Friday, March 24, 2017

Destroy the Spirit of Perversion

Friday 24 March
READ: Rom. 1: 24 – 32
MORE LESSON: Gen. 19: 3 - 7

When men remove God from their lives and conscience, perversity sets in. Satan is in a fierce battle against marriage and the home, this is why there is so much sexual immorality and perversion threatening the family institution in the world today. Each time God wants to do a thing in a generation, he looks for a home to produce a godly seed. It is the seed of the woman from a home that could bruise the head of the devil (Gen 3: 15). One of satan's strategies in this end time is to make sure there are no godly seeds to bruise him. This is why he advocates same sex union.
Men have become reprobate through satanic manipulation because it actually takes a person to lose his/her mind to be a homosexual. The Bible refers to man to man or woman to woman sexual union as unnatural, inconvenient and wicked. For God's sake, how convenient is it for a man to have sex with a man? It is not something to be proud of, it is shameful, wicked and inhuman. The Bible puts it thus, Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn't know how to be human either — women didn't know how to be women, men didn't know how to be men. Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men — all lust, no love….: Rom 1:26-27 (The Message).
I went to a shop in the United States with my friend who is also a bishop. I held his hand as we talked and walked. Then, he started warning me to let go of his hand. I was wondering what was wrong with him as he is my close friend and normally wouldn't mind the way I held his hand. Then he told me that in that society, when people see us holding hands, we would be announcing that we might be a gay couple. Oh my! I quickly moved away from him. That day I was so exhausted and needed his weight to lean on as a support but he warned me that if I leaned on him, it mean't that we were walking romantically together as a gay couple.
What a shame that two brethren in Christ cannot freely make physical contact again and they will be considered as sexual partners. This is because of the perversion that men have embraced from the devil. It is no longer a Western issue because it is creeping into Africa. We must not allow this disease to thrive in our land, we must pray fervently to rebuke and destroy this evil, in Jesus’ name.

* I come against the spirit of perversion in my life and home, in Jesus’ name.
* The power of God will keep me spotless in this perverse generation, in Jesus’ name.

This year, I shall be strategically connected for a significant improvement in life and destiny, my testimony shall not be small, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Your Word is your Victory

Thursday 23 March
READ: Job 22: 28- 29
MORE LESSONS: Mal. 3: 16- 18

Your word is your life. Jesus says that the words that He speaks are Spirit and life. Hence if with the Spirit of Christ in us we say things that others in the world say then we would have the same results as theirs. But as for me, When men are being cast down, yet shall I arise and say.... That was what Job said, that when the casting down is going on, I will stand up, and I will say.... So the power over being cast down is in your tongue. What you say about your situation, how you say it, and what you believe and do at the hour that things appear tough and difficult are vital; they can determine what happens to you in that situation.
You ought to be careful what you say even after you have gone through a difficult time and you are waiting for result. For instance, when I was in school and we finished writing a tough paper, some students would not go home immediately after submitting their exam scripts, they would hang around waiting for others to come out so that they could discuss the paper. Their expectation was for you to tell them that the examination was not good. But if you made a mistake and said it was okay, they would say, Ah, ok? Professor! And then you became an object of ridicule for declaring positive.
But hear this friend, even examinations already written can turn around because of your spoken word. Next time the enemy roars at you, roar back at him; roar God's Word to him, roar your confidence in God and your faith to him. Don't ever go down agreeing with the enemy over your situation, testify what the Word of God says. Keep saying, I have conquered you, I am stronger than you, I am more than a conqueror. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I am more than this challenge, and with God on my side, I will overcome it. I can run through a troop, I will prevail; I can leap over a wall. Keep saying the Word, keep confessing it, even if the matters are not yielding, keep on expressing what God has said about the matter.
Don't listen to your situation, listen to God's Word, listen to the promises of God, listen to what God has said ahead of the situation, for before the start of the problem, God pronounced its end. So keep repeating what God has said in faith and confidence and it shall be to you as you say. Always bear in mind that your words go to God's hearing and He will do according to what He hears you say. Your word is your victory. Speak God's Word always, no matter what.

* I refuse to speak contrary to God's Word, in Jesus’ name.
* As I speak, may it happen with speed, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* My lips are graced, in the name of Jesus.

