Friday, June 17, 2016

Covenanted for Peace

Friday 17 June
READ: Num 25: 1- 13
MORE LESSON: Psa 69: 9

God can take you to a place where He will swear on oath to ensure that you live in peace. It is a place where God decides that no crisis will ever prevail over you. You can move the heart of God to the point that He is determined that whatever comes your way, you will prevail. Crises and plagues may reign in the land where you dwell and people run helter-skelter but God will give you peace, ease, and comfort. God can make a covenant for enduring peace with you.
This happened to Phinehas in the Bible during the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. God vowed to give him a covenant of peace (Num 25: 12). The Israelites had got to a place called Moab and the men of Israel began to commit whoredom with the women of Moab, they were engaged in sexual immorality and God was angry with them. God vented His anger at the immorality of the Israelites and the elders of the land were mourning. Then in the midst of that situation, an Israelite took a Midianite woman into his tent to commit fornication with her. It was at this point that Phinehas got touched by that which touched God and took action. He took a javelin and pursued the two culprits-the Israelite man and the Midianite woman-and pierced them through.
One would wonder what the justification was for what Phinehas did, but it was obvious that he did the right thing as God commended him. This shows that it is scriptural to be touched by what touches God. Even though in the New Testament, no man is permitted to kill another because of his passion to avenge God, it was allowed in the Old Testament. That is why Phinehas was commended by God for what he did. Just as the Scripture says, the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me. Psa. 69:9.
The bottom line was that God entered a covenant of peace with Phinehas because he was moved by what moved God. When God’s wishes become your command, His business your passion, His kingdom your priority and His burden yours, He will covenant Himself to your well-being. God will covenant that no crisis will prevail over you and even if a whole nation of people is being destroyed, H e will see to your safety. This is what He did for Phinehas and He is willing to do the same and even more for you. However, you must also be passionate and zealous for God's business and be willing to stand for God in the midst of this wayward generation. You are covenanted for peace as you stand for God from today.

* Receive grace and passion to be touched and concerned for whatever touches and concerns God.
* Ask that the zeal of God’s house will consume you.
* Ask God to grant you and your lineage an eternal covenant of peace.

Father, thank You for adding another year to Bishop David Bakare today, grant that he, his family and ministry will continue to live in Your mercy, favour and grace until he sees You face to face, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Redeemed from the Power of the Grave

Thursday 16 June
READ: Psa 49: 15
MORE LESSON: 1 Cor 15: 55 – 57

As long as you are in Christ, the power that kills men has no power over you. The redemption from sin that Jesus purchased for you also includes redemption from the power of the grave. I want you to live life with the consciousness that you cannot be a victim of untimely death because there is a power that watches over you which is greater than the power that cuts men off in the prime of their life. If the enemy had power to kill you, he would have done it long ago. Each time you sleep, the powers of darkness don't want you to wake up. If you woke up this morning, it was because the greater power intervened. That same power that wakes you up despite the activity of the enemy for all the many years you have lived, will not fail now. Death has no power over you.
Psa. 49:15 says, But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah. Grave has power but redemption through Jesus Christ has placed you above the power of the grave. This is why you shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord (Psa 118:17). A man noticed that he was deteriorating physically and he couldn't understand why. He met me and asked for prayers, I prayed over a bottle of oil and told him to go use the oil. He asked me how he was to use the oil. I said he should use it anyhow. He was later informed by his wife that she had put poison in his food but that the power in his anointing oil saved him, else he would have been dead. If a man's wife wants him dead, I submit to you that nothing but the power of God can save him. There is a power that is greater than the power of the grave and that power is working for you and in you.
Many people would come to me that they had a dream where I died, so I should not travel, should not do this or that. I delightfully continue serving my God because no death can touch me till I fulfil my assignment of destiny. There was even a time I went for a burial and afterwards I started seeing myself in the grave. When such happens, that is not the time to panic. I took a fast and used my mouth to shut up the power of the grave over my destiny. Learn to use your mouth to declare that you shall not die. You have no business with death until you have finished all your assignment in ripe old age and the Lord takes you home to be with Him. You have been redeemed from the power of the grave.

* Declare to yourself: I shall live and not die anyhow, in Jesus’ name.
* Command every grave to vomit your destiny that has been swallowed, in Jesus’ name.

