Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Fear of the Lord 2

Tuesday 22 March
READ: Prov. 1:7
MORE LESSON: Prov. 14:34

Lack of the fear of the Lord is the root cause of all evil found on the face of the earth today. The fear of the Lord doesn't mean cowering before God in terror, rather it is utmost reverence and a desire to do God's bidding, which makes a man to love what pleases God and abstain from everything that displeases Him. If we have individuals that fear God, then we will have communities that fear God which will result in a nation that lives in the fear of God. It always starts from the individual to the nation, so the change that the world wants can only be achieved when individuals imbibe the fear of God. We can have a society free of all crime and trouble, but it must begin from one man at a time, to the family, community and then to the nation. The fear of the Lord is the key.
The beginning of some many evils like cultism, homosexualism and other vices in our schools can be traced to when the teaching of the fear of God was removed from the curriculum. Some nations decided that anything religious should be removed from public life and academics so they banned praying and reading the Bible in school assembly grounds. They abolished the fear of God from the curriculum and exalted secularism. The children are paying for the resultant decadence now as satan has taken over those societies. Everywhere people remove the fear of God, they have automatically enthroned satan. I pray that satan will not find the right to rule in your life, family and community, in Jesus’ name. The only way that this prayer can be answered is for you to enthrone the fear of God in your life, family and community. The best heritage you can give your children is to pass a life of reverence and fear of God to them.
The moral decadence and human problems in the nations of the world can only be solved from the grassroots. We have to teach our children the fear of the Lord in the homes and in the schools. There is a need for our primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary institutions to return to teaching the fear of God to the students. If we can bring God back into our curriculum, we will see that politics, economy, national security and every aspect of national life will take a positive turnaround. I require from everyone today to begin to pray that the fear of God be restored to every area of our lives in this nation and I charge you as a person to live your life in the fear of the Lord and make sure you pass on the life of reverence for God to someone else.

* Ask God to forgive our nation for encouraging godlessness.
* Dethrone evil authorities that despise the fear of God in our nation.
* Promise God that you will reverence Him all the days of your life.

2016, I shall not turn from battles, I shall prevail in battles, in the might name of Jesus.


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