Friday, January 15, 2016

The Great I Am

Friday 15 January
READ: 1 Tiim 1: 17
MORE LESSON: John 1: 1 -3

If you were asked in an examination to define God, how would you define Him? What will you write as the definition of God? The only way to know and understand God is by His attributes. This is the reason the right question is, 'Who is God?' and not, 'What is God?' because you can only answer by saying that 'God is the One who does this and that' or 'God is the One who is so and so'. There is a book that was written in an attempt to explain God but the author mostly wrote on the attributes of God. God cannot be defined but you will know Him when you desire to celebrate His attributes.

Here are a few of His attributes that I have experienced. 
1. He is the eternal One: God is the only eternal One; He has no beginning and no end. He is Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end. So His age doesn't change because He is old; He is ever young; He is called the ancient of days. He is the one that cannot die- He is eternally immortal. If there is any word as “un-kill-able” or “un-die-able” this describes Him. Nothing that exists in Him can end. This is why when you are in Him you cannot end either; you have eternal life.

2. He is the Creator: He made all things and nothing exists without Him (John 1: 1-3). He is the One who created everything out of nothing (Heb. 11: 3). When you understand that He is the Creator, you will not struggle to believe Him for anything. Even if what you trust Him for doesn't exist in the whole universe, He has the ability to create it.
3. He is the Almighty One. When you are talking about being the Almighty, that means He has all the might and can do everything and anything. He is not limited in who He is and what He can do.

4. He is the Great I Am. When Moses wanted to know His name; He said 'I am that I am' (Exo. 3: 14) meaning that He can be anything that He wants to be as the demand is placed on Him. He is the Provider, Protector, Miracle Worker, Warrior and Prince of Peace etc. Whatsoever the occasion demands, He is. He is not limited in role, ability or position; He is all that you need.

Therefore, have confidence and be unshakeable as you go through life, if indeed you serve the God who is everything that you need.

* I worship You today oh God Almighty.
* Father, reveal Yourself to me, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, let my life reveal Your greatness oh Lord.

This year 2016, to win will be normal and compulsory; to fail will be abnormal and impossible, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Know who You are 2

Thursday 14 January
READ: Acts 16: 16 - 18
MORE LESSON: Psa. 139: 14 - 17

In today’s text, Paul and Silas went to preach in a town and a demon possessed girl followed them saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation: Acts 16:17. The demon actually was announcing who these apostles were. But these men knew who they were, they didn't need any demon to tell them who they were. So they cast the demon out. A man cannot do exploits unless he knows who he is. It is the knowledge of who you are in Christ that empowers you to cast out demons.

I had cast out so many demons from the early stage of my ministry that I have lost count. However, I was ministering deliverance once and the demon began to speak, 'You don't talk to me, who are you? You can't do anything.' The pastors present were so angry with the demon; I told them to relax; no problem, if the demon says he doesn't know who I am. I know who I am. I am an anointed servant of God. At the end of the day, he will know. Don't let a demon outwit you by telling you, you are nobody.

I have also seen people do deliverance and celebrate the fact that the demon acknowledged that they are servants of God. That is unwise. It doesn't matter what the demon says or doesn't say; what matters is that you recognise who you are. A man can be messed up in life for lack of knowledge of who he is. Whatever is your calling in life, know it and stay by it.

If you are called into the ministry, know your calling and commission. I have seen people face a servant of God and tell him, 'Are you still preaching, you better go and find something doing, this one that you are struggling to make ends meet.'' If the pastor doesn't know who he is and what he is called to do, such a statement is sufficient to discourage him from ministry. It is only the one who knows who he is that will not be deterred. You may not be getting all the results now but stay at it if that is what God called you to do; He is preparing you for greater things. You can only persist when you are sure about who you are, and persistence is the secret to excellence.

Discover yourself and be confident of who God says you are. Let other people's testimony about you be mere addition so that even if they don't testify, you are still yourself. Know your potentials and capabilities in life and go for a great height of excellence. There is strength in knowing yourself; it saves you from competition and comparison with others. Even if you are doing what others are doing, let there be a uniqueness that comes in as your trademark born out of self-knowledge.

* In the name of Jesus, I step into my full place of authority and dominion in Christ Jesus.
* Father, grant me grace to walk in the fullness of Your purpose for my life and nothing will shift me away, in Jesus’ name.

