Friday, January 22, 2016

Divine - Turn - around

Friday 22 January
READ: Psa. 126: 1 – 6
MORE LESSON: Rev 21: 5

God's intervention is the power that reverses the negative situations of life. When God shows up in a man's situation, positive change is inevitable. God helps a man by turning his situation around. Have you seen a slave become a prime minister in a matter of minutes as it happened to Joseph in Egypt (Gen 41: 40 – 44). Only divine intervention can perform such a feat in a man's life. God has done it before and He can do it again. I pray that God will use your life to show that He is still in the business of turning things around.

The Bible says that when God turned again the captivity of Zion, it was like a dream (Psa 126: 1). Your situation can experience miraculous turn-around such that will look as if you are dreaming. Have you ever seen a turn-around so radical, sudden and high-lifting that it is not only the onlookers but even the recipient of that blessing finds it hard to believe? When God invades a situation, the impossible becomes possible, and the miraculous becomes common place. God is about to give you a positive turn-around, so divine that both you and the people around will be wondering whether it is a dream.

The children of Israel had been in captivity in Egypt for about 430 years. It looked as if their captivity would never end. Some of them were born and died in captivity and never knew freedom. However, when Jehovah visited them, He turned the situation in one day and brought them out of Egypt with His mighty hand (Deut 7: 8). He brought them out also with great substance and people who had been slaves for 430 years became wealthy possessors of property, silver and gold. Also when Israel was in captivity in Babylon for seventy years and it looked like there was no hope, it only took God one day to turn things around. Whenever men are recounting the story of a turn-around, they get to a point where they say, '. . . then one day.' Divine turn-around always has its 'one day'; captivity of many years ends one day. Dreams and expectations of many years also happen 'one day'; your 'one day' is here, in Jesus’ name. Finally, note that the Scripture says: When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion. The word is 'when' not 'if', and this signifies a certainty of occurrence. It is only a matter of time, your turn-around will happen. Turn-around is turn by turn. I prophesy in the name that is above all names that it is your turn for a divine turn-around.

* Today I receive a divine turn-around, by the force of the Spirit, in every negative situation of my life.
* I receive a divine intervention for a divine turn-around of every captivity, in Jesus’ name.

Father, only the counsel of the Lord shall stand in my matter this year and this day, in the mighty name of Jesus


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