Saturday 30 July
READ: Thess. 4: 16-17
MORE LESSON: Rev. 22: 14-17
Jesus died, resurrected, ascended and He is seated with God the Father in Heaven. This is the glorious story of redemption, but this is not all there is to it; He is coming back again. The glorious story of redemption is not complete until we talk about the return of the Lord. There is a song which says, 'He's coming back again, My Lord's coming back again, He went away and promised that He's coming back again. He's coming back again, My Lord's coming back again, Oh glory, Hallelujah, He's coming back again.' For the righteous who have been washed in the blood of Jesus, the coming of the Lord will be a joyful occasion. It is like the bridegroom arriving at the wedding for his bride. The coming of the Lord is not an occasion to be looked forward to in fear; it is to be anticipated in joy by those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
Living for the Lord and being ready for eternity with Him at His return should be the joyful preoccupation of our lives; so that when the trumpet of the Lord will sound, we will be taken up to meet Him in heaven. The Lord is coming back for His saints that are living for Him, We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord: 1 Thess 4:17. Those who are dead also are exempt from anticipating the coming of the Lord. The Scripture says, ...the dead in Christ shall rise first: 1 Thess 4: 16. This means that those who died after accepting Jesus as their Lord will be part of the joy of the glorious appearing of the Lord. Death is no hindrance for a man who has accepted Jesus Christ, such a man is only as if he sleeps. The trumpet sounding that day will wake him up and He will join the Saviour in the sky.
On the other hand, the man who is alive but has not given his life to Jesus will be left out. If you are alive, you can be anything else, but if you are not saved, you will not join the Lord when He comes for His own. Money, political power, influence, beauty will not count; God cannot be bribed. The only thing that counts is that you give your life to Jesus. A man that is saved but dead has hope that he will live again. A living unsaved man’s only hope is to accept Jesus before he dies. If a man is unsaved and he dies in that state, all hope is gone. Sinner, why will you die without repentance? Jesus is coming back, please do not let him meet you unprepared. Act now, the count down began over two thousand years ago.
* Today and for the rest of my life, I preoccupy myself for the second coming of Jesus.
* I declare today that for me to live is Christ and to die will be gain at eternity, in Jesus’ name.
* I am Heaven bound, wife, husband, money, job, children or anything cannot be a distraction.
Father, like Abraham, let the angels of performance and blessing visit my house and destiny before the close of today, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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