Friday 10 March
READ: Matt. 7: 24-27
MORE LESSONS: : Mark 1: 2-8
Anybody can build a house, but houses are in grades and categories. When you look at some houses, you can tell how long they will last. There is a mud house I know of that has been standing for over ninety years. There is another structure in Zaria, Nigeria; the first church built by the Europeans in the entire Northern Nigeria, with mud many years ago and it is still standing. What makes a house last and stand when others are crumbling? The answer is in the foundation. How good the foundation of a house is determines how long it will last.
Though good foundations are very expensive to build, the wise always pays the price to put a solid foundation in place. The unwise person thinks that since the foundation will be hidden, he can do a shabby work of it and continue with the part of the building that is open to all to see. He forgets that no matter what is built on top; if the foundation is faulty, the whole structure will collapse.
The secret of advancement in destiny is the foundation. Whether your life is going to become a bungalow, a storied-building or a skyscraper is determined by the foundation. By foundation we mean the preparations you are putting in place and the silent prices that you are paying for where you are going in destiny. Your Christian foundation includes things as quiet time; studying the Bible and other Christian literature, learning memory verses, fellowship with other believers, fasting and prayer. These are foundations for tomorrow. Giving, paying tithes and offerings and contributing to kingdom projects are financial foundations for your tomorrow.
Everything in destiny needs adequate preparation. Your preparation determines your strength which in turn determines your speed; which then determines your advancement. So in destiny, preparation determines strength; strength determines speed and speed determines advancement. In Mark 1:2-8, the Bible tells us how John the Baptist was sent in preparation for the birth of Jesus. Even God makes preparations before He does things. It is easy to confess and claim wealth; marital, academic or career success but until we see your preparations before we can tell whether your confession is valid.
Everything in life answers to preparation and laying the right foundation. May God give you the grace to start paying the price for building a solid foundation for your destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive grace to mend any crack in my foundation, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit, strengthen my foundation and help me to stand strong, in Jesus’ name.
Father, empower my dreams and desires to become reality and testimonies in 2017, in the name of Jesus.