Sunday, January 24, 2016

Walking without Sinking 1

Sunday 24 January
READ: Matt. 14:22-32
MORE LESSON: Heb 12: 2

The process of Peter’s sinking comprises three things. First, he looked off the Master and concentrated on the storm. Looking off the Master introduced fear and the result of the fear was the sinking. Each time a man sinks in destiny, there is a progression to the experience. Whatever succeeds in making you look off the source of strength sinks you. Do not allow anything to take you away from the Lord because to look off Jesus is to lose sight of confidence and strength.

The first consequence of looking off Jesus is the entrance of fear. Looking off Jesus opens the door for the thief to come in and the thief only needs a short period of time to steal, kill and destroy. You will not be a victim, in Jesus’ name; this is why your focus must be on Jesus unwaveringly throughout life. The moment Peter changed the object of his focus, he saw the storm. When he wasn't seeing Jesus anymore, he started seeing the storm. Remember, the storm didn’t just appear, he began to focus on the storm because he lost focus of the Lord. He started from a position of seeing the storm alongside with the other disciples before Jesus showed up. They all were looking at the storm until in the midst of the storm, he saw someone walking on the water. Immediately he found the supernatural sight of Jesus walking on water more captivating than the raging storm, the picture of the storm played down in his consciousness. In fact, as he concentrated on the miraculous sight, he so much forgot about the storm that he asked Jesus to bid him walk on the water in the midst of the storm. Then all of a sudden the devil reminded him, 'What do you think you are doing on the water with a storm as mighty as this blowing around you?' Immediately he remembered the storm, he forgot about Jesus and the miracle he was experiencing, and all he could remember was the storm.

Do you know that it is you who chooses what you want to see in life? Then what you choose to see determines whether you walk or sink. What sinks men is not the problems of life but their reactions to the problems. It wasn't the storm that actually made Peter to sink, it was the image of the storm. He allowed the image of the storm to overshadow the image of Jesus in his consciousness. Jesus is busy doing something in your life and the devil too is busy making his own noise; it is who you choose to see that wins in your life. What opened the door for Peter to sink was not the storm but his giving attention to fear by choosing not to see what Jesus was doing anymore. You will not sink in destiny, in Jesus’ name. But you must mind your sight, ear and mouth.

* I prophesy that my eyes will not see the storm that will make me sink, in Jesus’ name. 
* I come against the forces of distraction in my journey of destiny, in Jesus’ name.

As the sun does not struggle to shine and the day does not struggle to break, so is my destiny this year, it shall not struggle to advance, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Get the Blessing!

Saturday 23 January
READ: Gen. 12:1-5
MORE LESSON: Gen. 22:16-18

Abraham's name has become an epitome of faith and greatness. The greatness of Abraham's name is more now than when he was alive. If you go to the nation of Israel today, you will see how greatly they revere him. Several contemporary countries and religions have also laid claim to descent from Abraham. When a man is successful, everybody claims to be related to him. 
I can't tell what dreams Abraham had for his life when he was in his father's house in Ur of the Chaldeans but I can boldly say that when he met with God, God gave him a dream and destiny that was bigger than he could ever have imagined for himself. He encountered God and connected with a blessing so massive that it redefined the course of the rest of his life and gave him a name beyond his generation. Abraham connected with God and got a blessing that transformed him from a nonentity to a trans- generational role model.

You may not have a vision for your life or you may be pursuing a life that is less than God's will for you. But I want you to know that there is a blessing that you can connect with today that can turn you to a joy of many generations. When this blessing locates you, you also will get to a point that when people want to define greatness, they will refer to you. Greatness, fulfilment in destiny and becoming a generational praise are derivatives of God's blessing upon a man. This same blessing that He gave to Abraham is available to you, according to Gal 3: 14, That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

The same blessing that was given to Abraham is available to you through Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ connects you with the blessing of Abraham. This blessing starts with the salvation of your soul and healing of your body; then it proceeds to greatness, wealth, trans-generational impact and good success. Do not ever make light God's blessing; it has the capacity to cause the desired shift in your destiny.

There have been people, both in history and contemporary times, that are associated with wealth and greatness. There are people who, when you mention their names, the first thing that comes to mind is wealth. The blessing that you will enter into from your encounter with God that will come your way today is such that when next people want to describe great things, they will make reference to you. I bless you with the blessing of the Lord that makes your life become more than all you have ever dreamed. As you go out today, greatness will happen to you, in Jesus’ name. Ask God for the blessings of Abraham upon your entire destiny today.

