Friday 24 July
READ: Matt 16:13-19
MORE LESSON: Rev:2:1-19
The Church is the visible, physical manifestation of God's Kingdom on earth. She is the most magnificent divine concept ever created despite her faults. The Church has been God's chosen instrument of blessing for more than 2000 years. As Jesus’ bride, the Church has survived insults, abuses and terrible persecution from haters of the Gospel and those who misunderstand her mission. Other organizations will come and go but the Church will last for eternity (Rev.21:2-3). She is worth giving our lives for and deserves our best efforts to build her.
If God's Kingdom will grow and expand and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, then the Church must grow and expand. As the Church increases numerically and in impact, so will the Kingdom of God be increasing in number and impact. God is the builder of the Kingdom but He has chosen, in His sovereignty, to use man as a co-builder or co-labourer (I Cor.3:9). God works in and through men to fulfil His divine purpose in the Kingdom, therefore He is the farmer while we are the tools.
How can we be involved in building God's Kingdom? By service: the church has many worshippers but few servants. Several people just want to come to church and keep being ministered to in encouragements, exhortations and songs. These practices are not wrong in themselves as they are essential parts of the church but God wants His people to add the dimension of service to their worship lives. Service involves giving God your time, your energy and other personal resources. He blessed you with them to build His Kingdom. God's people must move from being just worshippers in church to being “service providers”. After salvation, the next thing God uses to assess His children is their service works. Works are vital in God's Kingdom. Are you saved? Then make progress and serve God earnestly as a true sign that you are now His.
The word ‘works’ was repeated by the Lord Jesus Christ with much emphasis in the book of Revelations in His discourse with the churches on how they can get back on track (Rev.2:2;9;13;19. 3:1;8;15). Do you desire a great testimony this year? To be an effective instrument in God's hand is the greatest testimony of all. Check yourself! Since you gave your life to Jesus Christ, have you been serving Him in your church assembly? Saved for years and not a worker in His Kingdom as an intercessor, usher, singer, Sunday school teacher, warden, protocol officer or sanctuary cleaner? You need to get enrolled today and serve the Lord fervently (Rom12:11). Do not be a destroyer of the Kingdom; arise and build the Kingdom.
* Lord, I repent, today of all attitudes of irresponsibility in Your Kingdom.
* I receive fresh strength and zeal to serve God and build His Kingdom.
* Identify at least 3 things you will do regularly and consistently henceforth to serve in your local church thereby building God's Kingdom here on earth.
Over me (put your name), the snare is broken, the siege is over and my blessings are here.