Saturday 20 February
READ:Num. 23: 19
MORE LESSON: Titus 1: 2
It is impossible for God to lie; whatever He says must come to pass. If He made a promise to you; either through His written Word or spoken Word, He will definitely bring it to pass. Even when it looks as if the promise will not happen anymore, you just hold on to it because it will come to pass. Remember the word of Jesus, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away: Matt 24:35.
In Isa 7:14, God gave a word through Prophet Isaiah, Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah had been giving prophecies and they came to pass. But on that particular one, it seemed as if he missed it because time passed and no virgin gave birth. He lived and grew old and some people must have started saying that he lied; others would laugh and say 'the old man tried, it is just that he missed it on this one. Let's forgive him, at least there are others that he got right'.
You know, when a promise takes so long and it is not coming to pass, people start thinking it is a lie. In the lifetime of Isaiah till he died, it seemed as if he carried one reproach as the prophet who lied that a virgin would give birth and it never happened but he went to the grave
refusing to deny that God did speak to him. Isaiah died still insisting that God spoke to him and God cannot lie. The rest is history today; the prophecy still came to pass after Isaiah was long gone. God lived up to His Word.
I've declared the word of God before and it took so long like it would never happen but I refused to bother because I know God cannot lie. There was a time I prayed for a spiritual daughter of mine who had no child. As I prayed for her, I saw children surrounding her and I declared the word of the Lord. But do you know what happened after that? Her husband died! I prayed for her and again I saw children around her and declared it. She laughed and said, 'Daddy, is it children that I didn't have when I had a husband that I will have now that I am a widow?' I said that I don't know and I'm not bothered but I just speak as the Lord told me. The long and short of the story is that another man came and married her even though she wasn't young anymore. She has three children now.
God is not a man that He should lie (Num. 23: 19), whatever He has said concerning your life will come to pass, refuse to doubt.
* Ask the Lord to be true to His promises over you and your family.
* Father, I receive grace to wait for the performance of Your word in my life.
The forces of favour and help will work together to bring my testimony today, in the name of Jesus