Friday 9 June
READ: Num. 22:22-33
MORE LESSON: Eph. 1:17-18
Walking with closed eyes is very dangerous. Blindfolded eyes can lead a man into destruction. When a man cannot see, he not only walks past opportunities unawares but also walks into danger unadvised. Balaam was a prophet in the Old Testament but when his eyes became closed due to greed, he nearly walked by himself to meet the angel of death. If not for his donkey's eyes that were open, he would have been destroyed. The interesting thing is that Balaam started complaining, kicking and fighting the donkey when it refused to carry him to meet danger. Many times, people with closed eyes have a way of complaining and fighting people with open eyes. When you are told that the love affair you are into with the wrong person should be stopped, you start fighting the person who told you. If your eyes were open you would thank the person for the advice not to walk into a dangerous relationship.
God opened the eyes of the donkey to see danger. It is a serious problem when an animal can see what a man, even a prophet, cannot see. In January 2005, a huge Tsunami hit Indian coastlines and many lives were lost. When the bodies of the victims of the disaster were recovered, they were mostly human, not animals. The National Geographic News reported that wild and domestic animals seemed to sense what was about to happen and fled to safety. On the other hand, men were so busy in the natural that their eyes became closed to the spiritual. Many times we miss our way because we cannot see. Too many activities without time with God makes a man become blind; he simply loses his sensitivity and walks amiss in his daily life. There are many obstacles in life and it takes open eyes to see well and walk in the right direction.
Until your eyes are open, you can never walk to the right place. Until your inner eyes are open, you cannot make success in life. It was out of mercy that God eventually opened Balaam's eyes. When his eyes opened, he realised that his problem was not the donkey, so he stopped beating it. A lot of people are almost killing the donkey with beating' without knowing there is an obstacle in front that is greater than the donkey. If God had not opened the eyes of the prophet, he would have killed his donkey and walked to his death, or if mercy preserved him, he would have to walk all the long way home. Stop fighting the wrong battle, you need to pray for God to open your eyes so that you will walk, work and war accurately in life.
* Lord like Jeremiah, open my eyes to see what You are doing in my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Remove every scale covering my spirit eyes, in Jesus’ name.
Celebration, rejoicing and thanksgiving are my permanent portion this month, in the name of Jesus.