Sunday 10 June
READ: John 3:1-8
MORE LESSON: Ezekiel 18:20-28
I used to have a teacher who walked up to me one day; he knelt down and asked me to pray for him. When I saw his humility, I thought he had finally accepted Christ, so I started praying for him. Then the Holy Ghost asked me to stop so I ended up the prayer. Later God asked me, ‘Who were you praying for? Has he given his life to me?’ I told God I saw his humility and God told me to ask him if he was born again. The next day I did, and he said he had been going to and fro since the beginning of the year. I was dazed! He asked me to continue the prayer but I could not because the condition is that except a man be born again. He could be rich or poor; God is no respecter of persons when it comes to redemption. The soul that sins must die.
Israel committed sin, and God was not happy with them so he sent them to Babylon. When God's children go into error, He is good at correcting them. Wherever God finds His children doing wrong things He calls them to order, gives a warning, time for correction and a change of heart. I can say to you without fear of contradiction that He will not send any man to the lake of fire because he committed sin. God will rather allow men to go to the lake of fire because they rejected His persistent love and call for mercy. You will neither find nor hear a report that men cried in the lake of fire for lack of opportunity to repent; no such thing exists. No man will lack an opportunity to return to the Almighty; God will always give people the time to make amends.
Today could be an opportunity for you to make amends, but men always look forward to another opportunity which may never come. That is the foolishness of men and the deceit of the devil. You find a man who cannot predict what will happen to him in the next second busy procrastinating his decision for eternity. Where is the wisdom? It is one of the greatest evils that Satan can do to you. But men are always procrastinating and yet they have no ability to hold tomorrow in their hands. Right now is the moment. Today is the day to make it right with the Master of the universe; the one who has the power to destroy both body and soul in hell. O that today you will listen to His voice, and harden not your heart. When it comes to sin, God will never lower the standard; the final is, The soul that sinneth, it shall die…: Ezek 18:20. But then, the next verse says, But if the wicked will turn from all his sins … he shall surely live,…: v 21. The promise of God is still waiting for all men who will act before it is too late. Now is the time to turn to God in all humility.
* Pray that you and your household will not miss the time of God’s mercy.
* Pray that the saving grace of God will be revealed to you and your household.
* Ask God to break every hardened heart so that they can submit to the salvation call.
TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: As Samson killed a thousand Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass, I receive might to destroy every enemy of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.