* Jesus, by my connection with You, I shall be greater than I imagined, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive access to the Abrahamic blessing, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall not be a failure in destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Today, every bow of steel is broken by my hands, my war-fares are ended, and I declare peace in all around my territory, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Divine - Turn - around

Friday 22 January
READ: Psa. 126: 1 – 6
MORE LESSON: Rev 21: 5

God's intervention is the power that reverses the negative situations of life. When God shows up in a man's situation, positive change is inevitable. God helps a man by turning his situation around. Have you seen a slave become a prime minister in a matter of minutes as it happened to Joseph in Egypt (Gen 41: 40 – 44). Only divine intervention can perform such a feat in a man's life. God has done it before and He can do it again. I pray that God will use your life to show that He is still in the business of turning things around.

The Bible says that when God turned again the captivity of Zion, it was like a dream (Psa 126: 1). Your situation can experience miraculous turn-around such that will look as if you are dreaming. Have you ever seen a turn-around so radical, sudden and high-lifting that it is not only the onlookers but even the recipient of that blessing finds it hard to believe? When God invades a situation, the impossible becomes possible, and the miraculous becomes common place. God is about to give you a positive turn-around, so divine that both you and the people around will be wondering whether it is a dream.

The children of Israel had been in captivity in Egypt for about 430 years. It looked as if their captivity would never end. Some of them were born and died in captivity and never knew freedom. However, when Jehovah visited them, He turned the situation in one day and brought them out of Egypt with His mighty hand (Deut 7: 8). He brought them out also with great substance and people who had been slaves for 430 years became wealthy possessors of property, silver and gold. Also when Israel was in captivity in Babylon for seventy years and it looked like there was no hope, it only took God one day to turn things around. Whenever men are recounting the story of a turn-around, they get to a point where they say, '. . . then one day.' Divine turn-around always has its 'one day'; captivity of many years ends one day. Dreams and expectations of many years also happen 'one day'; your 'one day' is here, in Jesus’ name. Finally, note that the Scripture says: When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion. The word is 'when' not 'if', and this signifies a certainty of occurrence. It is only a matter of time, your turn-around will happen. Turn-around is turn by turn. I prophesy in the name that is above all names that it is your turn for a divine turn-around.

* Today I receive a divine turn-around, by the force of the Spirit, in every negative situation of my life.
* I receive a divine intervention for a divine turn-around of every captivity, in Jesus’ name.

Father, only the counsel of the Lord shall stand in my matter this year and this day, in the mighty name of Jesus

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Divine Placement 2

Thursday 21 January
READ: Psa. 16:1-11
MORE LESSON: Gen 13: 8 - 18

We started yesterday to point out that divine placement is the key to fulfilling God's purpose and destiny for our life. There are several factors that make a man to always find himself in the pleasant places of destiny. Taking counsel from the Lord, meditation, thinking constructively, staying with the Word of God and hearing from the Lord for every step are very vital to a crisis-free destiny.

One great factor of right placement in life is shown in Ps 16: 4, their sorrow shall be multiplied that hasten after another god! One powerful secret of ease and safety in life and destiny is following ONLY the Lord. A good way to have multiplied and exponential sorrow in life is to keep pursuing things and not the Lord who is the Giver of all things. When a man decides for ONLY the Lord and has no other god, he is sure to be rightly placed. Right placement comes easily and naturally to the man whose heart is sincerely looking for the posting that puts him close to God. When you are looking for the location and position where you will be able to serve God, spend time with Him, please Him and do His will, you will always find yourself in the right place in life. The centre of God's purpose and assignment is always the right place in life. According to Psa. 16: 11, Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right 
hand there are pleasures for evermore.

A man seeking God's presence as his priority in life cannot wander into the path of destruction. It is the man that is looking for a place where he can gratify his own selfish desires that will miss divine placement in life. Sorrow awaits the people who do not seek the Lord but hasten after another god – which could be money, fame or worldly pursuits. This is what happened to Lot who chose the plain of Jordan which looked good to him but he didn't know that it was already marked for destruction. That was unlike Abraham, who was seeking the place where he could have God's covenant over his life fulfilled, so he stayed in Canaan and inherited all the land.

When a man is given a pleasant placement in life, such a man has gladness, glory, joy and rest without any hellish situation as it is written in verse 9, Therefore my heart rejoiceth; my flesh also shall rest in hope. When you enjoy divine placement, you will have fullness of joy and pleasures evermore (Psa. 16: 11). You will not miss God in destiny, in Jesus’ name.

* Dethrone everything that has become idol in your heart, which may mislead you in destiny. 
* Pray that God will take over your heart and be your singular pursuit in life.
* Pray that as you follow after God with all your heart, He will lead you to pleasant places in destiny.

No force or power in 2016 that is against my moving forward shall survive beyond today, in the mighty name of Jesus