Friday 17 June
READ: Num 25: 1- 13
MORE LESSON: Psa 69: 9
God can take you to a place where He will swear on oath to ensure that you live in peace. It is a place where God decides that no crisis will ever prevail over you. You can move the heart of God to the point that He is determined that whatever comes your way, you will prevail. Crises and plagues may reign in the land where you dwell and people run helter-skelter but God will give you peace, ease, and comfort. God can make a covenant for enduring peace with you.
This happened to Phinehas in the Bible during the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. God vowed to give him a covenant of peace (Num 25: 12). The Israelites had got to a place called Moab and the men of Israel began to commit whoredom with the women of Moab, they were engaged in sexual immorality and God was angry with them. God vented His anger at the immorality of the Israelites and the elders of the land were mourning. Then in the midst of that situation, an Israelite took a Midianite woman into his tent to commit fornication with her. It was at this point that Phinehas got touched by that which touched God and took action. He took a javelin and pursued the two culprits-the Israelite man and the Midianite woman-and pierced them through.
One would wonder what the justification was for what Phinehas did, but it was obvious that he did the right thing as God commended him. This shows that it is scriptural to be touched by what touches God. Even though in the New Testament, no man is permitted to kill another because of his passion to avenge God, it was allowed in the Old Testament. That is why Phinehas was commended by God for what he did. Just as the Scripture says, the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me. Psa. 69:9.
The bottom line was that God entered a covenant of peace with Phinehas because he was moved by what moved God. When God’s wishes become your command, His business your passion, His kingdom your priority and His burden yours, He will covenant Himself to your well-being. God will covenant that no crisis will prevail over you and even if a whole nation of people is being destroyed, H e will see to your safety. This is what He did for Phinehas and He is willing to do the same and even more for you. However, you must also be passionate and zealous for God's business and be willing to stand for God in the midst of this wayward generation. You are covenanted for peace as you stand for God from today.
* Receive grace and passion to be touched and concerned for whatever touches and concerns God.
* Ask that the zeal of God’s house will consume you.
* Ask God to grant you and your lineage an eternal covenant of peace.
Father, thank You for adding another year to Bishop David Bakare today, grant that he, his family and ministry will continue to live in Your mercy, favour and grace until he sees You face to face, in the name of Jesus.
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