Thursday, February 18, 2016

Breaking Limits

Thursday 18 February
READ:Isa. 10: 27
MORE LESSON:Psa. 124:7

The enemy is always excited at drawing limits of where a man cannot pass in destiny. It is also our responsibility to terminate his limitation over our lives. Sometimes the limit is a line of demarcation drawn for a whole family; you see a trend of limits that nobody in a family can transcend, but as a child of God, you must decide to go beyond the enemy's limit over your life and family. It starts with a determination before a confrontation and then an elimination of all limits over your destiny,
One of my children in the Lord once said to me, 'Daddy, I will be thirty years old.' I was happy and said I will celebrate it for him. He said that it wasn't celebration that he called for. He counted about three of his elder ones who died a day to their thirtieth birthday. Obviously, the enemy had set a limit of thirty years that no one in his family would cross. I assured him that he would live beyond thirty and made him promise me a cake on his thirtieth birthday. I laid hands on him, and declared that every limit of thirty years over his life was broken.
A night to his birthday, he called me and reminded me that he would be thirty the next day, he asked if he could come sleep in my house. I told him not to worry but to call me when it's 5mins to 12am. At night, he called and along with him we sang a song of thanksgiving. He said, 'Daddy, I thought you will pray.' At 12 o'clock I was still singing, when the young man burst into tongues. I told him, 'we are still singing, let's sing now'. He joined me and from there on, we moved on to praying in tongues. When I stopped, he continued. So, I put my head on my pillow and slept off, I left him singing. The next morning, he walked to my office and said daddy, I am glad to be thirty, he is still alive today. Hallelujah! The anointing of God broke the evil family yoke off his neck like the Prophet Isaiah prophesied. There is no limitation or affliction, no matter how strong that the power of God cannot break.
Don't run helter-skelter, God’s Word has promised that by His anointing, your yoke shall be broken, so take your matter to Him and to Him (Jehovah God) only. Don't patronise satanic agents, even if they bear church-title-pastor prophet-they may be herbalists and by their unscriptural fruits, you shall know them. The anointing of God operates by God’s Word, take hold of God’s Word and promises, like today’s reading. It has every authority for victory, proclaim it over your life and stand on it. Find others like it also and keep discharging them in the place of prayer.
Today, the Lord will break every limitation that has been placed over your destiny. May be your colleagues have gone ahead of you because of the limits that have kept you on the same sport, the Lord give you speed and break every boundary, in Jesus’ name. Every curse that has kept you stagnated is destroyed today. By the provision of the covenant of the Blood of Jesus, you are exempted from every family barrier. You will go beyond your parents. I always pray for all my children physical and spiritual that where I stop will be their own launch pad, that is your portion, in Jesus’ name. The limits are broken.

* Thank you Jesus for breaking every satanic limit in my life.
*Declare that from you to your generation yet unborn, no satanic limit shall prosper over your destinies.

By the covenant right of Abraham, he that work against me in 2016, does it at the risk of his life, in the name of Jesus

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

There is Hope 2

Wednesday 17 February
READ:Micah 7:7 - 10
MORE LESSON:Prov 24:16

Hope is the assurance that something good can still happen even in the midst of glaring present bad situation. It is the expectation of the positive to come out of the negative. It is the anticipation of light to rise out of present darkness. A man of hope does not judge by what his senses, feelings and situations tell him, because his attention is on the invisible. This is the reason he can rejoice even at the point of death. It is when a man loses hope that he doesn't see any reason to live anymore, Job said that there is hope for a tree even if it is cut down. A tree cut down has no contact with the root anymore so it has no source of nutrients and water. When a tree is cut, its leaves wither and its root withers in the ground. This implies that there is no green leave to process the light energy that should be the source of food manufactured for the tree. Job refused to give up on such a tree. He said there is still hope (Job 14: 7). It takes a man like Job to believe that such a tree still has hope. Job was the richest man in the East who was virtually cut-off from all he had, his family and his health in one day. He lost all he had in life. He was left alone to die. He was just abandoned, looking as if even God was against him and things were in such a bad state. His wife saw no hope for him, so she felt he was better off dead than alive the way he was. So she asked him to curse God and die. Things were really bad for him but he never lost hope. Job was a great man to listen to on the issue of seeming hopelessness and what he had to say was there is hope.
I don't know how much you have been cut down, I want you to know that there is hope. Mic 7: 8 should be your confession, Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. You can rise again from whatever your present situation is. Light can rise whatever your present darkness. Never lose hope, God will come through for you because there is hope for you
* Decree that your expectations shall not be cut off, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that in the name of Jesus there is a rising up for you this month.