Every step I take this year shall be divinely guided; I shall not miss my targets, in the wonderful name of Jesus.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Know who You are 1

Wednesday 13 January
READ: Exo. 3: 13 - 14
MORE LESSON: Mk 14: 58 - 62

The first step in success and greatness in life is in knowing who you are and what you have. Self-knowledge born out of self-discovery is the foundation of greatness in life. So ask yourself, 'who am I?'', 'what am I here on earth to do?' and 'what abilities do I have to achieve my purpose in life” Even when God wanted to achieve success in leading Israel out of Egypt, He started from the point of self-knowledge. God said to Moses, I am that I am; in other words, He was saying that it doesn't matter what somebody feels or says about Him, He knows Who He is. If the atheist says God doesn't exist or another person says He is not Three-in-One, God says 'I am not disturbed; I am who I am'.

Jesus also lived by that principle; He knew who He was. He would be ministering and demons would be shouting, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.' Jesus told them to shut up, He knew who He was, He didn't need any demon tell Him He was the Son of God. The problem with many people today is that it is demons and false prophets that tell them who they are. If you don't know who you are, people will tell you who they think you are. The first basic step in attaining greatness is to know who you are. People may not know who you really are and may have their own opinions of you but what ultimately determines your success in life is what you know you are, not what someone else thinks you are. The disciples of Jesus didn't even know who He was; they were saying different things about Him. Even Peter who said that He was the Christ; the Son of the Living God (Matt. 16: 16), didn't really understand what he was saying, it was the Holy Spirit that spoke through him. The only thing going for Jesus throughout His life is that He knew who He was.

Today I charge you to prayerfully reflect and discover who you really are. Write out your self-identity, life vision and purpose. Do not let your situations tell you who you are. Let God be the One to tell you who you are. Situations might find you a janitor today but if God says you are a business owner; then know who you are and start working towards it. Search the Word of God by the Spirit of God and discover who you really are. Self-discovery is fundamental to greater heights in life.

* Father, help me to discover every potential in me and let them find full expression, in Jesus mighty name.
* Father, I reject every lie of the enemy that makes a man to lose his God-given identity, in Jesus’ name.

From today, I’m blessed and highly favoured; whatever works against my greatness shall die for my sake.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Exceptional Help

Tuesday 12 January
READ: 2 Sam 5: 6 – 10
MORE LESSON: Psa 18: 29

In today’s text, David led his army against the Jebusites who lived in the rocky fortress. When they heard that David was coming, they mocked him and told him their habitation was so fortified that a weakling like David can't defeat them. In fact, they told him that even if the lame and the blind in the land were to form the army to fight against him, they would defeat him. Obviously, David was still small and had not attained all the greatness he later had. So they under-estimated and mocked him. Everywhere you have been washed down and mocked, the help of God will lift you up and place you above your mockers, in Jesus’ name.

It was like my story in secondary school. One of my teachers once looked at me and said, 'You, even if they give you the answer script and ask you to copy, you will still copy wrongly and fail'. They believed that I would not amount to anything. But today, the Lord has brought me to a great place. After the mockery done to David by the inhabitants, he invaded that city, defeated the people of the land and took over the land. I am particularly impressed with what David did after he took that city; he named it after himself and made it his headquarters: So David dwelt in the fort, 
and called it the City of David...: 2 Sam 5:9. That is the city called Jerusalem today; the capital city of the reign of David and the headquarters of the nation of Israel. He turned the place of his mockery to an eternal memorial of his greatness. That is what God is set to do for you today.

It is the exceptional help of God that made David to prevail where he had been disdained. He stated this secret of his success in Psa. 18: 29, For by thee, I have run through a troop; and by my God, have I leaped over a wall. Today, the help of God will locate you and you will amaze critics and enemies to record an astounding victory.

I pray for you today that where people have said there is no place for you, you will become the head. That office that refused to give you a job because you are a child of God will soon be bought over by you. When you enter that office, you will enter as the CEO. An exceptional help is on the way for you this year. God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself. Lift up your hand and shout Amen!

* Father, give me honour and praise in every place where I have seen shame, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, let me have exceptional help as I go out today.

He that is from above is above all, so shall be my testimony this year; I shall stay above all situation, in the name of Jesus.