell someone about the coming of the Lord.
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In 2015, I shall recover by divine help all that I have lost in previous years to the enemy, I shall recover all grounds.