Friday, June 10, 2016

Ashamed in Death

Friday 10 June
READ: Phil 1: 20 - 21
MORE LESSON: 2 Pet. 3:10-14

The way you see some people invest all their resources on this mortal body, you would think that it is all there is to life. There are people who spend so much on beautification, and wear expensive ornaments and extravagant clothes just for their bodies to look good but count it a burden to give a little to God or spend to buy for their personal spiritual growth. Let me remind you today that this mortal body is not designed to live forever. It will be given to dust and rot; it is your spirit that will remain to reap the consequence or benefit of whatever you do in this body. In the Old Testament, people lived for hundreds of years but today life expectancy is reducing more and more. If there is a time that men should be conscious of eternity and giving priority to their spirit, it is now.
Apostle Paul prayed a prayer in Phil 1:20 that all men should pray, According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. He prayed that he will never be ashamed whether in life or in death and that Christ will be glorified in him whether in life or in death. This implies that some people will be ashamed in death. It cannot be over-emphasised that death is not the end, it is only the door that opens a man into eternity. A man thinks that death is the end and he commits suicide because he feels that life is unbearable but then he opens his eyes on the other side and he realises that he is not ready for eternity, that is being ashamed in death. Another man says there is no Heaven and no hell, in fact he concocts so many scriptures to support his claims, but then in death he opens his eyes on the other side and finds himself in hell, realising that all he spent his life believing were lies. What a shame! A man says Jesus is not the Son of God and He is not the only way but then he dies and realises that the same Jesus He refused is the Judge he will face. He will be so ashamed that he cannot look at the light of His countenance but will have to abide in outer darkness. I pray you will not be ashamed in death.
This is why preaching the gospel to all men is a crucial mandate on all of God's children. You have to warn people so that they will not face eternal disgrace when they die. God has created a way of escape, Jesus said, ...I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father except through me: Jn.14:6. It is only through Him that a man will not be ashamed in death.
Everyone who has this understanding will escape from the impending danger by inviting Jesus into his life now! All who have already done this owe God the debt of spreading the news! Advertise Jesus.

* Ask God to help you to be conscious of eternity.
* Ask God to renew your love and commitment to Him.
* Promise God that you will never turn your love away from Him but help to tell someone else about Jesus from today.

Father, wherever my goodness is hiding, I command it to locate me today, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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