Sunday, July 3, 2016

Breaking Barriers II

Sunday 3 July
READ: Exo. 14: 15 – 16
MORE LESSON: : Zech. 4: 7

The word of the Lord had come to the children of Israel while in Egypt that it was time for them to move forward from slavery to the land of freedom. They were rescued from oppression by the mighty hand of God on the Passover night and they were moving excitedly out of Egypt, thinking that they were in for a fast and easy ride to Canaan. However, the first thing that confronted them the very next morning after their deliverance was the Red Sea. They got to the Red Sea and faced a mighty barrier to their progress. It was there they started crying and wailing because the Red Sea stood as a barrier before them while the host of Pharaoh approached as a destroyer from behind. They had the option to go back to Pharaoh, beg him to forgive them for leaving him and resubmit to his bondage or to progress despite this barrier of the sea. However the Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward: Exo. 14:15 (NKJV).

The only way God knows is forward. Retrogression and backward movement is not in the nature of God. Increase, advancement and progress are the language He speaks. Barrier or no barrier, God says to Israel 'Move forward!' The implication of this is that they were to break right through the barrier and make progress. In the midst of impossible situations; the noise of the host of Egypt and the roars of the Red Sea, the Lord says just use the Rod to part the barrier and take a step by moving on even into the sea. The Rod is the Word of God in your mouth; speak the Word with your mouth. Then move with your legs even in the face of the sea. Moving demands taking steps into the sea; the water parted only after they moved, after they took steps of faith. Do not stay in one place crying that there are barriers; take steps despite the barriers.

You might have decided to make progress and barriers make it look as if you cannot move on anymore. Child of God, moving backward is not an option: break through the barrier and move forward. The good news is that the same God who says to move ahead despite barriers has in mind what to do to the barriers, Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided: Exo. 14:21 (NKJV). The Lord caused the sea to part! That means the Lord caused the barrier to break. The presence of God destroys barriers and makes a way for you to move forward. All you have to do is use the Rod and take the move.

* I declare that every red sea hindering my progress part way for me to cross, in Jesus’ name.
* I command that as I cross the red sea, my pursuers shall be swallowed up by the sea, in Jesus’ name.
* I break every barrier of my destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Father, if Your labour at creation did not extend to the sixth month, my rest must come this very month, in the name of Jesus.


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