Friday, March 18, 2016

Silver and Gold

Friday 18 March
READ: Haggai 2:8
MORE LESSON: Deut. 8:10-18

Men and women of all ages and races desire silver and gold and even the Bible says that money answereth all things. Indeed money is a vital and essential commodity on this side of eternity. All over the world we see men wake up early and work throughout the day looking for ways to make money. I wish they know that first and foremost wealth is not got by labour and sweat but by connecting to the divine owner of wealth. How do you get wealth?
1.) Let Jehovah God be your God. When you identify with God who owns the silver and gold then you will also receive by inheritance (Gen. 25:5).
2). Identify with the principles of making money and money will be yours. One of such principles is being kind to others. Psalm 37:26 says, The righteous is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed. Be ready to give to others. Be ready to scatter rather than hoard. Proverbs.11:24 also says, There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
3.) Whatever is not enough, turn it into a seed. Plant it; give it to God as an offering. The widow in I Kings 17:12-15 was in severe lack and God sent a prophet to her to feed. As she obeyed and sowed her last meal in the house for the prophet to eat first, abundance flowed in that replaced the lack, And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah; and she; and he and her house did eat many days. And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah: I Kings 17:15-16.
4.) Break your siege with your seed. A king did this in hot intense battle; when the tide turned against him, he gave a very costly sacrifice and he won the battle (II Kgs. 3:26-27). One such seed is giving first fruits at the beginning of each year to rid the coming year of lack and tightness. It has been tried and tested that those who honour God with their first fruits walk in supernatural abundance, Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase; so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine: Prov.3:9-10.
5.) Look inwards for your miracle. Sometimes you suffer poverty because you are always looking outwards for someone to help you, bless you and give to you. Look inwards by using what you have in your hands to move your life forward and get wealth. These include your skills, talents and gifts.

* Take a step of faith and sow a big seed beyond your routine giving to God’s work.
* Lord, I connect to divine ownership today that I might walk in abundance.
* I receive grace to walk in the principles of wealth and terminate poverty forever in my life and lineage.

Today, the Lord shall increase my greatness and comfort me on every side, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Faithful and True

Thursday 17 March
READ: Isa. 25: 1
MORE LESSON: Rev 19: 11

The Scripture declares, O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth: Isa.25:1. This means that the testimonies of God from ancient times are faithful and true. You can rely on His testimonies and when you do, you also will have a testimony to give about Him. I always insist that too many people have a testimony of God’s faithfulness that they all can’t be wrong or lying; many people have confirmed the faithfulness of God. From scriptural to contemporary accounts, the testimonies about God’s faithfulness are too numerous to be just make-believe. Any man that doesn't have a testimony about the faithfulness of God has to check himself; he is in the minority.
There was a man and his wife that came to me weeping. They had been rich and very influential. Then something happened and everything was all gone; they realised that they were ‘finished’. This is the reason you can't trust money, beauty, certificate and other physical things because they are temporal and can be gone in a short time: God must be your trust everyday of life. After the couple told me their story, I was moved to deep prayer as they cried. I asked God to change their situation and send help.
Sometime later, I began to see someone on TV that looked like the man but I didn't give it so much thought because I didn't even think it could be him. One day I met him and he was looking different; he approached me and said, 'Your God is faithful; He has helped us.' As he continued to talk, he told me that he has a meeting organised for Independence Day and the president of the nation will be there. It was then I remembered the face I had been seeing on TV and asked him if he was the one. He said he was and testified that from the very day I prayed for him and his wife, things began to change; He is a celebrity now. The Faithful and True One visited him and turned things around for him. I have seen people move from failure to celebration in days; I have seen probation turned to academic excellence.
I can give several testimonies, not only from the Bible, but also of people you can visit today and they will confirm that there is a God whose counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. I want you to believe Him so that you will join the league of men that testify of His faithfulness. Your situation is changed for the better from today, in Jesus’ name. The next time we want to testify about the faithfulness and truth of God's testimony, it is your story we will use. God has not changed; He is still as faithful as of old. He is the same today, tomorrow and forever. Faithful and consistent God, I bow before Your throne.

* Praise the Lord for His faithfulness, tender mercies and loving kindness.
* Ask God by His faithfulness to visit the works of your hand today.
* Declare positive things over your destiny, trusting in God’s faithfulness.

