Monday, June 20, 2016

The Beginning of Foolishness

Monday 20 June
READ: Luke 12: 16 – 21
MORE LESSON: Psa. 53: 1

The Bible tells the story of a rich man who worked hard and prospered. Then he decided that it was time for him to enjoy life all by himself. He said to himself that he had all he needed to live his own life but he forgot to consider the most important factor: he forgot God. He didn't consider that it is God who had his life in His hands and could determine his future, so he started planning the future without God. When he felt that he had arrived and he could live his life big and enjoy all the wealth he had gathered, God looked at him and said, You fool, no problem you can enjoy your wealth as long as you believe it is your own but give me the one that is my own; which is your life. Even God called him a fool. Why was he addressed a fool? It is not the fact that he was rich that made him a fool. His foolishness is in the fact that he accumulated everything but forgot God. He calculated all he had and wanted to do but he had no thought for God. It is foolishness for a man to try to do without God, as the Scripture says, The fool hath in his heart, there is no God . . .: Psa 53: 1. Each time a man or a people want to do anything without God, they walk in foolishness. Any nation that is trying to remove God from its system is walking the path of foolishness.
Let's see where the rich man's foolishness led him into. God said, Okay, since you have everything now and you feel you do not need me. Then you can keep all that is yours. However, give me that which is mine; which is, your life. He had his life taken away and he perished. It was after God took his life from him that he realised that everything without life is a waste. Since God is the giver of life; everything without God is a waste.
Prov. 1: 7 says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction. If the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, then living without God is the beginning of foolishness. I want to tell you that it is expedient for a man to live his life for God. It is the best thing to do, whether you are rich or poor. Live your life for God and please Him. Do not live for material things but live with eternity in view because one day you will leave everything behind.

* Pray and commit your day, way and all you have to God for direction.
* Ask God not to give you what you cannot give back to Him in thanksgiving.

I command every satanic decree of Haman to be turned to good news this month, in the name of Jesus.


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