Father, let Your name and blood answer for me now, everywhere the enemies are gathered about my destiny, Answer Lord, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Honouring God's Prophets

Wednesday 15 June
READ: 2Chron. 20: 20
MORE LESSON: Gal 4: 13 - 15

when Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, was to fight the battle against many nations that joined forces against him, the word of the Lord came to him, ...believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established: believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper: 2 Chron. 20:20. In order to see what the Lord has promised concerning your life come to pass, it is important for you to believe in God, His Word and the vessel that He used to give you the Word. Some people have no problem when you tell them to believe the Lord; it is when you tell them that they have to believe and receive the prophet that God has set over them that they start giving excuses. So many Christians do not want to honour the prophets that God has placed over them; they claim that they honour God only and not men. There is no way you can honour God without giving adequate honour to the vessels He uses. You must not worship any man, and you must not give God’s glory to any man. But the Bible also makes it clear that your prosperity is linked to how much you believe and honour the servant of God over your life.
The Bible says to believe God’s prophet; that means to accept what he has said as the word of God and not the word of man. When you esteem the word of God’s servant lightly as mere opinion of man, you will never be blessed of God through him. The problem with many is that they are too familiar with the pastor; they knew him from home; they were even his senior in secondary school. So they don't want to kneel down for prayers or pay tithes to him. This is the reason their sickness, affliction and problems have persisted. If you want a change in your life, you have to believe in the Lord so that you will be established, but in addition to that you need to believe His prophet, so that you can prosper.
You can only be blessed by the grace that you honour. I have seen people enter into the miraculous cheaply by just believing and honouring the words of the pastor, such that the pastor who declared the word himself was surprised at the degree of manifestation that came out of what he said. They believed the pastor more than the pastor believed in himself and the God of the pastor did wonders in their lives, Anyone who receives you receives me, and anyone who receives me receives the Father who sent me. If you receive a prophet as one who speaks for God, you will be given the same reward as a prophet. And if you receive righteous people because of their righteousness, you will be given a reward like theirs. And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded: Matt. 10:40-42 (NLT).
* Lord, I believe You, establish me, I believe your prophet, so prosper me.
* Ask the Lord to confirm the words of His servant over your life.

Oh Lord arise in Your mercy and remove every embargo placed on my destiny by the Goliath of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Tuesday 14 June
READ: Heb. 4:1-11
MORE LESSON: Heb. 3:15-19

The children of Israel had been wondering around battered and beaten in the wilderness for years. They left Egypt and were headed to the promised land of Canaan. Many died on the way because they disbelieved, complained and refused to walk by God's principles. Eventually, the little children grew up and were led into the place of rest by Joshua. Our text today shows that beyond the rest that Joshua led the children of Israel into, there is an additional rest that God has prepared for His children.
There is a rest from struggles, labour, troubles, financial crisis, family problems and matrimonial troubles. However, for you to enter into this rest, you must believe in the ability of God. Faith is the key that opens the door to your place of rest, the problem is that many 'believers' don't believe, they are doubters and rationalisers. For example, God says that there is a place of financial rest but He wants you to be a giver to enter in; He wants you to give your tithe, offering and other kingdom seeds.
One person believes and gives till he enters financial rest while another starts asking questions how he will fare if he removes from his salary that is not even enough; he also wants to know what the church does with all the tithes that people have been giving. So he continues in financial toil. There is a rest ordained for you in every area of your life, you need to search the Word, discover God's prescription for rest in that area of life, believe it and obey it.
The Bible says that for you to have matrimonial rest as a husband, you have to love your wife unconditionally. It says that the key that opens the door of rest for the wife in her home is submission. But if you continue to run your home based on what your committee of friends, village/clan meeting or women rights organisations tell you; you will realise that your home will continue to be a boiling pot.The key to rest is the Word of God. Abandon your head knowledge, mathematical calculations and logical reasoning when you realise they contradict scriptures. God's Word doesn't have to be rational, it just has to come to pass. Believe God and enter into rest.
The ultimate rest is in making it to Heaven; this rest also as every other form of rest is through faith. When you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and you accept Him into your life and dedicate your life to living by His Word; you are assured of entering into His eternal rest. Do not harden your heart as some did in the wilderness and could not enter into rest, even though it had been prepared for them, Speak tenderly to Jerusalem. Tell her that her sad days are gone and her sins are pardoned: Isa. 40:2(NLT).

* Father, let me enter into the rest prepared for me in every area of life.
* I receive grace to follow God’s prescription for my rest.
* Lord, I receive a season without war, in Jesus’ name.

Father, as king David enjoyed uncommon mercy with You, let it be so with me and my family this year, in the name of Jesus.