Thursday 9 March
READ: Zech. 4: 7 (GNB)
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 45:1-2
Do you know what a mountain is? I am sure you know mountains have spiritual connotations. Mountains are issues of life that are high and difficult, far above what men can handle. They are also things that stand as obstacles on the pathway of glory. And looking at it from the physical point of view, mountains are high, huge things, and only very few of them have been conquered by man. Some years ago, we were told that a young American at the age of 13 became the youngest person ever to climb a mountain, and the first thing he did when he got to the top of the mountain was to call his mother. Guess what he said to the mother, he said, “I made it, I conquered this mountain”. I also heard CNN (Cable Network News) saying he conquered, so I started wondering, What does it mean to conquer a mountain for a 13 year old boy?
Did he break it to pieces? Did he bore hole it? Did he fight against it? For me, I have always known that to conquer is to go to war, fight a battle and win. So I asked myself, "What fight did the young man do?" Then it dawned on me that he actually did conquer because the mountain stood like something that nobody could ever climb. So when you do what is unexpected, you have conquered your mountain. Hence, in life and destiny when you deal with your situation with evidence that you have defeated what it stands for, you have conquered. You conquer a mountain when you stand right on top of it, and tell it, “I conquered you”. If the boy said he conquered that mountain because he stood on top of it, conquering a mountain then has to mean standing on top of it, that is, standing on top of what is taller and bigger than you in destiny. Remember Jesus said that the kingdom of God suffers violence, and only men of force can take it.
You must understand, He was not saying that the road to the kingdom is impossible, rather He meant that there will be challenges and difficulties on the path of the kingdom, challenges will come and give us an impression that the kingdom of God is impossible for man but He said, of good cheer; I have overcome...: Jn. 16:33, which means he has become a testifier against an impossibility. It then means that since Jesus has done it ahead of us, a precedence of victory has been created. I want to let you know today that there is no mountain on the face of the earth that has not got a precedence of defeat. Cancer has been defeated by prayer; HIV-AIDS has been healed before. I do not know a sickness on earth that has defied the name of Jesus. It could defy medical science, but it cannot defy the God that made the heavens and the earth. I have not seen a problem that is bigger than God. None! Indeed obstacles as great as mountains will disappear before you today, in Jesus’ name.
* I handover my great challenges to the greatest God, in Jesus’ name.
* Head or tail, I will win, in Jesus’ name.
# Stop telling God how big your problem is, start telling your problems how big your God is.
I connect with God's grace, like Apostle Paul, to catch up with and overtake all who have gone ahead of me, in the name of Jesus.
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