Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Know who You are 1

Wednesday 13 January
READ: Exo. 3: 13 - 14
MORE LESSON: Mk 14: 58 - 62

The first step in success and greatness in life is in knowing who you are and what you have. Self-knowledge born out of self-discovery is the foundation of greatness in life. So ask yourself, 'who am I?'', 'what am I here on earth to do?' and 'what abilities do I have to achieve my purpose in life” Even when God wanted to achieve success in leading Israel out of Egypt, He started from the point of self-knowledge. God said to Moses, I am that I am; in other words, He was saying that it doesn't matter what somebody feels or says about Him, He knows Who He is. If the atheist says God doesn't exist or another person says He is not Three-in-One, God says 'I am not disturbed; I am who I am'.

Jesus also lived by that principle; He knew who He was. He would be ministering and demons would be shouting, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.' Jesus told them to shut up, He knew who He was, He didn't need any demon tell Him He was the Son of God. The problem with many people today is that it is demons and false prophets that tell them who they are. If you don't know who you are, people will tell you who they think you are. The first basic step in attaining greatness is to know who you are. People may not know who you really are and may have their own opinions of you but what ultimately determines your success in life is what you know you are, not what someone else thinks you are. The disciples of Jesus didn't even know who He was; they were saying different things about Him. Even Peter who said that He was the Christ; the Son of the Living God (Matt. 16: 16), didn't really understand what he was saying, it was the Holy Spirit that spoke through him. The only thing going for Jesus throughout His life is that He knew who He was.

Today I charge you to prayerfully reflect and discover who you really are. Write out your self-identity, life vision and purpose. Do not let your situations tell you who you are. Let God be the One to tell you who you are. Situations might find you a janitor today but if God says you are a business owner; then know who you are and start working towards it. Search the Word of God by the Spirit of God and discover who you really are. Self-discovery is fundamental to greater heights in life.

* Father, help me to discover every potential in me and let them find full expression, in Jesus mighty name.
* Father, I reject every lie of the enemy that makes a man to lose his God-given identity, in Jesus’ name.

From today, I’m blessed and highly favoured; whatever works against my greatness shall die for my sake.


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