Monday 24 October
READ: Dan. 6: 12 -28
MORE LESSON: Eccl. 8: 4
Eccl. 8: 3 – 4 says ...for the king can do whatever he wants. His command is backed by great power. No one can resist or question it. A king is sovereign; his words don't fall to the ground. A king is practically worshipped, and when he declares a thing, it happens. The word “Kabiesi” is one of the appellations for the king in the Western part of Nigeria, which simply means the one who no man can question. When a king talks or acts, he is unquestionable. His action doesn't have to be right or wrong before it stands permanently.
Right or wrong, it stands because the king has spoken. In those days, great power was attributed to the office of a king. In those days, a king could simply see a lady that was pleasing to his eyes and command that she should be taken into his palace as his wife. He didn't care whose wife or daughter she was. He would simply put his feet to the ground and declare that she was his from that time onward and there was nothing any man could do about it. Such an act would be a criminal act in contemporary times but when kings were kings, it was in the right of the king to have whatever he said performed without any question.
Daniel was in the kingdom of the Persian and Medes and the king was misled into giving an instruction that affected Daniel negatively. The king didn't mean Daniel any harm but his enemies plotted against him and made the king to sign a decree that would trap Daniel. They requested that the king should sign a law that no one should pray to any other God except the king for thirty days and anybody that did would be thrown into the lions’ den. The Bible says as soon as Daniel knew that the king had signed the decree, he opened the door and windows of his house, faced Jerusalem and began to call on the name of the Lord. Daniel didn't obey the king's command when it was contrary to the command of God – the Eternal King. The enemies took Daniel to the king and demanded that he should be punished according to the decree of the king. It is astonishing that even the king couldn't go against his decree. The king's word was so powerful and binding on everyone, including himself.
When we say that Jesus is the King of Heaven and earth, the full import of it should be striking. Isaiah 9:6 says, ...the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Jesus is King. All power and authority of the king is in Jesus. His words are full of power.
* Jesus the King, let Your Word which You have spoken stand in my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* Jesus, let the authority of a king back up my words from today in Jesus’ name.
Father, Your Word says my place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks, that my bread shall be given me and my water shall not be scarce (Isa. 3:16), this I receive today, in Jesus' name.