Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Good of the Land

Sunday 5 March
READ: Isa. 1: 19
MORE LESSON: Gen 41: 54 - 57

Isa. 1: 19 says, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. This means that there is good in every land. There is no land in which good doesn't exist. The extent of goodness or prosperity may differ from land to land. There is, however, no land where there is no good. Don't ever believe the lie of the devil that tells you the land where you are is dry. There is no land where there are no rich people and poor people. There are successful and unsuccessful people in every land.
Egypt has been associated with many terrible things in history. The plagues happened in Egypt, the death of all the firstborn and many other negative events have made Egypt go into history as a spiritual example that is unpleasant to people. So I pray that you will not go to Egypt; to those in Egypt, you will leave Egypt. However, it was in this same Egypt that Joseph fulfilled his destiny and became great and prosperous. Evil existed in Egypt but Joseph had the good of the land. There was the good of the land even in Egypt. In fact, there was a time when there was no food everywhere except in the land of Egypt. When famine plagued the entire world, Egypt had food and Joseph had the sole control over all the storehouses of Egypt. Joseph would have missed this great good if he had run from Egypt because he was carried there as a slave or complained about the hostility he faced, being a stranger.
No matter what anybody has said concerning where you are, I want you to know that there is good where you dwell. God wants to open the veil to you and reveal where the good of the land is located. Your prayer is that God should locate the good of the land where you dwell and make you partake of it in the name of Jesus. The evil of the land shall not locate you, in the mighty name of Jesus.
One thing is essential in locating a good land, and that is to ask God, the universal Landlord of all creation. Joseph, Jacob and Israel prospered in Egypt because God led them there. Isaac was even specifically instructed concerning Gerar, a Philistine territory where he was a stranger, … Do not go down to Egypt, but do as I tell you. Live here as a foreigner in this land, and I will be with you and bless you…: Gen 26:2-3 (NLT). The key here is as I tell you... I tell people, that the safest land is where God sends you. A good land is that land/place where you are sure God is; He who sent you there. Don't change it because of circumstances or the gossip/suggestion of men. Stay there and prosper until God says otherwise.

* I will not be barren of the good that my land of sojourn carries, in Jesus’ name.
* This land shall be rich towards me, in the name of Jesus.

Every bloodthirsty Herod seeking to kill my glory, die, in the name of Jesus.


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