Sunday 24 January
READ: Matt. 14:22-32
MORE LESSON: Heb 12: 2
The process of Peter’s sinking comprises three things. First, he looked off the Master and concentrated on the storm. Looking off the Master introduced fear and the result of the fear was the sinking. Each time a man sinks in destiny, there is a progression to the experience. Whatever succeeds in making you look off the source of strength sinks you. Do not allow anything to take you away from the Lord because to look off Jesus is to lose sight of confidence and strength.
The first consequence of looking off Jesus is the entrance of fear. Looking off Jesus opens the door for the thief to come in and the thief only needs a short period of time to steal, kill and destroy. You will not be a victim, in Jesus’ name; this is why your focus must be on Jesus unwaveringly throughout life. The moment Peter changed the object of his focus, he saw the storm. When he wasn't seeing Jesus anymore, he started seeing the storm. Remember, the storm didn’t just appear, he began to focus on the storm because he lost focus of the Lord. He started from a position of seeing the storm alongside with the other disciples before Jesus showed up. They all were looking at the storm until in the midst of the storm, he saw someone walking on the water. Immediately he found the supernatural sight of Jesus walking on water more captivating than the raging storm, the picture of the storm played down in his consciousness. In fact, as he concentrated on the miraculous sight, he so much forgot about the storm that he asked Jesus to bid him walk on the water in the midst of the storm. Then all of a sudden the devil reminded him, 'What do you think you are doing on the water with a storm as mighty as this blowing around you?' Immediately he remembered the storm, he forgot about Jesus and the miracle he was experiencing, and all he could remember was the storm.
Do you know that it is you who chooses what you want to see in life? Then what you choose to see determines whether you walk or sink. What sinks men is not the problems of life but their reactions to the problems. It wasn't the storm that actually made Peter to sink, it was the image of the storm. He allowed the image of the storm to overshadow the image of Jesus in his consciousness. Jesus is busy doing something in your life and the devil too is busy making his own noise; it is who you choose to see that wins in your life. What opened the door for Peter to sink was not the storm but his giving attention to fear by choosing not to see what Jesus was doing anymore. You will not sink in destiny, in Jesus’ name. But you must mind your sight, ear and mouth.
* I prophesy that my eyes will not see the storm that will make me sink, in Jesus’ name.
* I come against the forces of distraction in my journey of destiny, in Jesus’ name.
As the sun does not struggle to shine and the day does not struggle to break, so is my destiny this year, it shall not struggle to advance, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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