Friday 8 July
READ: Isa. 40: 29 – 31
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam. 11: 1 - 5
Men at times get to the point of tiredness and they grow faint. When a believer, who used to be on fire in the place of prayer, begins to find reasons to postpone prayers and avoid prayer meetings, he is fainting. The signs that show that a man is tired and fainting include that he starts to complain about the things that he was zealous about. When giving offering/tithe, evangelism, fellowship and personal devotion become wearisome to a man, such a man is becoming worn out in his spiritual experience. He needs to pay attention quickly and receive renewal or else grave consequences loom in the corner.
The point of fainting is a vulnerable point; it is a dangerous position. A man who has grown faint can fall at any time. A faint man will accept any offer given to him because he has lost his strength to insist on what is right. In the face of tiredness, a man will take any solution offered to him, godly or ungodly. A little adversity, temptation or pressure can topple a fainting man over and then everyone stands amazed at the fact that he demonstrated such weakness. However, it is not the actual incident that toppled the man; it is the fact that he has been weak inside and carried the weakness around without receiving strength and renewal.
This is the reason Prov. 24: 10 says, If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. When a man falls or caves in at the time of challenge, it is most probably that he has gradually been fainting and he didn't pay due attention for renewal. It is spiritual wisdom not to wait till a time of fall before you cry for renewal and strength, but to come to God as soon as you sense any trace of fainting or weakness show up in you. Do not wait till it becomes obvious to everyone or till it shows in a major defeat.
David the great warrior king of Israel was already getting weak and when it was time to battle, he stayed at home claiming that he wanted to relax. He should have noticed the fainting and corrected it by receiving strength from God to rise to the battle. But he didn't till he stayed at home and he fell to the temptation of sleeping with another man's wife.
Today, the Lord promises power to the faint. A time comes when even the people expected to be strong will become faint. The only secret that guarantees your continual strength is constant renewal by receiving strength from the Lord, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint: Isa 40:31.
* Father, renew my strength for every area of my weakness.
* Lord, send a fresh fire upon my altar, a refreshing upon my soul and a quickening and awakening for my spirit.
Father, into Your able hands I commend my destiny today, Let it not be ill with me, make me hear joy and gladness, in the name of Jesus.
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