Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fruits of Repentance

Wednesday 6 July
READ: Luke 3:8-14
MORE LESSON: II Cor. 7:9-10

Repentance is an essential part of the Christian faith. Repentance literally means to turn. It is the commitment to personal change and the resolve to live a more responsible life. It results in confession and changing of our minds about Jesus Christ, about God and about self. You must accept Jesus as the only Saviour and not just as one of the prophets. You must know that it is impossible to please God outside of Jesus Christ. Admit that it is through Jesus that you can access God who is always ready to forgive any type of sin and that you can live a sinless life in this world.

Genuine repentance ought to produce the kind of character change that results in a qualitative difference in the way we live. Biblical repentance will show itself in the believers’ life by its fruits as we can see below:
1. Repentance must result in a real hatred for sin and not just for its consequences. It is manifest in hatred for all sins and particularly of the root itself which is self will.
2. It must result in godly sorrow for sin (Prov. 28:13, Psa. 32:3-4, I Jn. 1:9). We must know what sorrow consists of, when we sin, who is the sin against.
3. Repentance results in an actual turning from sin (Acts 3:19, II Tim. 2:22).

Moreover, both inward and outward sin must pass away for you to be called a true Christian. Repentance involves more than mere “sorrow” for the wrong act. It entails a resolve to stop the wrong conduct, replacing it with godly living. and making things right personally with the victims (Exo. 22:1, Luke 19:8b).
Proof or fruit of repentance is required in genuine repentance in order to discourage mere profession and outward show. It is actually a desire for righteousness and holiness; the desire to put into practice what the Scripture says and deep desire to please God in everything (Eph. 4:24, Titus 3:8, Heb. 12:14).

Fruits of repentance must show supremacy over the following:
1. body of sin
2. power of satan
3. lust of the flesh
4. world
5. vile affections
6. lust of the eyes
Manifesting the following fruits of the Spirit as listed in Gal. 5:22-23 (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness etc) is a proof of repentance. Beloved, to what degree are you experiencing each of these fruits of repentance? He who truly repents, truly believes.

* Loudly say, Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins today; forgive me for doing so much wrong, and make me Your own today, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord Jesus, give me grace never to sin again and write my name in the Lamb’s book of life now.
* Father, thank You for accepting me as Your child forever.

Father, in this second half of the year, redeem my times and seasons from the hands of the wicked.


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