Saturday 4 March
READ: Isa 38: 1 - 5
MORE LESSON: Psa. 20: 1 - 9
Prophet Isaiah came to King Hezekiah to tell him that the Lord had decided that he shall die. Now, to get the scenario in proper perspective, one has to remember that Isaiah is a very major prophet in the Bible. He was the national prophet of Israel who wrote great prophesies including that of the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah never missed any prophecy; he was so reputable that it was him that God used to prophesy that a virgin would give birth to the Messiah. This is probably because he had such a reputation that, as incredulous as that particular prophecy was, people could not out-rightly call him a liar. If some other minor prophet had been the one who gave the prophecy, probably, no one would have taken him serious. Isaiah was a prophet of high caliber; when such a prophet tells you that you will die, then you just need to start writing your will.
But King Hezekiah knew one secret in relating to the Almighty. He knew you can bring your cause to God and put Him to remembrance. So He went to the Lord and said, Remember me now oh Lord how I have worked perfectly before you in truth and done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore: Isa 38: 3. Putting God to remembrance of His Word and covenant is so powerful that it can change prophecy. Even if someone had prophesied to you that you will not give birth, take the Word of God to Him and remind Him that He said that none shall be barren (Ex 23: 26).
Hezekiah did it and it worked for him; it will work for you as well. You can bring God's promise before Him in remembrance. You can bring your sacrifices and tithes before the Lord in remembrance. This is why the place of sacrifice is very important: when it is difficult to give and you give, when you don't have the means of transportation and you trek the long distance to church; when you empty your wallet to help a child of God or expand the work of God. All these are acts of sacrifice that you can put God in remembrance of. According to Psa. 20: 3, May the Lord remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice.
However there is something that the Lord will not remember even when you or anyone tries to bring to His remembrance. In Isa. 43: 25 He says, I even I am He who blot out your transgressions for my own sake , I remember your sins no more. Isn't that good news? God will remember His promises and all the good you have done but He has chosen that He will never remember your sins even when any one tries to bring them up before Him. He is worthy of your praise.
* Identify God's promise(s) to you and remind Him of them in prayer.
* Ask the Lord to hasten His promises to performance, in Jesus’ name.
* I refuse to meditate on my pains but on God's Word, in Jesus’ name.
In the month of March, I prophesy against every enemy of my advancement and I destroy their works by fire, in the name of Jesus.
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