Wednesday 8 March
READ: Acts 4:23-34
Continuing yesterday’s study about developing good company, we note today the positive results of company. First, note that the disciples went to was a praying company, … And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord… Acts 4:24. This is indeed a great company that knew how to sharpen, strengthen and encourage one another in difficult times. It reveals to us what to look for in a relationship or friendship. Don’t company with weaklings who will rather aggravate your challenges than remove them.
My counsel is threefold:
1. Relate with all people but choose your friends
2. Relate with people who can caution you and enrich your wisdom and knowledge.
3. Don’t give your life to people you cannot trust or listen too.
Friends are to give advice; if you have one whose advice you cannot take, then drop him. Verse 23 says, …they went to their own company, and REPORTED all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. This was a company that had something to do in times of difficulty (v24), one that knew and could use God’s Word (vs 25-28) and it was a company that could lift up their voice and pray (vs 24-31).
Now note the results of their prayer:
1. The place shook by the reason of God’s presence (v31). Do you have a company that brings God’s presence down in time of trouble?
2. The place was filled with the Holy Ghost.
3. As a result of the presence of the Holy Ghost, courage came upon the disciples and they began to speak with boldness (vs 29, 31).
4. Then the spirit of unity came upon them … were of one heart and of one soul … v32.
5. They also began to express power (v33).
6. And finally lack disappeared from among them (v34). How much of such result can the company you keep offer you? I pray God will lead you today to a friend indeed.
* Lord, surround me with people ordained for the advancement of my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that God will lead you to a friend indeed, in Jesus’ name.
Father, by Your mercy make 2017 as a season of testimonies in my home, destiny and at work, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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