Father, You are a prayer answering God, You have heard my prayers, I give You praise all day long, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

David's Battle Secret

Wednesday 22 March
READ: 1 Sam 17: 43 – 47
MORE LESSON: Psa. 18: 32 - 50

David was a warrior who always won the battles that he fought. Right from his teenage years when he defeated Goliath, he started facing battles but he always won. One secret of David's continuous victory in war is that he had an understanding that it was the Lord who always fought through him in battle. David would walk into any battle with full consciousness that even though he was the one holding the sword and shield, it was actually the Lord of Host Himself that was doing the fighting. With such a consciousness, it was impossible for anyone to defeat him. It is only the man that could defeat the Lord of Host that would defeat David. David simply believed that whenever he stepped into battle, even though he was the one that was physically seen, Jehovah was the Unseen One that was fighting through him. Such a mindset makes any child of God more dangerous than a nuclear weapon to the enemy.
When David confronted Goliath, we see an example of how spiritually David approached battles. He looked at the giant and said, 'You are holding sword, spear and shield and you see me approaching you with a sling but don't you know that it is the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel that is coming against you? (1 Sam 17: 45 paraphrased). Sure enough the teenage boy brought down the giant and removed his head from his neck. That could only be the Lord; the small David couldn't have done that. How does a teenager kill a giant that has been fighting for decades? How does a stone kill a whole general? When you realise that it is the Lord of Host inside of you that is doing the fighting, you can dare any foe and win every battle that comes your way.
You must learn to fight the battles of life with an understanding that the battle is not yours but the Lord's. This doesn't mean that you will do nothing as many have believed for many years. It only means that whatever little steps of faith that you take, the Lord will take them up and use them to defeat the enemy. He has used stones (1 Sam 17: 49 – 50), sound (2 Kings 7: 6 – 7), wind (Ex 14: 21), water (Ex 14: 27 -28), fire (2 Kings 1: 10) and all manners of things to fight before. So He can use words in your mouth as a weapon to destroy your sworn enemies. All you have to do is declare those words, and just as the Lord took the stones from David's sling, He will take those words from your mouth to destroy every Goliath in your life. The God of David will smite your enemies before you (Psa. 18: 37 – 45). Just put your trust in God and use the weapon of God's Word and promises in any battle, and victory is sure.

* Father, like David and the men of Issacher, make me a man/woman of understanding of times, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive divine revelation of battles that I fight, in Jesus’ name.

Jehovah is my captain, He leads me into battle, therefore, I shall not lose any battle this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

It's not yet Party Time

Tuesday 21 March
READ: 1 Cor. 9:24-27
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:1-4

If someone gets born again today, the devil immediately goes to work to strategise how to ensnare him. However, many times the church celebrates so much that we forget that getting born again is just the beginning of a very long journey to entering Heaven. The Bible likens the race of faith to athletics. Have you ever seen a sports person on the track celebrating before he wins the medal? If you start celebrating before you cross the finish line, someone might just push forward to breast the tape. There is simply no room for celebration till you cross the finish line.
The Christian life is a walk that continues until we meet God and you don't rest until you finish your course. Athletes don't stop or relax on track while running. The track is not a place to throw a party. You can do all the partying when the medal has been handed over to you. The focus and discipline must continue till the finish line. God's expectation is that you finish your race well. You have a responsibility to keep working on, no matter how much you think you have done and also to keep helping other people on the track to run their race to the finish.
This also applies in ministry; a man works for God and probably he has a congregation of one thousand people in a year and then believers start applauding so loud that if he is not careful he gets into pride and dies before his day. Believers celebrate starting like there is no finishing. However, be informed that only the end counts with the Lord, it is he who endures to the end that will be saved (Matt. 24: 13). When you are doing well and people start commending you, don't let that make you relent and everyone you have left behind now overtakes you.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God: Heb 12:1-2. Keep looking at Jesus and keep pressing on till you reach the finish line. At the end of the race, God will throw a big party (marriage supper of the Lamb) for us. However, while you are here on earth, it is not yet party time.

* Lord, help me to run and finish well and strong like Paul, in Jesus’ name.
* I rebuke every obstacle on my way in the race of eternity, in Jesus’ name.

The Lord is my light and salvation, I shall not be afraid of any man, I shall triumph over every evil in the year, in the mighty name of Jesus.