Monday 25 May
READ: Heb. 13:7-17
MORE LESSONS: I Tim. 5:17-19
Our spiritual leaders need our prayer for many reasons. They are the custodians of our spiritual estate and they are generals at the forefront of all spiritual battles. They serve as examples and link us to God and are Satan's greatest target. The fall of one is a great disaster for the entire body of Christ. As representatives of Christ on earth, spiritual leaders lead the battle against all satanic oppositions to the Gospel. This places an enormous task upon them as the destinies of hundreds of millions are in their hands. Their conduct, family, work, joy and pain are of importance to Heaven, hell and of course, the earth (both within the Church and outside).
Being human themselves, they are not infallible and though they run almost round the clock for their sheep, they have their own needs and pains. This is why Heb. 13:7 urges, Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God….: Heb. 13:7. You should remember them in your prayers often, supporting them as much as God enables you and by doing nothing that will make their work difficult.
In fact, v17 of our reading is so explicit about this, Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves… that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Three things are to be noted here: (i) Obey them, (ii) Submit to them (iii) Ensure they do their work with joy for your own profit. Verse 18 says, Pray for us….
Finally, in I Thess. 5:13, Paul says …to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. Anything you do that is less than these, needs immediate change. Remember, whatever is done to and for God's servants is done to the God who called them, and He will not take lightly whatever you do (positively or negatively) to His called ones.
* Pray that our spiritual leaders will not fail or fall.
* Lift three spiritual leaders including your pastor to the Lord in prayer- ask God to bless, keep and sustain them in destiny.
* Ask that God will be an enemy to the enemies of our spiritual leaders.
---Spend five minutes today to pray for your spiritual leaders and repeat same for the next 12 months.
I shall not wither and my days shall be full of joy and gladness.