Sunday, March 6, 2016

Destroying the Waster 2

Sunday 6 March
READ: Prov. 18: 9
MORE LESSON: Prov.12:27

A waster is what makes a destiny to be reduced to nothing. When a waster is present in a man's life, it devours the life till it becomes zero. Wasters could be at work in a man's life as we have shown yesterday but also a man could be a waster himself. A waster is something or someone that is there to take but has nothing to add. So there are some things in a man's life that make the man to be a waster himself. I declare war against everything that causes waste in your life, in Jesus’ name.
I have found that certain things turn a man to a waste. These are things you must cast out of your life by force.
1. Un-thankfulness: An ungrateful person is a waster. All that is spent on him seems to be wasted as what the giver gets in return is more complaint, murmuring and slander. A Nigerian proverb says that when a man gives good and the recipient is ungrateful, the man feels as if the good was stolen from him. Apostle Paul listed un-thankfulness among the evils that will reign in the end-time (2 Tim 3: 1- 2). A marriage was wasted because the wife could no longer live with the ingratitude of the husband. Friend, please be a grateful person. Don't be useful for nothing.
2. Laziness: People who never get themselves to work at anything are wasters. Wasters can gossip, sleep, play and watch entertainment from dawn to dusk without doing any productive thing. The Bible says, He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster: Prov 18:9. Laziness and wasteful living are brothers. I rebuke laziness in your destiny, in Jesus’ name.
3. A beggarly life: People who are always begging around live a wasted life. When a man lives a life of ever asking and never giving, he is opening the door for a wasted life. A mindset that wants everything for nothing is a mindset of waste. It doesn't matter how little you have now, cultivate a lifestyle of giving and not begging. Some people beg so much that they beg for what is harmful to them. When my father was alive in the village, he had a habit of taking a pill for headache periodically. Even when he didn't have a headache, sometimes he would just take a few pills and swallow. There was a man that used to come visiting our house and if he was around when my dad took his habitual pill, he would just stretch his hand and say, 'please give me too.’
4. Pride: Prov 16:18 says, Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. A proud person is treading the path of a wasted destiny. You must not allow any iota of pride in your heart.
Today everything that brings waste is terminated in your destiny, in Jesus’ name.

* Father, I cast out of my life every character that wastes a man’s destiny.
* In the name of Jesus, my destiny shall not be reduced to nothing.

Whatsoever operates against me this month by flying shall lose their wings, the ones that walk shall be crippled and the ones in the waters shall be dried up, in the name of Jesus.


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