Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Privilege of Service

Thursday 28 January
READ: 1 Tim 1:12
MORE LESSON: Num. 16: 9

It is necessary to know that serving God is an opportunity. It should not be taken for granted. It is a person without understanding that thinks he is doing God a favour by making himself available to serve in His vineyard.

The highest purpose of man is to give God pleasure (Rev 4: 11). The greatest achievement a man can have is to bear fruits for the Master. So when you are called upon to serve in the house of God, do it with a sense of reverence and gratitude. It is a great privilege. This is the same mind with which you should bring your offerings and gifts to the Lord. As it is written in His Word, If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof: Psa 50:12. It is not because God is in need that He asks for offerings and tithes from man; it is because He wants to increase you. It is a great honour and privilege to be called upon by the Creator of Heaven and earth to give to Him.

When a man looks at his past and abilities, he will realise that it is sheer grace that enables you to stand before God, let alone work for Him. This is the understanding Apostle Paul had that made him say, I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the 
ministry: I Tim 1: 12. This is the attitude with which I do the privileged assignments He has given me as well. I am very grateful today that I am a pastor. I used to be a rascal, but today I am a radical for Jesus. Many people have done great things, but my greatness is in knowing Jesus. I do not count serving God as a sacrifice but as a privilege; no matter what I have to forgo or undergo to fulfil the ministry, it doesn't matter. I know that it is a rare privilege to be a servant in the vineyard of God. It is a great honour to be appointed a mouthpiece for the Almighty.

In the same way, you may or may not be in full time ministry but whatever you are doing for God, know that it is a great privilege and so do it with full reverence and gratitude to Him. Don't let people have to coax or coerce you before you give all to serving in the Church of God. Don't see giving to God as a burden. It is because God has given you the privilege of being alive that you can serve. Also it is because He has given you the body, health, resources and all you need that you can serve Him. So see it as a privilege and reciprocate by giving your all.

* Thank You Lord for the privilege You have given me to serve in Your house.
* Lord, don't let me be idle in the Kingdom business, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall not be slothful in business but be fervent in the spirit serving the Lord, in Jesus’ name.

Repeat the anointing and declare your body and destiny a no parking zone for sickness and affliction in 2016 in the name of Jesus.


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