Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lord, Teach us to Pray III

Thursday 23 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4
MORE LESSON: 1Sam.1:11

There was a time Jesus' disciples asked Him to increase their faith (Luke 17:5). Rather than getting a pat at the back for wanting to demonstrate great faith and a corresponding release of what they asked for, Jesus said: If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you: Luke 17:6. However, we see from the Bible reading today that when one of the disciples asked Jesus to teach him and others how to pray, Jesus did not just oblige the request, His response was immediate. He took the disciples through a prayer which has remained outstanding in all generations. It is a prayer which addresses the heavens, the earth, the Kingdom to come, human needs, forgiveness, temptations, deliverance from the evil one, and adoration to God Almighty.

Why was Jesus so swift in His response to the disciple’s request? The reason is that the request was on a subject that was so dear to the heart of Jesus. It was a request in tune with the heart cry of Jesus. Jesus knows that prayer is everything mortals need to succeed in spiritual assignments. He, being then in human form, had to give Himself solely to prayer to God who works all things through the man He uses. As a true leader who wants His disciples to be like him, His heart must have lifted for joy that His followers had finally gotten to understand the winning formula. Jesus must have been very proud of this disciple, and in response to his request, He taught the disciples what is now popularly referred to as the ‘Lord's Prayer’.

God is always fascinated and swift to respond when men align their request with what is the dear need of the heavens. Hannah, in 1Samuel 1:11, overcame barrenness because she made a request that aligned with God's urgent quest. God wanted to send a prophet to Israel and was looking out for a family that will not compromise the vision of the expected prophet. Hannah was also requesting for a child she would dedicate and release to God’s service all his days. If you make a request that aligns with the quest of God and His Kingdom today, you can be sure of a speedy response.

Sometimes, we experience delays because we are not Kingdom-minded in our motive. We make demands on God just to satisfy our selfish and lustful cravings. James 4:1-3 sums it up like this: From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. I charge you this day to re-orientate your minds and align your request to conform with the needs of God's Kingdom, and answers to your prayer will be quick and satisfactory.

* Jesus, I renounce every selfishness in me; I will seek only those things that advance Your Kingdom.

Every name in my lifethat originates from every evil circumstance today, I terminate, in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lord, Teach us to Pray II

Wednesday 22 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4
MORE LESSON: Luke 6:40

Yesterday, we learnt from the same Bible passage few lessons from the disciple of Jesus who did not hold back from asking his Master to teach him and others to pray. This disciple was simply saying to Jesus, “Make us like you are. We see you pray, but we cannot do as you do”. The disciple must have seen the effect of prayer in Jesus' life and ministry, and had come to a conclusion that what made the difference between them and their Master was His prayer life. 
There are three marks of a true disciple we should learn today. (1) Ability to see the grace and virtues your master possess. Some followers cannot see the grace that their leaders carry. So, they have nothing to aspire to in their leaders' lives. For this reason they look down on or rub shoulders with their leaders. (2) This disciple had just one ultimate aspiration; he simply wanted to be like his Master. Jesus also once told them: It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord: Matt. 10:25a.

There is nothing as satisfying as walking in the shoes of your master. The peak of your training as a disciple is to be able to do what your master can do. Jesus once said to them: The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master: Lk. 6:40. You are considered mature (perfect) when you can stand in the place of your master.

(3) This disciple knew the master-key to his boss's success, and would not hesitate to be trained in the same. There are some bad disciples who upon perceiving the secret of their master, work to undermine, steal, or hijack it. Rather than submitting themselves under him to learn, they quickly break away to pitch their own tent and replicate what their master is doing. Until you are taught, you cannot become a master; only masters can develop new techniques. Your refusal to be under teaching for a season will be the singular reason why you will never get to the top.

I challenge you this day to learn from this disciple. Ask your leader to make you like him. Ask the LORD to open your eyes to see what He has vested in your leader for your sake. Do not be rebellious against those who have gone ahead of you. Wait until your master releases you with a word of blessing and a befitting send-forth. Don't usurp, hijack or compete with your master. Know for sure that the seed you sow today will become fruits that you will harvest tomorrow. Do not hold back from asking your master to teach you to become like him.

* Jesus, make me like You in all ramifications.
* I receive grace to learn under my Master Jesus and be weaned at the appropriate time.