My destiny, you shall not struggle to achieve in 2016, you shall have power to press to the prize mark, in the name of Jesus

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

There is Hope 1

Tuesday 16 February
READ:Job 14:7-9
MORE LESSON:Rom 4:18 -20

One of the major societal problems in our time is hopelessness. People get so frustrated because of the challenges of life that subject them to emotional, mental and spiritual despair. This is the reason for increase in hypertension, depression, suicide, crime and other vices in the world today. Though hopelessness is darkness, there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. The light that God wants to give to everyone in a hopeless situation is the light of His Hope.
Job 14: 7 says, For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down . . .. God offers hope even in the face of hopelessness. The scripture in the text talks about a very bad situation in life when it looks as if things will not work anymore. But then when God comes on the scene, hope comes. The book of Job is actually about the story of a very rich man who had everything going on fine for him until one day when he was put to test whether his hope was in the material wealth he had or in the Almighty God. He lost all his property and children in one day and even his wife told him to curse God and die. Yet this same man proclaimed that he wouldn't give up because there was hope for him.
Today I don't know what you are going through, I don't know what exactly your situation is but I have confidence in the Almighty God the Creator and the possessor of the whole universe that your situation can change. Never lose hope because if there is hope for a tree that has been cut off to bud again at the scent of water, then there is more hope for you. Even if it looks like all things have been shut down against you, at the entrance of the Word of God which is the Living Water, you will rise again. Never give up in life because there is hope for you. Your situation will change for the better as long as you do not give up on God. My prayer for you today is, Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost: Rom. 15:13.

* Pray God to turn every hopeless situation of your life for the better, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the roses of your destiny will blossom again, in Jesus’ name.

2016, I sign up for progress on every side, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Scent of Water

Monday 15 February
READ:Job 14:7-9
MORE LESSON:Isa. 1:18-20

In Job 14:7-9, the Bible points out that there is hope for a tree which has been cut down, its roots waxed old, its stock dead and its leaves withered. One would have thought that a tree that has such a dire condition would need a mighty miracle but then the Bible says that all it needs is the scent of water, Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant: Job 14:9. 'Scent of water' literally means that what it needs is to 'smell water'. A little drop of water brought close enough for this tree to 'smell' is all that is required for this tree to experience a turn-around. It would have been logical to look at such a tree and prescribe that it needs a flood of water, or at least buckets or cups of water. The Word of God which cannot lie says that the tree needs just the scent of water.
Many times men are faced with situations that they feel are the most difficult and they behave as if God would have to personally come down from Heaven with heavy duty spiritual machinery and work out a breathtaking miracle for them. But I want you to know that your situation is not as big as you think, all you need is a touch from the Master. A little intervention from the Lord is all that is required and your change will come.
This also applies to a sinner who feels so condemned because he has done so many terrible things and thinks that he would require a special salvation package to pay for his own sin other than the one required by every other human being. But your condition is not as impossible as you think, all you need is the scent of the Blood. Jesus, the holy and blameless Son of God, was crucified on the cross of Calvary so that you may be saved. He shed His priceless blood, resurrected on the third day and now He is seated on the throne of glory. He has the keys of life and eternity with which He opens to every man who believes in Him. A drop of the blood will transform the worst of sinners to the greatest of saints. Just come to Him and accept salvation and watch your life turn-around.
It is only if a man refuses the scent of the blood that brings salvation that he is condemned to the lake of fire. The greatest pain in eternity is to realize that you could have had an all expense paid eternity of joy at no cost to yourself as all the cost has been borne by Jesus but you turned your back at it. That will not be your portion in Jesus’ name. Today is the day of your turn-around.Say from your heart to Jesus right now, Jesus I accept you as the Lord and saviour of my life, forgive my sins , wash me with your blood, write my name in the book of life .. thank you for doing it! Now I am a new creature, no more a sinner, in Jesus’ name. Congratulations on accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

* Today, let me experience a turn-around by the Word of life, in Jesus’ name.
* Speak to your destiny to come alive by the Word of the Lord.

Thank you Jesus because you have fixed my latter days to be better than my former, in the name of Jesus.