This month, I reject every atmosphere and occasion for sorrow, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

God is Never Late

Wednesday 16 March
READ: Gal 4: 4
MORE LESSON: Gen. 21: 1-2

People always expect God to show up before disaster or a challenge and avert it. But God does not always move the way man expects. Most times God allows troubles to start; it is at the nick of time when everything looks like all is lost that God shows up and proves that He is in control all the while. The Bible makes us to understand there is a fullness of time that God waits for before He does what He wants to do (Gal 4: 4 ).
In 1 Kings 17:12- Elijah met the Zarephath woman who trusted God for a replenishing when her food was finishing but it didn't come. Eventually, the time came when she was just cooking the last meal for her and her child to eat and wait for death. The woman had expected divine intervention until the last minute and what was left for her was just to eat and die. She was a widow who had a son to care for and must have been praying but it looked as if the provision was not forthcoming. However, on that last day, God sent the prophet Elijah who multiplied the food such that she never had any lack until the drought was over. In John 11, Lazarus was very sick and Jesus was sent for to come heal him but Jesus didn't show up. Lazarus and his sisters believed that if only Jesus could show up, Lazarus would be healed. But Jesus didn't show up till Lazarus died.
When Jesus showed up, He made them realise that He whom they expected to show up and heal the man was there at the fullness of His own time to raise the man from the dead. Jesus got there and said, “Lazarus come forth”. If He had come earlier when Lazarus was sick it would have been, “Lazarus get up”. But “Lazarus come forth” is more remarkable than “Lazarus get up”. So when it looks late, it is because He wants to do something more remarkable.
In Matt. 14:22-33, Peter saw Jesus walking on water and asked Him if he could come join Him to walk on the water. Jesus told him to come and he came walking on water but when the wind became boisterous, he feared and began to sink. Jesus was right there and knew Peter was going to sink. In fact, Jesus saw him begin to stagger and falter on the water but He didn't do anything until Peter began to sink. As Peter was sinking, he shouted, 'Lord save me'. It looked like it was the end for Peter as he was already going down but then Jesus stretched forth His hand and brought him out. A second later would have been too late and a second earlier was too early. God is always right on time. His faithfulness of time is the right time and cannot be late.

* Father, in the fullness of Your time show up for me in my matter, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, when my strength is exhausted, take away my battle, in Jesus’ name.
* The seed that will guarantee my tomorrow, I shall not withhold it, in Jesus’ name.

Every alter and enchantment raised against my joy in 2016, collapse, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

It shall be Well with You

Tuesday 15 March
READ: Psa. 128: 1 – 6
MORE LESSON: Isa. 3: 10

Today I want you to know that it is possible for it to be well with you all-round. It is possible for it to be well with your spirit, health, mind, family, finances and every area of life. You don't need to choose between being spiritual and being successful, between serving God and having a fulfilled family life or between making Heaven and being wealthy. You can have it all in life.
Many people, including some Christians, actually believe that it is not possible for everything to be well with a man. They believe that having some good and some bad is actually the proof that you are human. They say that as long as we are still on earth, everything cannot be well. It is only when we get to Heaven that all can be well. They go ahead to use scriptures to defend their stand and say, ...Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?: Job 2: 10. But in using this statement from the life of Job they forget that it wasn't God that did all the evil that happened to Job; it was the devil. In the New Covenant, Jesus has come to destroy all the works of the devil so the devil has no hiding place in your destiny anymore.
The will of God concerning you as His child who has been purchased by His Blood and righteousness is stated in the
book of Isaiah 3: 10: Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
Irrespective of what has been happening in the past or what the enemy has done, I want you to know that this is the year that all things will be well with you. The Lord commanded it to be said to the righteous that it shall be well with him. Whatever has been in your life and has been disobeying the commandment of the Lord needs to be destroyed. Whatever has been working against any area of your life that has made it to be unwell is hereby destroyed, in Jesus’ name. From today, it shall be well with you.
However, it all starts with your belief; you must believe God's verdict which is that all should be well. Get dissatisfied with anything that is not well. Know that it is not the will of God for any area of your life to suffer. Believe that God is interested in your total wellbeing. God is interested in you getting to Heaven and He is also interested in your wellbeing here on earth: spirit, soul and body.

* Declare today that to the surprise of your enemy, all shall be well and will end well for you, in Jesus’ name.
* The end of this year and that of my life shall be better than the beginning thereof, in Jesus’ name.

Every forest harbouring alters against me, catch fire now, in the name of Jesus.