Saturday 3 September
READ: Lk. 16:22
MORE LESSON: Eccl. 8: 8
Looking at Luke 16:19 it tells a story about two men; one rich and the other poor. There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores …. The point of emphasis today is verse 22 which says, And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried: Luke 16:22. The rich man died and the poor man died. This shows that all men will die one day. The employees will die and the employer will die, the preacher and the congregation will die, the one who loves God and the one who does not love God will die. There is nothing any man can do about this fact. You better stop complaining about the things you don't have in life and start preparing for what is inevitable.
Do you know that there is no difference in death; death is death. People die in different ways but death is death. Whether through sickness, accident, old age or any other means; once a man is dead, he is dead. There is no rich dead man, there is no intelligent corpse; once a man is dead, he is dead. Preachers have made declarations over people for years that, 'you shall not die!' and the people replied 'amen'. Eventually, both the person that made the declaration and the people that replied 'amen’ died. The right prayer is that you shall not die untimely death. There is no point being scared or stiff when death is talked about because it will surely come to all, if Jesus tarries. The rich man died and the poor man also died. All are entitled to die one day. However, three points are important about the issue of death.
The first point is that a child of God should not be a victim of untimely death. The covenant of longevity covers every child of God. This means that you can rebuke the forces of untimely death over yourself and your loved ones.
The second point is that, you have to live your life to make impact and maximise destiny so that you would have fulfilled destiny before death comes. Don't waste your time and life and allow death, when it comes, to cheat you with unfulfilled destiny. Do all you can do for God and for humanity so that you will die empty; having delivered all that you brought to the world to deliver.
Finally, live with eternity in view so that after your death, which will eventually happen if Jesus tarries, you will spend eternity with the Lord. To live with eternity in view is to be conscious of Heaven in everything we do.Heaven should be the determining factor in all our actions and decisions, nothing more, nothing less.
* Receive grace to be conscious of Heaven in everything you do, in Jesus’ name.
* Believe God for the salvation of every one that matters to you.
Promise God that you will tell someone about His coming back.
I call my name (call it) and destiny and I announce to you, September shall not be hard for you, in the name of Jesus.