Monday, July 4, 2016

Divine Restoration I

Monday 4 July
READ: Isa. 61: 7
MORE LESSON: Joel 2: 23 - 27

God has provided us with several scriptures where He promised to restore to us double and in Isaiah 61:7: He said, … for your shame I will restore to you double…. This is directly to you and for you; for your sake and in whatever area of your life you have suffered pain-your family, career- He said for your shame He will give to you double. You will go out today and discover that the shame you have suffered for so long is no longer there.

I perceive God wants to do a quick work in your life today. God is concerned about your shame because He has not called you to shame but to glory; not for disgrace but grace. Therefore, from today on wherever you have been disgraced, you shall be celebrated and wherever you have been rejected, you shall be embraced. Joel 2:25-26 says, And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten.... And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. The Word of the Lord today is a deliberate attack on every area of shame in your life.

God is into the business of restoration because He is aware that our arch enemy, the devil, comes not but to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10: 10), but God through Christ has come to restore all that the enemy has stolen and will ever steal from God's children. So, child of God, it is not over yet. You may have lost some battles, a job, a life partner, an admission and whatsoever name it might be called, but the God of restoration is saying today that He will restore. He restored all that Job lost and gave him double, restored Lazarus to Mary and Martha, He restored the son of the widow of Nain, He restored the eyes of blind Bartemaues, He restored the glory that man lost in the Garden of Eden when Jesus died, rose, ascended to Heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God. I dare to say to you therefore that there is nothing you have lost that will not be restored to you. Receive divine restoration today, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, restore to me anything that I have lost, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive a divine restoration of everything concerning my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* I command a stop to the activities of palmerworms and catterpillars in my life, in Jesus’ name.

My Lord and my God, let Your works and plans in my life be perfected in this month of July, let none fail, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Breaking Barriers II

Sunday 3 July
READ: Exo. 14: 15 – 16
MORE LESSON: : Zech. 4: 7

The word of the Lord had come to the children of Israel while in Egypt that it was time for them to move forward from slavery to the land of freedom. They were rescued from oppression by the mighty hand of God on the Passover night and they were moving excitedly out of Egypt, thinking that they were in for a fast and easy ride to Canaan. However, the first thing that confronted them the very next morning after their deliverance was the Red Sea. They got to the Red Sea and faced a mighty barrier to their progress. It was there they started crying and wailing because the Red Sea stood as a barrier before them while the host of Pharaoh approached as a destroyer from behind. They had the option to go back to Pharaoh, beg him to forgive them for leaving him and resubmit to his bondage or to progress despite this barrier of the sea. However the Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward: Exo. 14:15 (NKJV).

The only way God knows is forward. Retrogression and backward movement is not in the nature of God. Increase, advancement and progress are the language He speaks. Barrier or no barrier, God says to Israel 'Move forward!' The implication of this is that they were to break right through the barrier and make progress. In the midst of impossible situations; the noise of the host of Egypt and the roars of the Red Sea, the Lord says just use the Rod to part the barrier and take a step by moving on even into the sea. The Rod is the Word of God in your mouth; speak the Word with your mouth. Then move with your legs even in the face of the sea. Moving demands taking steps into the sea; the water parted only after they moved, after they took steps of faith. Do not stay in one place crying that there are barriers; take steps despite the barriers.

You might have decided to make progress and barriers make it look as if you cannot move on anymore. Child of God, moving backward is not an option: break through the barrier and move forward. The good news is that the same God who says to move ahead despite barriers has in mind what to do to the barriers, Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided: Exo. 14:21 (NKJV). The Lord caused the sea to part! That means the Lord caused the barrier to break. The presence of God destroys barriers and makes a way for you to move forward. All you have to do is use the Rod and take the move.

* I declare that every red sea hindering my progress part way for me to cross, in Jesus’ name.
* I command that as I cross the red sea, my pursuers shall be swallowed up by the sea, in Jesus’ name.
* I break every barrier of my destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Father, if Your labour at creation did not extend to the sixth month, my rest must come this very month, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Breaking Barriers I

Saturday 2 July
READ: Psa. 66: 1 - 8
MORE LESSON : Isa. 40: 4-5

A barrier is anything that reduces, inhibits or altogether stops your advancement. Enemies delight in placing barriers on the way of God's children to prevent them from making progress. There are signs that show that a man's path has been barricaded in life. When a man experiences consistent delay or remains stagnant for a protracted period of time, it shows there is a barrier. You must deal with every barrier and obstacle so that you can move with the speed of the Spirit, which is faster than the speed of light.

