Sunday, May 24, 2015

What God Won’t Do

Sunday 24 May
READ: Psa. 22:1-11
MORE LESSONS: Mk. 15:33-37

Jesus Christ was forsaken that you and I might not be forsaken. God the Father forsook His Son on the cross when Christ was made sin for us (II Cor. 5:21). Therefore you cannot be forsaken because the Saviour was forsaken in your place; you can't be forsaken because of His promise, … I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee: Heb. 13:5. You cannot be forsaken because of His presence, … and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Matt. 28:20. You cannot be forsaken because of His purpose, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose: Rom. 8:28.

In spite of your circumstances and your feelings, remember that God will not forsake you. Our text today records how King David complained and murmured about his prevailing situation, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me….: Psa. 22:1. But from verse 3, David resorted to praises. He remembered God's goodness towards his fathers and in verse 11, he stressed his helplessness, Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

This is how to face an adverse situation. It is high time you quit complaining and try to remember your blessings. Then you will know that God has not forsaken you, I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid…. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew….: Rom. 11:1-2. This scripture is an assurance that God does not forsake His own. Are you a child of God? Believe that God Almighty does not cast away nor forsake His own.

* Renounce every suggestion of the devil that God has forsaken you.
* Pray that the faithfulness of God will be your testimony this year.
* Ask that all things will work together for your good this year.
--- What will God not do or what cannot happen with God, Isa. 40:28? Relate this to God’s promises to you.

I shall not see reproach, and my enemies will not rejoice over me as the Lord lives, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Antidote to Delay

Saturday 23 May
READ: James 4:1-3
MORE LESSONS: Lk. 18:1-8

I once tried to find out why most of our young and single people within and outside the Church desire to marry, and sometimes very desperately. I also sought to know why people want children, and again sometimes at any cost, godly and otherwise. I just wanted to know the reasons why God's promise against barrenness is being so seriously violated by the devil. I wanted to know why many of our singles are being delayed in marriage despite many of God's promises against such.
After a little time of questioning and counseling brethren, not necessarily a research, I came to the conclusion that many of our beloved waiters are delayed for lack of knowledge of purpose. A lot of brethren need to know that God does not do anything without a purpose. It is easy to say that your purpose of desiring a home, property and marriage etc. is to raise a child or home or property solely for the sake of God's use, but if you examine yourself sincerely and deeply on your inside, is it as you have said?

The truth is that like our text of today declares, Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts [pleasure]: Jam.4:3. How many of our waiting brethren can say before God that they want a child that will be truly dedicated and consecrated from childhood for God's use like Samuel, or want to own a house purposely so that the church will not rent again? How many want to marry just to support a brother who is on a mission field? The truth is that you need to critically examine the purpose for your request and make sure that your purpose tallies with God's purpose. And speedily like it happened to Hannah, another Shiloh (year) will not pass before an answer comes. May the Lord hear you speedily.

* Ask God to help you not to faint in the day of adversity.
* Pray for waiting brethren for the grace not to faint.
* Ask God to guide your prayer life not to ask amiss.
---Take anointing oil and anoint yourself for speedy answer to every prayer.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth I will proclaim His faithfulness to all generations, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Worth of your Affliction

Friday 22 May
READ: Psa. 119:66-71
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 55:1-9

Obviously, from our scriptural passage, there is something good after all from affliction, It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes: Psa. 119:71. This is a confession from someone who has gone through it directly and not just an observer or a commentator. King David was one king in Israel who really went through affliction in life. Before he became a king, he suffered in the hands of his predecessor, King Saul. In fact, during that crisis, he once burst out in frustration, Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.

My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me. Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me. And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest Psa. 55:3-6. And even after he got to the throne, it was one battle after the other that sometimes he even wished he was dead, yet one day came when he looked back and said, … it is good for me that I have been afflicted.… Psa. 119:71.

Today, I prophesy to you, you too will get there, when your affliction will become a blessing, in Jesus mighty name. What benefits did David get from his affliction? (i) …that I might learn thy statutes Psa. 119:71. Affliction can get us to a clearer knowledge of the working of God's Word. (ii) Affliction can bring out the best that is hidden inside you. (iii) Affliction can reveal your level of strength. You may never appreciate the level of grace and ability that you carry until it is tried in the fire. Job said, …when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold Job 23:10.

My father once told me that it is a fruitful tree that is always stoned. No man throws stones at a tree that has no fruit on it. Understand today that it is not every affliction that is from the devil. God could be taking you via a challenge to a higher ground. Even afflictions that come from the devil can work together for your good (Rom. 8:28) as long as you love the Lord and stay in His Word. Today, I reverse every affliction and I turn them to your advantage.

* Everything must work together for my good this year.
* I receive strength to go through every challenge of life and to come forth as gold.
* Every enemy's desire over me shall fail hence forth.
* I turn every adversity to flight today, in Jesus' mighty name.
--- Create time today at about 12pm -1pm and 12am - 1am and call upon God to look at the afflictions of your life and speedily turn them to good (Psa. 55:1).

As the day of the Lord gets closer, so shall my walk with the Lord get stronger, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

End Time

Thursday 21 May
READ: Matt. 24:1-13
MORE LESSON: Matt. 24:31–44

The disciples of Jesus were fascinated with the beautiful architecture of the temple buildings in their time and wanted the Lord Jesus to share their fascination. However, Jesus’ response was an awakening to the disciples and one of the greatest teachings of all times on the issue of end time, And Jesus said unto them, see ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown: Matt. 24:2.
Men all over the world are like the disciples in this passage as they tend to think that this world is forever, and that everything about man's existence ends here. But the earth is a transient place that will eventually be destroyed with fervent heat and fire. The real world where men will live forever is in eternal Heaven or eternal hell. No wonder it is said that the world is just a market place, we will all go home one day.

Signs that will usher in the rapture of the saints and Christ’s second coming are being fulfilled gradually before our eyes. Three of the four gospels tell of Jesus' description of the end time events. In addition, the book of Revelation describes the events in some detail (although not completely in a sequential order): false christs (Matt. 24:5), wars, famine, earthquakes (Matt. 24:6-7), tribulation of believers (Matt. 24:9-10) and the preaching of the gospel to all nations (Matt. 24:14), among others.

We are in the final dispensation to end the Church era here on earth. Jesus is emphatic about this, verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled: Matt. 24:34.What attitude should you have to the end time?

1. Do not neglect the issue of salvation as some did in the days of Noah (Heb. 2:3, 10:26-29).

2. Refuse to be offended or hate others (Matt.24:10). Several will miss Heaven not because they are not saved but because of unforgiveness, bitterness and malice. Refuse all such.

3. Refuse to be deceived (Matt. 24:5,11,24). Several herbalists now use the internet to peddle their deception. Avoid wolves in sheep’s skin.

4. Stay fervent, refusing to be lukewarm as Jesus says He will spit out the lukewarm person. Refuse to be lukewarm. Be prayerful, focused, evangelistic and relevant.

5. Finally, endure to the end (Matt. 24:13). The saint that endures to the end will not miss the rapture. Get ready!

* I choose to be in the number that will make Heaven, oh Lord, save my soul.
* I receive the right attitude of readiness for the rapture of the saints. I will not be left behind.
---List at least 5 things you can keep doing to be rapture – ready and do them conscientiously daily, evangelism is one such things.

The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon me and I shall not put forth my hands into iniquity, in the name of Jesus.