Thursday, March 10, 2016

Reason to Sing

Thursday 10 March
READ: Psa. 40:1-5
MORE LESSON: Psa. 124: 1-8

Apparently, there are many things men consider in order to make merry and such include success in an examination, safe delivery of a new baby, birthday and wedding ceremony, among others, ... is any merry? Let him sing psalms: Jam. 5: 13. When you talk about making merry and singing to the Lord, a lot of people think it is until they get a new job or when any of the things listed above happens. However, there are things for which, when a man considers, he shows sincere gratitude to God with a joyful heart.
One thing to think about is to remember where you are coming from. Anyone will be qualified for joy, singing and making merry should he just remember where the Lord took him from. If you will think about yesterday and remember your beginning, you will think of singing psalms and rejoicing. Whatever is your condition today, think of where you are coming from and your heart will be merry.
In thinking about your past, it's also important that you think about your colleagues that you started together with. Ask yourself, ‘Are they dead or living?’ “Are they happy or just pretending to be happy?” Just look around your life. How many of your colleagues are truly as happy as you are? How many of the people you started primary school with are still alive? The people you started together with may not even be dead but you will realise that you are not the most backward; you surely are not behind as you think.
Also, still considering yesterday, ask yourself, “If God had not been on my side, what or where could I have been today?” Remember some crucial stages when if there was no intervention, it would have been a different story. The psalmist simply looked back and remembered the 'horrible pit, the miry clay’ (v2), the many wonderful works, and thoughts and he declared: … if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered:v5. Count your blessings today, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. I have a reason to give thanks; I hope you do too.
Just by recounting our past experiences everybody needs to make merry and sing songs of praise to the Lord.

* Ask God to help you never to forget His goodness.
* Tell God you are grateful for all things and believe in His love to make you a symbol of testimony for the rest of your life.
Renew your decision never to stop believing Him in all circumstances.

As the path of the just is as a shining light that shines more, so shall my path shine more and more unto the perfect day, in Jesus’ name.


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