The first step in dealing with barriers in destiny is to make a decision and develop the determination to breakthrough all barriers. Everything in life starts with a decision; make a decision that come what may, you are moving forward. The power of human will, backed by the power of the Holy Spirit, will overcome any obstacle. When you are determined and refuse to give in, obstacles will give way, and you will cross. Determination is perseverance till opposition gives up. When you refuse to give up, the enemy will give up.

Lasting determination is made possible by having a possibility mentality. You must have a mindset that believes that there is always a way out. Some people are fond of saying, 'it can't work; it is not possible.'' Such a person has already built a barrier in his own mind. Jesus says, ...Everything is possible for him who believes: Mark 9: 23 (NIV). Don't quit because you tried and it didn't work. It is still possible.

However, endless possibility is only in connection to God, the source of power. Motivation talk seeks to teach possibility by human will power but if you want to base it on human power alone, there are many things that will never become reality to you, But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible: Matt 19:26. The truth is that there are some barriers that will never bow until they see the demonstration of power. They are like Pharaoh that would not let the children of Israel go until he saw the hand of God. It is the power of God that delivered Israel from Egypt. When the Red Sea stood as a barrier, it was the same demonstration of God's power that dealt with that obstacle, say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee: Psa. 66: 3. Barriers will submit, obstacles will surrender at an encounter with the power of God. Remain connected to God in prayer, worship, Word and fellowship. Authentic power is from God and today that power breaks every barrier set on the path of your destiny, in Jesus’ name.

* By the greatness of God’s power, let every barrier bow to me, in Jesus’ name.
* I declare that barriers along my pathway of life be cleared-off now, in Jesus’ name.

Father, thank You because Your power that kept me from January to June will keep me from July to December, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Move Forward

Friday 1 July
READ: Exo. 14: 8 - 15
MORE LESSON: : Exo. 15: 1 - 13

There is always an excitement that accompanies a new possibility. Each time a man sees a new opportunity or a promise, he jumps up in excitement. However, this initial excitement most times wanes as the reality of the tasks to be done dawns. Have you noticed how excited everyone is at the cross-over night from December 31st into the New Year? Everyone celebrates, jumps and shouts that change has come and it is time for all things to take a new turn. However, as the year progresses, many lose the excitement and zeal and settle back to the routine and challenges of the previous life. It takes a life that is determined to hold on to the Word of God irrespective of situations to sustain fervour and faith in the promise of God till the end of the year.

This is similar to the story of the children of Israel. They were freed from the bondage of Egypt and were excited and jumping for joy. However this initial excitement lasted only as long as it took to reach the Red Sea. When they got to the Red Sea, they lost all excitement and started grumbling and complaining. The Red Sea was the deciding factor which would determine whether they would get to the Promised Land or turn back. It takes a strong resolve to be able to face the Red Sea and say, ''The Lord has said that I am going to Canaan, and to Canaan I must go.'' This is what separates men from boys in achieving what the Lord has in store for them. So when the Israelites saw the Red Sea and wanted to turn back, the Lord said to them, Wherefore crieth thou unto me, speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward: Exo. 14:15. Beloved, be informed that the Red Sea is not to terminate your progress, it is to give you a testimony. When challenges come, don't lose heart and retire to fate, rather sustain your confidence in the Lord and keep moving forward.

It is important to know that there is nowhere God ever promised that you will sail through life smoothly without any challenge. Challenges will always come whether you like it or not. When challenges come, crying is not the answer, the answer is to move forward. Victorious people are those that will look the Red Sea in the face and say, 'You can't stop me; I am moving forward.' it is such people, who are ready to press on and push, that get to the Promised Land. Moses pushed by stretching the rod over the sea and holding it there. The force of the rod was not enough to part the sea but the little effort he put into pressing was amplified by the Lord and the miracle resulted. The Word of the Lord to you like He said to Moses, is, 'Stop crying and start pressing on' ...I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus: Phil. 3:13-14.

* I declare today that no matter the challenges and the giants, I am moving forward, in Jesus’ name.
* By the Spirit of the Lord, I break every wall and every ancient door hindering my moving forward, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive grace and renewal of strength day by day to advance in destiny.

Father, the owner of days and seasons, thank You for the gift of the seventh month, in the mighty name of Jesus.