Wednesday, March 16, 2016

God is Never Late

Wednesday 16 March
READ: Gal 4: 4
MORE LESSON: Gen. 21: 1-2

People always expect God to show up before disaster or a challenge and avert it. But God does not always move the way man expects. Most times God allows troubles to start; it is at the nick of time when everything looks like all is lost that God shows up and proves that He is in control all the while. The Bible makes us to understand there is a fullness of time that God waits for before He does what He wants to do (Gal 4: 4 ).
In 1 Kings 17:12- Elijah met the Zarephath woman who trusted God for a replenishing when her food was finishing but it didn't come. Eventually, the time came when she was just cooking the last meal for her and her child to eat and wait for death. The woman had expected divine intervention until the last minute and what was left for her was just to eat and die. She was a widow who had a son to care for and must have been praying but it looked as if the provision was not forthcoming. However, on that last day, God sent the prophet Elijah who multiplied the food such that she never had any lack until the drought was over. In John 11, Lazarus was very sick and Jesus was sent for to come heal him but Jesus didn't show up. Lazarus and his sisters believed that if only Jesus could show up, Lazarus would be healed. But Jesus didn't show up till Lazarus died.
When Jesus showed up, He made them realise that He whom they expected to show up and heal the man was there at the fullness of His own time to raise the man from the dead. Jesus got there and said, “Lazarus come forth”. If He had come earlier when Lazarus was sick it would have been, “Lazarus get up”. But “Lazarus come forth” is more remarkable than “Lazarus get up”. So when it looks late, it is because He wants to do something more remarkable.
In Matt. 14:22-33, Peter saw Jesus walking on water and asked Him if he could come join Him to walk on the water. Jesus told him to come and he came walking on water but when the wind became boisterous, he feared and began to sink. Jesus was right there and knew Peter was going to sink. In fact, Jesus saw him begin to stagger and falter on the water but He didn't do anything until Peter began to sink. As Peter was sinking, he shouted, 'Lord save me'. It looked like it was the end for Peter as he was already going down but then Jesus stretched forth His hand and brought him out. A second later would have been too late and a second earlier was too early. God is always right on time. His faithfulness of time is the right time and cannot be late.

* Father, in the fullness of Your time show up for me in my matter, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, when my strength is exhausted, take away my battle, in Jesus’ name.
* The seed that will guarantee my tomorrow, I shall not withhold it, in Jesus’ name.

Every alter and enchantment raised against my joy in 2016, collapse, in the name of Jesus.


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