Whatever I lost from January-June, I restore back seven folds this week, in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lord, Teach us to Pray I

Tuesday 21 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4

The topic today was a request made to Jesus by one of His disciples after He ended a prayer session. A close study of the Bible passage shows that this disciple's request was not a flippant one. It was also not a spontaneous request made out of confusion like Apostle Peter’s at the Mount of Transfiguration when he saw the glory of Jesus and exclaimed: ...Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias...: Matt. 17:4.The scripture says Peter spoke not knowing what he said. The request for a teaching on how to pray and not for the regular mundane things of life like bread and fish that some other followers of Jesus were pursuing. This disciple was not looking for how to sit at the left or right hand of Jesus when He eventually begins to reign as a king. Rather, his interest was about doing what he saw Jesus doing often and regularly.

This disciple must have been studying Jesus and had observed that when He was baptized, Jesus was praying and heaven opened (Lk. 3:21). He saw when Jesus withdrew into the wilderness, and prayed (Lk. 5:16). He was a witness to how Jesus went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer (Lk. 6:12). Jesus was alone praying (Lk. 9:18); soon after, He went up into a mountain to pray, and as He prayed He was transfigured (Lk. 9:28-29); and Lk. 11:1 also records that Jesus was praying in a certain place.

There are at least seven strong lessons to learn from this disciple. (1) The gifts and graces of others should be to coveted earnestly. (2) The zeal of others should provoke you into a holy imitation and emulation.

(3) Never get jealous of others even when you are not excelling as much as they are doing; simply go closer and ask the person to teach you. (4) Don't be haughty in manner; humble yourself to request your superior, colleague or subordinate to teach you what you don't know how to do. (5) The disciple was not selfish about his request. Note that he did not say, “Teach me”, but “Teach us”. He knew how important it was for a disciple to be like his Master, and he wanted others to share in the same blessing.

(6) The secret of becoming is in teaching. You will never attain except you are taught; be teachable. (7) This disciple had seen how John taught his disciples to pray, and he wanted to learn. He did not break rank or defect to be taught by another. Rather, he went to his own Master and asked, with all sincerity, to be taught.

What is your relationship with your Master? Are you ready to learn like this disciple of Jesus? Do not hold back from asking Him to teach you.

* Lord, teach me to pray.
* Father, help me to desire only those things that matter more to the Kingdom. 
* I pray that my zeal will inspire and motivate others to serve the Lord.

Everywhere my name is written for evil and offence, I delete it now by the blood of Jesus’, in Jesus’ name

Monday, July 20, 2015

Unbelievable Love II

Monday 20 July
READ: John 20:1-15
MORE LESSON: Heb.11: 28-33

The love of Jesus for man is incomparable and has no equal in affection. However, there are men in the Bible who also did great things that are worthy of our emulation as Christians who want to get to heaven.

1. In our text today, a woman reciprocated the love of Jesus with great love when men who were stronger stayed in hiding. The woman’s love was so compelling that she went to the graveyard alone and without fear to look for Jesus. Even after the disciples checked and left, she still stood there insisting for the body of Jesus. Thus she became the first to see Jesus in His resurrected body (Jn.20:13-16). Mary was a practical example of passion for the Lord. She had great courage and wonderful commitment to the Lord. Is your commitment to God unshaken even when your pastor or leader is not there to supervise? Several people have gone into hiding, away from church because of persecutions and insurgencies. Will you also go away? Mary stayed devotedly and over 2000 years later we still read her testimony. Receive courage to serve God even in the face of persecution and threats, and you will have a testimony of victory.

2. In Lk.8:1-3, there is a record of women who sustained Jesus’ earthly ministry with their substance. They were so committed and regular at it that the the Bible recorded it and thereby etched their names on tablets of gold. God expects you to use your material wealth to serve Him. Your attendance in church is good and imperative but the fullness of your blessing will not come until you serve the Lord with your substance. It is part of reciprocating Jesus’ love.

3. There is an unbelievable and awesome chronicle in Heb. 11 of men who believed in God and did great exploits. Sarah and Abraham conceived in old age (Heb.11:11); Moses forsook the Egyptian crown to stick with Jehovah. (Heb.11:24-27) and many others. And what more shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae, of David also, and Samual, and of the Prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens: Heb. 11:32-34.

They did all these because of their faith although they were Old Testament saints. We who are of the New Testament owe God more because the precious blood of Jesus has given us a better covenant than that of the Old Testament.

*Father, the chronicle of those who did great exploits for You will not end until my name is added, in Jesus’ name.
*I will do awesome things for my awesome God in awesome ways by His Spirit and power.
*Go ahead and do for God that which He is laying in your heart right now; do not procrastinate!

I command every devouring power to jump out of my life now, in Jesus’ mighty name.