Friday 8 June
READ: Genesis 3:1-19
MORE LESSON: Hebrews 3:12-15
As soon as man sinned, God came into the garden and He called him but there was no response. The way man used to run to welcome God into the garden was not the case anymore. Rather, he hid somewhere; he couldn't face God anymore. He was scared because he knew he had done something God told him not to do. So while still hiding, he answered and God asked why the man was hiding. Adam told God that he was hiding because he was naked. God knew immediately that man had eaten the fruit he asked him not to. When He inquired, the man told God that he was deceived by the woman, and the woman said she was deceived by the serpent. Thereafter, God released His punishment;
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake…: Gen. 3: 17-19.
It was the man that sinned but when God began to announce the punishment upon man, he started with the earth. The pain of the sin that man committed did not start on the man; it started upon the ground. God cursed the ground. Before then, man didn't have to do anything to get food; the ground was naturally blessed. All that he needed in order to survive on the face of the earth was provided. However, after man fell, God pronounced judgement in verse 18, Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field. That meant the fertility of the earth was lost, and productivity of the good things that were supposed to come out of the ground was completely turned around. God said the earth would bring forth thorns and thistles; the earth was cursed for man's sake.
Anytime man stops obeying the voice of the Lord and begins to obey his voice or that of another man, he is creating problem for himself. Everything was working in perfect harmony until man declared his independence by choosing to listen to the voice of another creation. Then the whole of creation began to rebel against him. It is the voice of the Lord leading a man that makes all creation to be subject to him. Anytime you find yourself struggling concerning any situation, check it. It could be that you are no longer following the voice of the Lord but your voice or some other person's.
* Ask God to have mercy on you where you have disobeyed to His voice.
* Ask for grace to always walk in obedience to the voice of the Lord.
* Declare that the voice of Lord shall rule over any other rebellious voice.
TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: He who kept me from January to June will keep me alive and well till the end and beyond, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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