Monday, July 25, 2016

Prepare to meet your God I

Monday 25 July
READ: Amos 4:12
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40:3

Therefore thus will I do unto Israel, and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet the Lord. The way people live today, one would wonder whether they are conscious that a day is coming when all things on the face of the earth will be over. People live for money, self and material pursuit. The desires of many men these days are more towards things of the earth than heavenly things. These are truly the last days as people have lost natural affection and perversity is idolised. Many kill for position and fame. Riotous living among youths is on the increase and even adults are partakers of atrocities. When you go to our schools and institutions, you will see how young boys and girls live in unrighteousness as if it is the order of the day. All manner of reckless dressing, some with the consent of parents, occult and fetish things have taken over everywhere, including the Church.

It is at such a time as this that everyone has to pay attention to preparing to meet the Lord. The increase of unrighteousness shows that the coming of the Lord is here. So instead of waking up in the morning and pursuing money till evening to come back home, eat, sleep, and leave again the next day to continue the vicious cycle, men should prepare for the coming of the Lord. There is more to life than food, drink and material things.

Israel was once like that in the text of today. They forgot about God and everybody was just doing what they liked and running their lives as if they had no God. God sent His servant Amos to go and speak to them to either return to Him or He would visit them with His anger. And He said, if you will avoid my anger, prepare to meet your God. This is the message for this time and season. Both the young and the old, parents and children need to return to God. We need to examine our lives, and begin to remember that after this place, there is another place we are going and if we don't prepare for it now, it will meet us unawares. Death can come at any time and it will be very disastrous to leave this face of the earth without having any contact with God. Do not be deceived by the fast pace of the world today that keeps men busy as if there is nothing else apart from daily survival and acquisition. Take a pause to reflect, break out of the rat race and prepare to meet your Lord.

* Father, I receive grace to live each day ready to meet the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask the Lord to deliver you from every distraction of this age.

I step into this week in the power of the Holy Ghost, nothing shall fail, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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